Lesson 14 Study Guide Story: Mark’s Big Day by Monica Greenfield Phonics: r controlled ar, Inflections –s, -ed, -ing Spelling: far, farm, arm, art, part, park, chin, such, fly, watch High Frequency words: again, feel, house, know, loud, Mrs., put, say Robust Vocabulary: Approached: If you approach something, you move toward it Energetic: If you are energetic, you are filled with energy Pace: Your pace is how fast you are going Blunder: If you make a blunder, you made a bad or silly mistake Reassure: If you reassure someone, you tell him or her that everything will be all right Excel: If you excel at something, you are very good at it Grammar: Names of holidays (capitalization) Comprehension: Author’s Purpose/Point of View, Summarize Writing: e-mail Ideas for Studying Robust Vocabulary: Imagine that a strange dog approached you on the street. Tell how you might feel. Imagine that you are in bed and your alarm went off. Show how you might get up if you were feeling energetic. Show how to walk at a fast pace. Show how to walk at a slow pace. Tell what you would do if you made a blunder during a class play. Imagine your friend was afraid to ride a bike. Tell what you would say to reassure your friend. Name two things at which you excel.