Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting March 9, 2015 Members Absent: Surabhi

Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting March 9, 2015
Members present: Liz, Elizabeth, Amy, Beth and Suzanne.
Members Absent: Surabhi
Meeting called to order at 7:18 PM
5th grade graduation: An additional $1350.73
Game Night: T-shirts: A design and a runner up have been picked. Beth will discuss with t-shirt vendor
how the designs will look on shirts. Best option will be chosen regarding under $15 price point.
Elizabeth will speak with Kelly re: update. Including volunteers and overall plan.
Spring Fling: Amy needs to ask Keira what corporate sponsors are for and not inviting other schools.
What is planned and where we stand on volunteers.
PTO Liaison: Liz will speak to Dr. A about using PTO members as communication between volunteers
and Board. The board has protocol that we need to follow through with.
Spirit Wear: We are still waiting on the design. We are looking for a different graphic and shirt style
After School Enrichment: We were unable to have place 2 little scholar participant and 1 dance class
participant. Checks are being written to the 3 families as a refund.
Spirit Sticks: Days and times for the sale have been submitted to Dr. A for approval. We will need 2
volunteers to work with the chair on these dates. Suzanne is working on this.
TA Week: We need more volunteers for 3 grades. Volunteers have been contacted. Suzanne needs to
ask Dr. A how she prefers we communicate with parents. Where can we decorate?
Playground: Dr A will meet with Liz and Amanda about some updates.
Moving Forward:
Beth requested 2 people to be on the nominating committee.
Membership form to be updated for 2015-2016 school year.
Board discussed remaining for 2015-2016 with possible moving around of positions. Encouraging other
parents to run for offices is also encouraged.
Kindergarten registration: Do we want to have PTO reps at registration to get info on being a volunteer
and/or members?