WOODLAND HILLS HIGH SCHOOL LESSON PLAN SAS and Understanding By Design Template Name David Sabina Date 5/18/12 Length of Lesson 3 Wks Content Area English Edline was updated this week: My Class website was updated this week: STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC:Effective writing skills Composing a Paper--Writing is a means of promoting thinking 1.5.10.B: Develop content appropriate for the topic. • Gather, organize, and determine validity and reliability of information. • Employ the most effective format for purpose and audience. • Incorporate specialized vocabulary for topic and audience • Write fully developed paragraphs that have details and information specific to the topic and relevant to the focus. R11.A.2.3.2: Cite evidence from text to support generalizations. R11.B.3.1.1: Explain, interpret, describe, and/or analyze the use of facts and opinions to make a point or construct an argument in nonfictional text. R11.A.1.3.1: Make inferences and/or draw conclusions based on information from text. BIG IDEAS: UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): 1) Focus, content, organization, style, and conventions work together to impact writing quality ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How do we use information gained through writing to expand knowledge? How can our knowledge and use of the writing process promote lifelong learning? Students will understand: 1)Analyze and evaluate information from sources for relevance to the research question, topic or thesis. 2).Synthesize information gathered from a variety of sources. 3)Evaluate information from a variety of reference sources for its relevance to the research question, topic or thesis. 4) Cite all sources properly when quoting, paraphrasing or summarizing. (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content) objectives, and skill focus) 1.5.11.A: Write with a clear focus, identifying topic, task, and audience. 1.5.11.B: Develop content appropriate for the topic. •Gather, organize, and determine validity and reliability of information. •Employ the most effective format for purpose and audience. •Write fully developed paragraphs that have details and information specific to the topic and relevant to the focus. 1.5.11.C: Write with controlled and/or subtle organization. •Establish coherence within and among paragraphs through effective transitions, parallel structures, and similar writing techniques. 1.5.11.E: Revise writing to improve style, word choice, sentence variety, and subtlety of meaning after rethinking how questions of purpose, audience, and genre have been addressed. 1.5.11.F: Use grade appropriate conventions of language when writing and editing. •Spell all words correctly. •Use capital letters correctly. •Punctuate correctly. •Use correct grammar and sentence formation. VOCABULARY: Noun, verb, adjective, adbverb, conjunction, preposition, transitive, intransitive, interjection STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): 1) Identify various parts of speech. 2) Write using the parts of speech correctly. 3) Write sentences using the same words as different parts of speech. 4) Make correstions (parts of speech, capitalization, and etc,) to a paragraph. 5) Write a descriptive paragraph. Students will be able to: 1) Brainstorm/Freewrite to get ideas 2) Gather ideas into a graphic organizer and/or outline 3) Correct mistakes and improve upon their writing 4) Write/publish final paragraphs 5)Write with a sharp, distinct controlling point made about a single topic with evident awareness of task and audience (focus). 6)Employ effective organizational strategies and structures, such as logical order and transitions, which develop a controlling idea (organization). STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK: The students will 1) Write correct sentences and make corrections to sentences 2) Write a draft, 3) Proofread and make corrections to the draft and 3) Write a final draft & complete various written tasks to show competency. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: #1. Summarizing Main Ideas #2. Graphic Organizers #3. Choose assessments: Others: STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Active Engagements used: #1. Cooperative Education #2. Partnering Others: White boards, samples of research papers, text, and other supplimentary materials Describe usage: The students will respond as a group either orally or with white boards. They will take notes on the presentation of new material. They will also work in pairs or small groups to problem solve. Scaffolding used: #1. Chunking #2 . Teacher Promping Others: Describe usage: Teacher will model and explain expectations and use the I do, we do, you do method, Other techniques used: Reteaching the whole class (as necessary) or one-on-one/small CONTENT AREA READING: The students will read aloud from the text and from their own written work. INTERVENTIONS: ASSIGNMENTS: RTI, one-on-one teaching, re-teaching, group discussions, and remediation Complete sample exercises on sentences, write paragraphs groups of individual students MINI LESSON: 1) Correcting and strengthening paragraphs 2) Types of research 3) Writing a well researched and organized research paper. 4) How to find sources 5) Correctly citing sources