Name: Andrea Sisk Date: 9-29-14 WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLANS Content Area: Geometry Length of Lesson: 16 days STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS Lesson Topic (Modules, if applicable): Reasoning and Proof Big Ideas: M11.A.3.1 Apply the order of operations in computation and in problem-solving situations. M11.D.1.1 Analyze and/or use patterns or relations. G.1.3.2 Write formal proofs and/or use logic statements to construct or validate arguments. G.1.3.1 Use properties of congruence, correspondence and similarity in problem-solving settings involving two- and three-dimensional figures. CC.2.2.HS.D.8 Apply inverse operations to solve equations or formulas for a given variable. CC.2.2.HS.D.9 Use reasoning to solve equations and justify the solution method. CC.2.2.HS.C.6 Interpret functions in terms of the situations they model. Understanding Goals (Concepts): Students will understand the methods of reasoning and learn to apply those methods to geometry. They make conjectures. They also analyze conditional statements and write related conditionals. The terms postulates and theorem are introduced. Algebraic properties of equality are applied to geometry, enabling students to write informal proofs proving segment and angle relationships. Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes): 1. Make conjectures based on inductive reasoning. Find counterexamples. 2. Analyze statements in if-then form. Write the converse, inverse, and contra positive of if-then statements. 3. Use deductive reasoning to solve a logic problem (Law of Detachment and Law of Syllogism). 4. Use algebra to write two column proofs. Essential Questions: •Can you create conjectures about school rules or activities? Can you find counterexamples to those conjectures? •What are the differences between converses, inverses, and contrapositives in conditional statements? •How are the Laws of Detachment and Syllogism used? •What are the parts and steps to writing an algebraic proof? Vocabulary: Conjecture, inductive reasoning, counterexample, conditional statement, if-then statement, hypothesis, conclusion, related conditionals, converse, inverse, contrapositive, deductive reasoning, Law of Detachment, Law of Syllogism, deductive argument, two-column proof STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Performance Task: Formative Assessments: Students will actively participate in guided and independent practice, activities, Pre-assessments, open-ended higher-order-thinking questions, think-pairand group work. share, graphic organizers, do nows, observation of guided and independent Also, students will demonstrate adequate understanding via various quizzes, writing assignment, and an end-of-chapter test. Materials and Resources: Textbook, notes, proof builder worksheet Assignments Procedures Instructional Procedures*: Monday Date: 9/29 Day: B “Do Now” – Solve an algebraic equation, and explain your steps. “Mini Lesson” – Briefly introduce Chapter 1 Drafting Project “Guided Practice” – N/A “Independent Practice” – Students will finish Chapter 1 Writing Activity with partner. – Students will begin Chapter 1 Drafting Project independently. “Formative Assessment” – Observe students during “Do Now” and “Independent Practice” No Homework Tuesday Date: 9/30 Day: A “Do Now” – N/A “Mini Lesson” – N/A “Guided Practice” – N/A “Independent Practice” – Students will continue working and/or complete Chapter 1 Drafting Project independently. “Formative Assessment” – Observe students during “Do Now” and “Independent Practice” Continue working on Drafting Project practice, brief in-class writing prompts STAGE III – LEARNING PLAN Interventions: Flexible grouping, students will be encouraged to attend Math Lab and College and Career Access Center tutoring. Wednesday Date: 10/1 Day: B “Do Now” – Determine whether statements are sometimes, always, or never true, and provide counter-examples. “Mini Lesson” – N/A “Guided Practice” – N/A “Independent Practice” – Students will work in groups to complete Chapter 1 Word Wall “Formative Assessment” – Observe students during “Do Now” and “Independent Practice” No Homework Thursday Date: 10/2 Day: A “Do Now” – Students will create a scenario for which their partner will have to continue the pattern. “Mini Lesson” – Inductive Reasoning and Conjecture 2.1 Day 1 “Guided Practice” – Make a conjecture based on inductive reasoning. Find counterexamples. “Independent Practice” – Students will find patterns and make conjectures, and find counterexamples. “Formative Assessment” – Observe students during “Do Now”, “Guided Practice” and “Independent Practice” 2-1 Day 1 – p. 63 #2, 4-9, 11-18, 26, 27, 3-, 43, 44 Friday Date: 10/3 Day: B “Do Now” – Students will complete the algebraic tables on Page 4 of their notes, and make conjectures about the patterns that they see. “Mini Lesson” – Inductive Reasoning and Conjecture 2.1 Day 2 “Guided Practice” – Make a conjecture based on inductive reasoning to find the nth term. “Independent Practice” – Students will work on finding rules for sequences of integers. “Formative Assessment” – Observe students during “Do Now”, “Guided Practice” and “Independent Practice” No Homework *Include Do Now, Mini Lesson, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Summations/Formative Assessments, Reflections