coIIege readiness. eCollegeBoard © 2014 The College Board The College Board Readiness & Success System Beyond tests. More opportunities. Easier for students to navigate a path through high school, college and career Focused, clear and useful assessments that reflect what students are already learning in their classrooms Extraordinary, exclusive partnerships that deliver unprecedented benefits to students, educators, and states/districts The Redesigned SAT Suite of Assessments Readiness Baseline Check-in and Focus Connect to College About the Redesigned SAT 8 Key Changes to the SAT 8 Key Changes to the SAT Students will need to: Interpret meaning based on context Master relevant vocabulary Engage in close reading Redesigned SAT Sample Item: Relevant Words in Context (Reading Test) 8 Key Changes to the SAT Students will be asked to: Interpret, synthesize, and use evidence found in a wide range of sources Support the answers they choose Integrate information conveyed through both reading passages and informational graphics 8 Key Changes to the SAT The redesigned essay will: More closely mirror college writing assignments Cultivate close reading, careful analysis, and clear writing Promote the practice of reading a wide variety of arguments and analyzing an author’s work Essay Prompt 1 2 [Sample Passage here] (In this example , passage is adapted from “Why Literature Matters” by Dana Gioia. ©2005 by The New York Times Company. Originally published April 10, 2005.) 3 © 2014 The College Board 8 Key Changes to the SAT Current research shows that three key areas most contribute to readiness for college and career training: Problem Solving and Data Analysis (quantitative literacy) Heart of Algebra (mastery of linear equations) Passport to Advanced Math (familiarity with more complex equations) Time Allotted SO minutes Calculator Portion (38 questions) 55 No-Calculator Portion (20 questions) 25minutes minutes N UMBER PERCENTAGE OF TEST Total Items 58 questions 100% Multiple Choice (MC, 4 options) 45 questions 78% Student-Produced Response (SPR- grid-in) 13 quest ions 22% 19 questions 33% 17 questions 29% 16 questions 28% Contribution of Items to Subscor-es Heart of Algebr-a Analyzing and fluent ly solving equations and systems. of equations Creating expressions, equations, and inequalit es to represent relationships between quantities and to solve problems Rearranging and interpreting formulas Pr-oblem Solving and Data Analysis Creating and analyzing relationships using ratios, proportions, percentages,and units Describing relationships shown graphica lly Summarizing qua.litative and quantitative data Passport to Advanced Math Rewriting expressions using their structure Creating,analyzing, and fluently solving quadratic and higher-order equations Manipulating polynomials purposefully to solve problems SAT. eCollegeBoard © 2014 The College Board SAT MATH TEST CONTENT SPECI F ICATIONS AdditionalTopics in Math* 6 questions 10% Analysis in Science 8 questions 14% Analysis in History/Social Studies 8 questions 14% Making area and volume calculations in context Investigating lines, angles, triangles,and circles usingtheorems Working with trigonometric functions Contribut ion of Items to Cross..fest Scores *Questlons under Additional Topics In Math contribute to the totalMathTest score but do not contribute to a subscore within theMathTest. SAT. eCollegeBoard © 2014 The College Board Number of Questions Total Questions Total Questions %ofTest 20 20 100% 15 15 75% 5 5 25% 20 20 100% Heart of Algebra 8 8 40% Passport to Advanced Math 9 9 45% Add itional Topics in Math 3 3 15% Multiple Choice (MC} Student-Produced Response (SPR- grid-in} Content Categories Time Allocated SAT. 25 m inutes eCollegeBoard © 2014 The College Board Number of Quest,lons Total Questions Total Questions %ofTest 38 40 100% 30 30 79% 8 6 21% 38 40 100% Heart of Algebra 11 13 29% Problem Solving and Data Analysis 17 17 45% Passport to Advanced Math 7 7 18% Additional Topics in Math 3 3 8% Multiple Choice (MC) Student-Produced Response (SPR- grid-in) Content categories Time A llocated SAT. 55 minutes eCollegeBoard © 2014 The College Board 8 Key Changes to the SAT Students will engage with questions that: Directly relate to the work performed in college and career Include charts, graphs, and passages likely to be encountered in science, social science, and other majors and careers Feature multistep applications to solve problems in science, social science, career scenarios, and other real-life contexts 8 Key Changes to the SAT Students will apply their reading, writing, language, and math skills to answer questions in science, history, and social studies contexts. 8 Key Changes to the SAT The redesigned SAT will include one of the following: An excerpt from one of the Founding Documents A text from the ongoing Great Global Conversation about freedom, justice, and human dignity No prior knowledge of the text will be required. 8 Key Changes to the SAT One point for each correct answer Zero points for unanswered items Zero points for wrong answers Test Comparison PSAT 8/9 Test dates Time PSAT/NMSQT SAT First Administration: October 14, 2015 October 14, 2015 March 5, 2016 2 hrs and 45 minutes 2 hrs and 45 minutes 3 hours (50 minutes for optional essay) ► Sections ► Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Math ► ► Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Math ► ► Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Math Total Scores with Scale Ranges (Rights-Only Scoring) 240-1440 ► Tests ► ► Essay Recommended Classes Reading Writing and Language Math N/A 320-1520 ► ► ► Reading Writing and Language Math 400-1600 ► ► ► Reading Writing and Language Math N/A Essay (Optional) Classes of 2017-2018 Class of 2017 Class of 2019 and Beyond SAT Scores and Subscores 21 © 2015 The College Board SAT® Essay Scores Essay scoring will consist of three scores: Reading Analysis Writing 2–8 Scale 2–8 Scale 2–8 Scale Longitudinal Progress Monitoring + Section Scores will be placed on a vertical scale. + This same concept will hold true for the Test and CrossTest Scores as well as Total Score. 23 Vertical Scale Messaging Keep in mind, the PSAT/NMSOT and SAT are on the same scale. Your Score tells you how you would have scored on the SAT1 on that day. How well you do depends on what you do next! I Beginning in March 2016 eCollegeBoard 24 r- St-)lc.l;l NPim Jl'3iow) F t(l:ll1nedy Hi:lh Sehrxll.Sd:l 201!\,Crt tJe 10 !:.tud«<t 1.0. 4)600(7 Opbl11Cod19': 100 Your lfulh&pv.':" 480 1 Ynnt 8Vtrknr. f::'l!.lf":1 di uy uud \81J,UKJ &:t.•t Acoes$ Cod« At/2tiro '<IIW _ ,.,_.,, 0 'M :. : : : : : :: :; : ..._ ,....,.....a._....... • ..-.....u..,,.••...,•• •11lJM)"¥'111M"•"W'i"'ff"• •o'JWU 1"011'ti'A-.>:utu•.l!-.:oo;tOC:l:R. r.;• e C<>llogo8oo.n1 lnM r, Yt'\1""•"'• •-l'iliflWW· I PSAT/ 86Q ii · ---.&.------------------------------'1 ::::::: :l!ation l Merit Schot rship Corporation ,.., ,_,.,., ..,"N: ""....,,_,,, ' ,...,_ '"' Ya.n NMSC Scl<!ot:l.l•m Jnd• • ·· •••'-<•u••··Ft''J"' "'•·'"'"' ::- - ! :-- . q. }·.: . Keepmmmd. iiKUt·t"1 thA PSi\T/NMSOI ... ond S/\T am on <1.< '0:-*(1 <·· rtf!,.: ;.;l,l"ft · 1\J::Ir. SWo'V• t;)l. ··to: ,;.)1 prGUIOSIII 5t:trtiii!W .. 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Student Reports – Additional Features ▶ Popular Tools ▶ Personality profile (MyRoad) ▶ Career and college major exploration ▶ College search ▶ Scholarship search ▶ Financial aid information and application ▶ SAT registration 30 College Connection • Students should answer "yes" to the Student Search Service question on their answer sheet when they take the PSAT/NMSQT • Participation is completely voluntary; Students may stop participating at any time by contacting Student Search Service Student Search is now partnered with six major scholarship programs: ▶ National Merit Scholarship Corporation ▶ Hispanic Scholarship Fund ▶ United Negro College Fund ▶ Jack Kent Cooke Foundation ▶ Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund ▶ American Indian Graduate Council + The College Board and Khan Academy have partnered to provide online SAT® test preparation programs and resources entirely FREE of charge. + Features include: + Thousands of practice problems + Personalized tutorials on test content + Official SAT practice questions and full-length tests + Comprehensive reporting for students + Access anytime, anywhere — for free Jeff’s Path to SAT Success Personalized Learning Roadmap Send Score Data Official SAT Practice Tests With Scoring for Paper & Pencil Powered By Schools, Educators, Community Groups 33 Privacy ► Students will be able to link their College Board account to their Khan Academy practice starting in fall 2015. Linking accounts will allow for the automatic transmission of results from the October 2015 PSAT/NMSQT administration. ► The performance information will be transmitted through a secure token; at no point will the College Board share a student’s name, address, or any personally identifiable information with Khan Academy. ► Students have the ability to de-activate the link between their College Board and Khan Academy accounts at any time. 10 Things Students Can Do NOW 1. Create a College Board account 2. Sign up for Khan Academy 3. Know what to expect by visiting 4. Review sample questions and take a practice test 5. Use evidence to support your arguments 6. Put away the calculator 7. Answer every question on the test 8. Take the PSAT/NMSQT 9. Practice on Khan Academy 10. Find out which colleges require or recommend the SAT with Essay SAT® Fees • SAT test fee for 2015-16: • SAT with Essay - $54.50 • SAT - $43.00 (March 2016 administration) • Students that cannot pay for the exam can receive: • • • • • Two SAT fee waivers in grades 11-12 Two SAT Subject Tests™ fee waivers in grades 9-12 (up to six Subject Tests) Four Free Additional Flexible Score Reports Free Question and Answer Service or Student Answer Service Four College Application Fee Waivers • Ask your school counselor about fee waivers When to Test – Is offered seven times a year in the United States – Most students benefit from taking the SAT® twice: once in the spring of their junior year, and again in the fall of senior year. – Students who take the SAT a second time usually increase their score. – Taking the SAT more than twice does not result in further significant score gains. You should only pursue more than two tests if you were ill or felt significantly impaired during a previous exam. 'f ) CollegeBoard SAT Suite of • Assess ments SAT current SAT New SAT PSAT/NMSOT & PSAT 10 AP PSAT/NMSQT PSAT 8/9 About COllege search store More .... For Educators IMPORTANT OATES COI"lTACTUS: Register for the SAT Take the test that measures the real skills you've learned in class to show colleges you've got what it takes Free, personalized SAT practice from coliege readiness .coliege board .org