Price Benowitz Social Justice Scholarship – 1 @ $500

Price Benowitz Social Justice Scholarship – 1 @ $500
Student must be a candidate in good academic standing with at least a 3.0 minimum
cumulative GPA
Candidate must possess an interest in social justice, as demonstrated by past and
present volunteer, professional, and educational experiences
An updated resume
A 750-word essay responding to the following prompt: What are some significant
challenges people with disabilities encounter on a regular basis? Feel free to
speak about the challenges you have experienced or witnessed in a loved-one’s
Applicants must also submit a current unofficial transcript
Full application package may be faxed for mailed to:
Price Benowitz Social Justice Scholarship
Attn: Firm Administrator
409 7th Street, NW
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20004
FAX: 202-664-1331
No later than March 1, 2016