Business Law Name________________________________________ Ch. 2 Notes Day 1 The Spirit of the Law When people commit _____________, they harm not only individuals, but also _____________ as a whole. Our society does not allow acts that threaten the _________, safety, and _______-__________ of the entire community. Thus, __________, is an act against the ___________ good, punishable by fine, ____________________, or both. No act can be considered a crime unless it is _________________ by the law of the place where it is committed and unless that law provides for the _________________ of the offender. Classification of Crimes In a ________________ proceeding the state or _______________ government, representing the public at large, is the ________________. The ___________________ is the party that _______________ a person of a crime. Usually, the government is referred to as the _________________. The person who is accused of the crime is called the __________________. We are going to discuss a concept that is fundamental to proper understanding of criminal law, classifying crimes according to the degree of _____________________. Felonies A felony is a ____________ crime punishable by imprisonment or __________. To determine whether or not a crime is a felony, we look at the law to see what the ____________________ is for committing that particular crime. Murder, _____________________, burglary, ______________ and ___________ are examples of felonies. The federal Comprehensive Crime Control Act defines felony as “any offense punishable by death or imprisonment for a term exceeding ______ year.” Some states, like New Jersey do not use the word “felony,” instead they call their serious crimes “high __________________________.” Misdemeanors A less serious crime with a less severe _______________ is a misdemeanor. Misdemeanors require a penalty such as a __________ or imprisonment in a county or city jail. Some examples of misdemeanors are driving without a _______________, lying about one’s __________ to purchase alcohol, and leaving the scene of an ___________________ accident. Some states also classify lesser crimes as _______________ misdemeanors or _____________ offenses. Typical minor misdemeanors would include _______________ offenses and _______________ violations.