Name: John Toney Date: 5-4-2015 Content Area: Mathematics WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLANS Length of Lesson: 25 days STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC: Quadratic Functions and Inequalities Big Ideas: KEYSTONE ANCHORS: Understanding Goals (Concepts): Unit 7: Quadratic functions: (Chapter 6 & 7-9) Graphing quadratics Solving quadratic equations by graphing Solving quadratic equations by factoring Completing the square Quadratic formula and discriminant Analyzing graphs of quadratics Graphing and solving quadratic inequalities Square root functions and inequalities 2.1.11.A: Model and compare values of irrational and complex numbers. 2.1.11.B: Use factoring to create equivalent forms of polynomials. 2.11.11.A: Determine and interpret maximum and minimum values of a function over a specified interval. ELIBIBLE CONTENT: A2. Write and/or solve quadratic equations (including factoring and using the Quadratic Formula). A2. Solve equations involving rational and/or radical expressions (e.g., 10/(x + 3) + 12/(x – 2) = 1 or √( x2 + 21x) = 14). A2. Factor algebraic expressions, including difference of squares and trinomials (trinomials limited to the form ax2+bx+c where a is not equal to 0). A2. Create, interpret and/or use the equation, graph or table of a polynomial function (including quadratics). A2. Determine, use and/or interpret minimum and maximum values over a specified interval of a graph of a polynomial, exponential or logarithmic function. Solving a quadratic equation by graphing, factoring, or the quadratic formula. Relating the graph and function of a quadratic function that has 0, 1, or 2 zeros. Relate the discriminant to the type and number of solutions of a quadratic equation. Continue using computations with real, imaginary, and complex numbers. Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes): Students will be able to: Graph quadratic functions in standard form and find the max and min points.( 2 days) Identify the domain and range of quadratic functions. ( contained in #1) Solve quadratic equations by: factoring, ( 2 days) taking the square root, ( 1 day) completing the square ( 2 days) quadratic formula. ( 2 days) Use the discriminant to determine the number and type of roots for a quadratic equation. ( 2 days) Solve real-world problems, which are modeled by quadratic functions. (2 days) Graph and analyze (state domain and range) square root functions. ( 2 days) Essential Questions: How can you extend algebraic properties and processes to quadratic, exponential and polynomial expressions and equations and then apply them to solve real world problems? What are the advantages/disadvantages of the various methods to represent exponential functions (table, graph, equation) and how do we choose the most appropriate representation? Vocabulary: Axis of symmetry (2) Parabola (2) Quadratic function (2) Completing the square (3) Discriminant (3) Quadratic formula (2) Roots (1) Vertex (1) Zeros (2) Vertex (1) vertex form (3) STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Performance Task: Students will demonstrate adequate understanding via a chapter test. Materials and Resources: Textbook, notes Formative Assessments: Pre-assessments, open-ended questions, Think-Pair-Share STAGE III – LEARNING PLAN Interventions: Flexible grouping, students will be encouraged to attend math lab “Mini Lesson” – Show answers to homework problems and explain any that were missed. Work on a few problems as guided practice with class from worksheet page 327. Monitor students finishing worksheet pg 327 giving help as needed. Tuesday Date: 5/5 Day: A “Do Now” – Get started on review worksheets as soon as they arrive to class Wednesday Date: 5/6 Day: B “Do Now” – Have review worksheets out and ready for going over. “Mini Lesson” Review CH 6 SECTION 1-3 Students will work on review worksheets with partner in class and finish for homework if necessary. “Mini Lesson” Review CH 6 Section 1-3 Students will check answers to review worksheets and ask questions as needed. Finish review worksheets Study for test Thursday Thursday Date: 5/7 Day: A Test on 6-1 through 6-3 Friday Date: 5/8 Day: B “Do Now” –Factor perfect square trinomials to prepare for completing the square. “Mini Lesson” – “Give notes on solving quadratic equations by compelting the square and by using the square root property. Monitor students working on ws pg 334 #1-9 solving quadratic equations by using the square root property. Finish worksheet pg. 327 From section 6-3 None Assignments Procedures Instructional Procedures: Monday Date: 5/4 Day : B “Do Now” –Solve a quadratic equation by factoring. *Include Do Now, Mini Lesson, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Summations/Formative Assessments, Reflections Finish ws. Pg. 334 # 1-9