WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLAN NAME: Katie Shook DATE: 9-15-14 LESSON LENGTH: 7 DAYS COURSE: HONORS SPANISH 1 CHAPTER/UNIT: PRELIMINAR- BIENVENIDOS STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC (Module, if applicable): BIG IDEAS: Bienvenidos (Welcome to Spanish) (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible Chapter: Preliminar content) objectives, and skill focus) Students will obtain and provide information and engage in short conversations dealing with introductory topics and situations. Saludos Adiós La cortesía La fecha ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: ¿Qué día es hoy? ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? ¿Cómo te llamas? / ¿Como se llama? UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): Students will understand: In this preliminary section, students will learn to: Greet on another Take leave of one another Read & understand the calendar VOCABULARY: STUDENT OBJECTIVES Greeting people (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): Identifying titles Students will be able to: Saying good-bye Say hello/ good-bye Being courteous Greet people throughout the day Identifying days of the week Ask for things politely Identifying months of the year Read/ use the calendar Identifying seasons STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK: FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: Oral skits Pre-assessment Class discussion Think-pair-share Assignments Summarize main ideas Tests/Quizzes Laboratory experience STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS AND INTERVENTIONS: ASSIGNMENTS: PROCEDURES: RESOURCES: Haga Ahora: Listed Guided Notes See homework calendar below Textbook Extra time Notebook Teacher prompting *Additional assignments Mini Lesson: See Below Folder Re-wording of Question as needed Paper Tutoring Guided Practice: Writing utensil Small group Notes Overhead/Projector Discussion Audio Whole-Group tasks Independent Practice: Assignments/Class work Handouts Summations/Formative Assessments: Chapter test/quizzes Homework Reflections: Completed by teacher at the end of each class period *Adjustments to lessons as needed HAGA AHORA: (Do-Now): 9/8- What are three ways to say you’re welcome in Spanish? 9/9- What is the difference between ¿Cómo te llamas/ ¿Cómo se llama? 9/10- ¿Como te llamas? ¿Como se llama la persona a tu izquierda? 9/11- How many countries in South America speak Spanish? 9/12- List all the cognates found in La Prometa de Lealtad. Define them in English 9/15- Match the country to its capital. (Argentina, Peru, Chile, Honduras, Bolivia) 9/16- Name three (3) popular foods from Mexico 9/17- List 3 ways to say farewell in Spanish 9/18- How do you say Mr, Miss and Mrs in Spanish 9/19- How do you ask someone where they are from? 9/22- Complete the chart with the correct day of the week (Ayer-Hoy- Mañana) 9/23- ¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿Cuál es la fecha de tu cumpleaños? 9/24- ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? ¿Cuál es la fecha de lunes? 9/25- Write the following numbers in Spanish (9, 14, 26, 34, 100) 9/26- ¿Cuáles son las fechas de este fin de semana? MINI-LESSONS: 9/8-Las Frases de la Clase 9/9-Introducciones: Como te llamas? 9/10-La Geogrfia: Maps of Central and South America 9/11-La Prometa de Lealtad 9/12- Saludos: Saying Hello and Goodbye (Prelim A y B) 9/15- La Cortesia: Being Courteous (Prelim C) 9/16- Los Interogativos: Question words 9/17- Juego de los Paises (Review for map Test) 9/18- La Fecha: Reading the Calendar (Prelim D)/ Dia de La Independencia de Mexico 9/19- Revisamos (review) 9/22- Los numeros 9/23- Los numerous (cont’d) 9/24- Revisamos (Review for Prelim Exam) 9/25- Examen del Preliminar 9/26- Soy una Estrella (Prep for Open House)