Name: Robert Mitts Date: 10/21/13-10/25/13 Woodland Hills High School Lesson Plans Edline was updated this week: My class website was updated this week: Lesson Topic (Standard/Anchor): Reading R11.A.1&2.2 Identify and apply word recignition skills R11.AA.1&2.2 Identify and apply word recognition skills, including: scanning, matching, demonstrating phonemic awareness, naming, reading. R11.AA.1&2.2a (LA) Scans materials R11.AA.1&2.2b (LA) Matches identical pictures or photographs R11.AA.1&2.2a (LB) Selects word names R11.AA.1&2.2b (LB) Reads words in isolation R11.AA.1&2.2c (LB) Reads word in context R11.AA.1&2.2 (LC) Reads 30-50 words aloud R11.A.1&2.4 Identify and explain main ideas and relevant details. R11.AA.1&2.4 Identify and explain the main ideas and relevant details, inclusing: answering literal comprehension questions, sequencing events. R11.AA.1&2.4 (LA) Answers literal questions: what, who, where R11.AA.!&2.4a (LB) Answers literal questions: what, who, where, when, why questions -- open-ended response Stage I – Desired Results Big Ideas: Description of a rain forest environment Content Area: Life Skills - Social Studies Length of Lesson: 45 Minutes Periods 2A Understanding Goals (Concepts): - Working together on the creating the rain forest reserve - Students will create "If I Were Poems based on the animals in the Rain Forest -Students will complete job applications based on the jobs that are in the Amazon Rain Forest R11.AA.1&2.4a (LC) Answers literal "when" question reading comprehension R11.AA.1&2.4b (LC) Answers literal "why" question reading comprehension R11.AA.1&2.4c (LC) Answers literal "how" question reading comprehension R11.AA.1&2.5a (LC) Describes 4 events from narrative text R11.AA.1&2.5b (LC) Name 4 facts from expository text Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes): Students will be able to: Create a rainforest bulletin board based on the animals and plants that create a rain forrest Students will create "If I were Poems based on the animals in the Rain Forest Students will complete job applications based on the job available in the Amazon Rain Forest Essential Questions: What arethe parts of a rain forest? What are the postions available in the Amazon? - Vocabulary: canopy, understory, forest floor Stage II – Assessment Evidence Performance Task: Other Evidence: -Create a rain forest using classroom materials, identify the parts of the -student work samples rain forest -observation -verbal responses Stage III – Learning Plan Materials & Resources: rain forest story path books, newspaper, construction paper, glue, Activity Guide 1 Working Together on the Frieze CONTENT AREA READING: Throughout lessons Formative Assessment(s): #1. Pre-Assessment #2. Summarizing Main Ideas #3. Thumbs Up Others: Instructional Procedures*: (includes mini-lessons) -active engagement, explicit instruction, modeling, scaffolding Scaffolding used: #1. Teacher Promping #2 . Provide Visual Support Others: Describe usage: Describe usage: -at beginning, during, and after lessons -throughout lessons Procedures Active Engagements used: #1. Summarizing #2. Whole Class Response Others: Monday 10/28/13 Day A Students will create a rain forest and identify the parts of the rain forest.(Forest Floor, Understory, Canopy Studetns wil make a word bank and read "If I Were a Butterfly pg 23 create "If I were poems" Assignments See Above Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 10/29/13 Day B 10/30/13 Day A 10/31/13 Day B 11/1/13 Day A Students will hang Studetns wil identify Students will complete Students will present their "If I were poems job opportunites in the a job application for a information about from the animals that Amazon Basin Rain job in the rain forest their person with make up the Rain Forest whom they are to the Students will continue Forest studing to thesmall Students will make a to create a full length group. Students will make a full length character of character of people word bank and read people who work in the who work in the rain Students will place "If I Were a rain forest forest these characters on a Butterflypg 23, and chart represented by create "If I Were" Scientists and poems Researchers See Above See Above See Above See Above * Include Active Engagement, Explicit Instruction, Metacognition, Modeling, & Scaffolding