You will make your own stained-glass window design. In order to receive credit, you must follow the directions below. PLEASE NOTE; THIS PROJECT MAY BE DONE, BY HAND, ON COMPUTER, ON PHONE….HOWEVER… THE FINAL PRODUCT MUST BE PRINTED AND COPIED TO EMULATE A STAINED GLASS OR HANDED IN ELECTRONICALLY IN MY DROP BOX. You must list the method by which you constructed your stained glass. 1. All graphs of equations should be displayed on one sheet of graph paper. Glue this graph paper to a sheet on construction paper when you are finished. 2. You must graph at least 10 equations (one of each of the following below). For more points, include more equations. (70 points) Vertical and Horizontal lines (chapter 2) Linear Equation: positive and negative slope (chapter 2) Absolute Value Equation- opening up and down (chapter 2) Quadratic Equation- opening up and down (chapter 6) Rational Equation – opening up and down ( chapter 9) Square root function –make certain of restrictions to domain. (chapter 7) Step function – greatest integer (chapter 9) Exponential Growth and Decay Equation (chapter 10) 2. On another sheet of paper, list the equations you used to graph your window art design. Glue to the back of your construction paper. If doing this on computer, attach a list of the equations used in the project. Please note… you may have to be creative with the step function. 3. Color your window art design. ( or copy it to paint and electronically color it: email me your result or put in the drop box) (20 points) 4. Originality will be judged as well ( 10 points) You can obtain more points by including more equations, more color, or by doing something creative. A grading rubric is provided directly after this project outline . This assignment is due on ___May 9___ NO EXCEPTIONS. I recommend checking back with me for accuracy or any questions you may have before the due date. Good luck and have fun with it!! Tip for a neat design: 1. To get a symmetrical design, type the same equation in but with a different sign (example: y = 2x + 3 and y = -2x + 3) Optional 50 point addendum: Create a digital compare/contrast display of the attributes of the functions used. This is your own creation, using whatever program, app, software you care to use. It will be judged on completeness(15), accuracy ( 20) and creativitiy (15)