SYLLABUS READING/ENGLISH: LANGUAGE! LEVELS C/D Ms. Werts THE RULES 1. PROMPT I am in the classroom and in my seat when the bell rings. I turn in my work on time. 2. PREPARED I bring my materials to class. I do my homework assignments. I dress appropriately. 3. POLITE I raise my hand before I speak. I listen and speak respectfully to staff members and classmates. I allow others to express their opinions and beliefs. I respect others’ personal space. 4. PRODUCTIVE I participate actively in class. I work with my team members in group assignments. I complete my class assignments. 5. PROUD I take pride in my work, my school and myself. COURSE OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVE 1: TSWBAT will recognize that words are composed of phonemes and syllables. OBJECTIVE 2: TSWBAT use sound –to-letter correspondences to build words and letter units. OBJECTIVE 3: TSWBAT link meaning to words they can read and spell. They will build vocabulary through reading. OBJECTIVE 4: TSWBAT learn that word function and arrangement in a sentence create meaning, contributing to comprehension and clear written communication. OBJECTIVE 5: TSWBAT read multiple text selections from different genres to develop fluency, build background, learn vocabulary, and increase comprehension. OBJECTIVE 6: TSWBAT use ideas and content from the text selections as the basis for writing. REQUIRED MATERIALS Everyday for class, you are required to have: Notebook Pen/pencil Homework assignments CLASSROOM PROCEDURES 1. Enter the classroom before the late bell and pick up your materials from the back counter. Materials include: notebook, student text, student interactive text. 2. Report to your seat immediately after picking up materials. 3. Come prepared with appropriate materials to class. 4. Read the overhead or chalkboard to begin the bell ringer. 5. Follow any additional directions that Ms. Werts gives to you for a specific assignment. 6. No passes will be given the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of class. 7. Passes will only be given for emergencies. 8. If you have a pass to leave the room, you must sign out on the clipboard before leaving. CONSEQUENCES OF INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR/TARDINESS 1st offense: warning , loss of daily participation points, phone call home 2nd offense: warning , loss of daily participation points, phone call home 3rd offense: referral to administration, phone call home SYLLABUS 1. You are required to keep a notebook of assigned activities, bell ringer/in class activities. These will be graded throughout each nine week grading period. 2. You will be given section and unit tests. The unit tests evaluate, spelling, Comprehension, writing, grammar, word recognition and vocabulary. 3. You will be required to complete several projects over the course of the school year. 4. You will have homework assignments that are required to be completed and turned in. 5. There will be one midterm and one final exam during the school year. 6. Additionally, each grading period has a participation grade of 45 points. Your overall school attendance, participation, preparedness, timelines, and productivity in class is included in this participation grade.