Name: Andrea Sisk Date: 11-24-14 WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLANS Content Area: Geometry Length of Lesson: 14 days STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS Lesson Topic (Modules, if applicable): Congruent Triangles Big Ideas: CC.2.3.HS.A.1 Use geometric figures and their properties to represent transformations in the plane. CC.2.3.HS.A.2 Apply rigid transformations to determine and explain congruence. CC.2.3.HS.A.3 Verify and apply geometric theorems as they relate to geometric figures. CC.2.3.HS.A.4 Apply the concept of congruence to create geometric constructions. CC.2.3.HS.A.11 Apply coordinate geometry to prove simple geometric theorems algebraically. CC.2.3.HS.A.14 Apply geometric concepts to model and solve real world problems. G.1.2.1 Recognize and/or apply properties of angles, polygons, and polyhedra. G.1.3.1 Use properties of congruence, correspondence, and similarity in problem‐solving settings involving two‐ and three‐ dimensionalfigures G.1.3.2 Write formal proofs and/or use logic statementsto construct or validate arguments. G.2.1.2 Solve problems using analytic geometry. G.2.2.1 Use and/or compare measurements of angles G.2.2.4 Apply probability to practical situations. Understanding Goals (Concepts): Proving triangles congruent using SSS, SAS, ASA and AAS. They will write proofs as 2 column, and possible flow and coordinate proofs. They will classify triangles according to angles or sides and apply the Angle Sum Theorem and the Exterior Angle Theorem. Students will use properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles in proofs and also position and label triangles for use in coordinate proofs. Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes): 1. Identify and classify triangles by angles and sides 2. Do activity to discover the angle sum theorem and Essential Questions: •Can you identify and classify triangles by angles and by sides? Vocabulary: Acute triangle, obtuse triangle, right triangle, equiangular triangle, scalene triangle, isosceles exterior angle theorems. Apply the Angle Sum Theorem. Apply the Exterior Angle Theorem 3. Name and label corresponding parts of congruent triangles. Identify congruence transformations 4. Use the SSS and SAS Postulates to test for triangle congruence 5. Use the ASA and AAS Postulates to test for triangle congruence 6. Use properties of isosceles triangles 7. Use properties of equilateral triangles 8. Position and label triangles for use in coordinate proofs. Write coordinate proofs •Can you explain why triangles cannot be right and acute? •Can you identify relationships among the measures of interior and exterior angles of a triangle? •Can you apply the angle sum theorem (sum of 3 angles of triangle = 180)? •Can you apply the exterior angle theorem to find unknown values? •Can you name and label corresponding parts of congruent triangles? •Can you identify congruence transformations (slide, flip, turn)? •Can you use appropriate postulate to test and prove triangle congruance (SS, SAS, AAS, ASA, HL, LL)? •Can you understand properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles and use them in an argument correctly? •Can you plot points on a coordinate plane to allow for coordinate proofs with triangles? triangle, equilateral triangle, exterior angle, remote interior angle, flow proof, corollary, congruent triangles, congruence, transformations, included angle, included side, vertex angle, base angles, coordinate proof. STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Performance Task: Formative Assessments: Students will actively participate in mini-lessons, guided and independent Pre-assessments, open-ended higher-order-thinking questions, think-pairpractice, activities (including authentic problem-solving tasks and vocabulary), share, graphic organizers, do nows, observation of guided and independent and group work. Also, students will demonstrate adequate understanding via practice, brief in-class writing prompts various quizzes, a writing assignment, a project, and an end-of-chapter test. STAGE III – LEARNING PLAN Interventions: Flexible grouping, students will be encouraged to attend Math Lab and College and Career Access Center tutoring. Materials and Resources: Textbook and notes Assignments Procedures Instructional Procedures*: Monday Date: 11/24 Day: A “Do Now” – “Mini Lesson” – Proving Congruence – SSS, SAS “Guided Practice” – Using SSS and SAS in proofs and in the coordinate plane to prove triangles congruent. “Independent Practice” – Students will work on practice and application problems that involve proving triangles congruent using SSS and SAS proofs and the coordinate plane. “Formative Assessment” - Observe students during “Do Now”, “MiniLesson”, “Guided Practice” and “Independent Practice” (4-4) – Day 1 Page 204 – 205 # 10, 11, 14 – 25 Tuesday Date: 11/25 Day: B “Do Now” – “Mini Lesson” – Proving Congruence – SSS, SAS “Guided Practice” – Using SSS and SAS in proofs and in the coordinate plane to prove triangles congruent. “Independent Practice” - Students will work on practice and application problems that involve proving triangles congruent using SSS and SAS proofs and the coordinate plane. “Formative Assessment” - Observe students during “Do Now”, “MiniLesson”, “Guided Practice” and “Independent Practice” (4-4) – Day 2 4-4 Practice Worksheet Wednesday Date: 11/26 Day: A “Do Now” – “Mini Lesson” – Proving Congruence – AAS, ASA “Guided Practice” – Using ASA and AAS in proofs and determining if triangles are congruent. “Independent Practice” – Students will work on practice and application problems that involve proving triangles congruent using AAS and ASA and determining if triangles are congruent. “Formative Assessment” - Observe students during “Do Now”, “MiniLesson”, “Guided Practice” and “Independent Practice” Thursday Date: 11/27 Day: (4-5) – Day 1 Page 211 # 9 – 20, 25 – 28 *Include Do Now, Mini Lesson, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Summations/Formative Assessments, Reflections Friday Date: 11/28 Day: