Miss Jane’s and Miss Kelly’s October News


Miss Jane’s and Miss Kelly’s October News

October is one of our favorite months. We will welcome the new season with the topics Fall, leaves, squirrels , and pumpkins. We will begin with a story about some penguins who travel to a farm to experience autumn. We will also sing “Gray Squirrel, The Scarecrow song, Old MacDonald’s Farm, The Leaves are Falling Down, and 5

Little Pumpkins .”

Our IEP themes will include who, what, where, and what…doing questions, and imitation of actions, sounds, words, phrases, as well as making requests and comments. We will also practice following directions. Gross motor goals will be incorporated into obstacle courses, songs, and dancing.

As always, we will be encouraging peer interactions. Currently, we are observing mostly parallel play, where the children play alongside their peers with some imitation of peer actions. We are working on taking turns. We have been pra cticing: “Can I play?” or

“I want to play,” “Can I have a turn?” or “I want a turn,” and “When I’m done.

” Cars, trains, duplo blocks, and balls are the favorite toys so far this year.

We are adjusting well to the routine and working on smoothing transitions with songs and routine procedures. Circle time is one of our favorite times of the day. We have been learning each other’s names, singing, moving our bodies, and listening to stories. We practiced looking at a person and saying “hello.” Some children are

now ab le to answer “How are you?” with and without visual prompts.

Nice job, class!

It has worked well to read the same book daily at circle time each week. Our games and activities are built around the story and theme, as well as IEP objectives. Children love repetition. Repetition gives them more opportunities to learn and practice concepts and vocabulary. Check out the book titles each week in the About My

Week news.

Everyone wants to play !! What the children do not know is that we can still work on speech, requesting, language, colors and all the other goals, even in play. In fact, that is often the best way.

We have begun to go to the library every Monday to listen to a story read by Mrs. Griffith, the librarian. We can each take out one book for the week. We hope you and your child are able to enjoy the book he/she chooses.

Additionally, thank you for inviting me into your homes for the home visit. The time we spend sharing thoughts about your child is valuable.

With the weather changing, be sure to send a jacket because we will go out for recess whenever possible. You can help us by writing your child’s name in his/her jackets, hats, and other outerwear. Enjoy the wonderful autumn weather!
