WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLAN NAME: Kathryn Shook LESSON LENGTH: 1 Week COURSE: HONORS SPANISH 1 DATE: 01-12-15 CHAPTER/UNIT: PRELIMINAR- CHAPTER 3 STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC (Module, if applicable): BIG IDEAS: Bienvenidos (Welcome to Spanish) Chapter: Preliminar- CHAPTER 4 (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content) objectives, and skill focus) Students will obtain and provide information and engage in short conversations dealing with introductory topics and situations. UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): Chapter 1-3 Vocab Review _Ar verbs Review for Midterm Exam ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Students will understand: Use and identify all grammar and vocabulary structures from the Preliminar to Chapter 3 to prepare for Midterm Exam How can learning Spanish help me to better understand English? In what ways are the language and culture similar? Different? VOCABULARY: STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): Students will be able to: Review vocab from Preliminar to Chapter 4 for midterm exam List and idenitfy terms for chapter 3 Talk about what people do Conjugate _ar verbs in the present tense Demonstrate knowledge of materials from Prelim- Chapter 3 STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK: FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: Oral skits Class discussion Assignments Tests/Quizzes Laboratory experience Pre-assessment Think-pair-share Summarize main ideas STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Haga Ahora: Listed below Mini Lesson: See Below Guided Practice: Notes Discussion Whole-Group tasks Independent Practice: Assignments/Class work Handouts Summations/Formative Assessments: Chapter test/quizzes Homework Textbook Notebook Folder Paper Writing utensil Overhead/Projector Audio INTERVENTIONS: ASSIGNMENTS: Guided Notes Extra time Teacher prompting Re-wording of Question Tutoring Small group See homework calendar *Additional assignments as needed Reflections: Completed by teacher at the end of each class period *Adjustments to lessons as needed HAGA AHORA: (Do-Now): 1/12- List and define the subject pronouns in Spanish 1/13- List three ways to say you’re welcome 1/14- Match the country and capital (Argentina/Buenos Aires, Colombia/Bogota, Honduras/Tegulcigalpa) 1/15- Define the conjugations of ser 1/16- Review notes for Midterm before taking the exam MINI-LESSONS: 1/12- Midterm Review_ Study Guide Preliminary and Geography Unit Reviews 1/13- Midterm Review_ Study Guide Chapter 1 Review 1/14- Midterm Review_ Study Guide Chapter 2 Review 1/15- Midterm Review_ Study Guide Chapter 3 Review 1/16- Spanish 1 MIDTERM EXAM