Do now discussion: Should Washington have stepped down

Do now discussion: Should Washington have stepped down
as President after only two terms? What were his possible
Today, explain the 3 ideas behind Washington’s Farewell
Address. Also, I will be able to explain the rise of American
political parties.
Make sure you are caught up on all work.
Your quiz has been postponed until tomorrow 24 Feb. 2015
Sit somewhere and by people that will make you successful.
I reserve the right to move you at any point (no questions)
23 Feb: Review 9.1/9.2: Begin 9.3
24 Feb: Quiz 9.1/9.2: Finish 9.3
25 Feb: Discuss America’s first political parties,
assign small group campaign poster project.
26 Feb: Work on campaign poster
27 Feb: Poster is due by the end of class; assign 9.4
He seeks a policy of neutrality
Jefferson wants a closer relationship with France
(they’re our revolutionary buddies)
Hamilton wants a closer relationship with Great
Britain (they talk like us…)
Neutrality Proclamation was viewed as a political
defeat for Jefferson, he resigns from his position.
(and begins a voodoo doll collection of political
enemies, Hamilton is the first…not really)
We wanted to make money, so the plan was to trade
with both sides, instead Britain began seizing our
ships in the West Indies
Mericans wanted war
Jay’s Treaty, don’t send a judge
discuss political matters
mind to
Britain pays us for damaged ships
and are suppose to give up
forts in the Ohio Valley
 Americans had to pay off Revolutionary debt to British
merchants.(remember that delicious tea?)
 The treaty did nothing to protect our ships
Farewell Address
Why was Washington against political parties
How did Hamilton and Jefferson differ?
He was born in the British West Indies
poster link from daily beast
more posters from complex