Weekly Challenges for the Quarter 3 PBL: The Power of Nature Grades 4/5 Name: __________________________________ Driving Question: How can we prepare for a natural disaster? Week Class Homework Challenge Introduction to PBL Research the four types of and the first natural disasters listed on Challenge. your PBL Summary that were Week 1- 1/4 introduced in class. Become Discussion of familiar with each of the four Natural Disasters; types. Decide which natural brief overview disaster you will be designing during science. a preparedness plan for; Write a paragraph describing the natural disaster of choice and why you feel it would be important to prepare for this situation. What causes natural Students will construct a 3D disasters? representation of the natural Week 2- 1/11 Students will disaster of interest that they research the causes wrote about in week one. and details of their chosen Natural Disasters. When assignment is due: DUE Monday 1/11: Students will present their paragraph to show they are on track and prepared with a natural disaster of interest for moving forward with next week’s challenge. DUE Friday 1/22 Students: You have 2 weeksmake your plan during week one, use the weekend to construct your representation; eliminate stress. Finalize week 2’s challenge. Finalize week 2’s challenge. BRING your representation to school on Friday! What is the purpose of informational material? Explore components needed for informational material. Research family safety plans and their necessary components. Research how to prepare your home and family for safety. Compare Community Safety Plans vs. Family Safety Plans. Educate the community: Create a flyer, hand out, or poster that educates your community on your natural disaster. DUE Friday 1/29 Create a written family safety plan. Due Friday 2/5 Week 3- 1/18 Week 4- 1/25 Week 5 – 2/1 Weekly Challenges for the Quarter 3 PBL: The Power of Nature Grades 4/5 Name: __________________________________ Week 6 – 2/8 Research media broadcasting for emergency situations. Week 7 – 2/15 Discuss government involvement in Natural Disaster Relief/ Rescue, etc. Write a reflection about what you did well in on your project and what you think you could have done better. Present in class on Thursday Week 8 – 2/22 Week 9 – 2/28 How would you broadcast your preparedness plan to the community? Explain. Radio, TV, Red Cross, Doorto-door, Other? Why? Design your community wide preparedness plan to keep your community safe. **Create your final copy! FINALIZE your Preparedness Plan - - - and presentation! Due Friday 2/12 BRING YOUR PBL in on Tuesday 2/29!!! FINAL PROJECT & PRESENTATION DUE 2/29! Due Monday 2/22 FINISH your plan and presentation by Sunday