WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLAN Name: Kathryn Shook Date: 3/9/2015 Length of Lesson: 1 Week Content Area: Spanish 2 STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC (Module, if applicable): In this chapter, the students will learn the vocabulary associated with air travel and airports. In order to describe their travel, students will learn the present tense of verbs with a “g” in the yo form, as well as the present progressive. Students will also learn about the importance of air travel in South America because of its geographical characteristics. UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): Students will understand: the present tense of verbs with a “g” in the yo form, as well as the present progressive. Students will also learn about the importance of air travel in South America because of its geographical characteristics. VOCABULARY: Getting around in an airport/departure Getting around in an airport/arrival Identifying airline personnel Describing airport activities Other useful expressions BIG IDEAS: (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content) objectives, and skill focus) Communication: Student will communicate in Spanish on the following topics: Checking in at the airport Going through security Finding the departure gate Going through customs and passport control Claiming their bags Students will obtain and provide information about taking a flight and about procedures at an airport. They will learn to engage in conversations with various types of airline employees. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How does studying Spanish grammar help us to understand English grammar? What can we learn about our own culture through the study of Spanish and Hispanic culture? STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): Students will be able to: Check in for a flight Talk about some services on-board the plane Get through the airport after deplaning Tell what you or others are currently doing Tell what you know and whom you know Discuss the importance of air travel in South America STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK: Passport Project “When I take a trip” writing prompt FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: Advanced Learners: Increase level of difficulty Adjust activity to specific learning styles Allow open exploration Struggling Learners: Chunking Scaffolded activities Simplified activities Limit activity choices Adjust activity to specific learning styles STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: Haga Ahora: Listed below MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Mini Lesson: See Below Guided Practice: Notes Discussion Whole-Group tasks Independent Practice: Assignments/Class work Handouts Summations/Formative Assessments: Chapter test/quizzes Homework Reflections: Completed by teacher at the end of each class period *Adjustments to lessons as needed Textbook Magnetic Subject Pronoun Cards Notebook Folder Paper Writing utensil Overhead/LCD Projector Audio INTERVENTIONS: ASSIGNMENTS: Guided Notes Extra time Teacher prompting Re-wording of Question Tutoring Small group Do Nows Formal observations, Informal observation, Exams / quizzes(oral, aural and written), Post Card Projects.