English Jeopardy USE YOUR VOCABULARY NOTEBOOK for your words. Use the Jeopardy PowerPoint linked on my web page whsd.net. It is already filled in, so you’ll have to change answers and questions to fit the blocks. There are five categories: 1. Antonyms: Write a word that has the OPPOSITE meaning of one of your vocabulary words. 2. Parts of speech: Write your word into a sentence, underline it, and write what part of speech it is for the answer frame (noun, verb, adjective, adverb). Ex: Her nose is infinitely large. Adverb (did you know that a word that describes an adjective is called an adverb? We usually think adverbs only describe verbs.) 3. Literature—Romeo and Juliet or Of Mice and Men: Ask any factul question for any of these two pieces of literature. You can mix and match, just make sure that you mention which piece you’re working with in your question. Ex: In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet’s last name is____________. 4. Synonyms: Write a word that has the SAME meaning as one of your vocabulary words. 5. Literary Terms: Choose any terms from the list below. You can either ask for a definition or give an example and have the class choose which term it is. Alliteration Metaphor Simile Hyperbole Imagery Assonance Round Character Flat Character Internal Conflict External Conflict Symbolism Character Foil Foreshadowing Irony Theme Stanza