Word Definition and Sentence Visual

Vocabulary List 2 (Words 1-7) – Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes – by Chris Crutcher
Definition and Sentence
This word describes a person who is defenseless or
unprotected and experiences physical or emotional
The word vulnerable is an adjective.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Sarah
Byrnes was defenseless and vulnerable against her
This word means to make someone extremely angry,
enraged, or furious.
The word incensed is verb.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Sarah’s
father was enraged and incensed that she would not
speak to him when she was in the hospital.
This word means slender or gracefully slender in
The word svelte is an adjective.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Mark
Britain has a svelte and muscular body.
This word means a “safe place” or it can also mean a
sacred or holy place.
The word sanctuary is a noun.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Sarah
Byrnes wanted to be in a safe place or sanctuary so
her father could not hurt her.
This word means gigantic or huge.
The word colossal is an adjective.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, it was a
huge or colossal mistake for Sarah and Eric to make
fun of Dale Thorton in their newspaper called the
Crispy Pork Rinds.
Sarah’s Sanctuary
This word means having the quality of being intense
or having passion.
The word zeal is a noun.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Mark
Brittain had great zeal or passion toward his religious
This word means having the quality of being polite or
having social manners.
The word decorum is a noun.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, the students
in Ms. Lemry’s CAT class acted with politeness or
decorum until they discussed controversial topics.
Vocabulary List 2 (Words 8-14)
This word means skillful or cunning in sly or deceitful
The word crafty is an adjective.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Virgil
Byrnes, Sarah’s father is a crafty or sly character
because he convinced the authorities that Sarah’s
burns were an accident.
This word describes things that may happen that are
evil or threatening.
The word ominous is an adjective.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Virgil Byrnes
was an ominous or threatening person in Sarah’s life.
Threatening Virgil Byrnes
This word describes a person who checks money
accounts. It also describes people who take a course
to listen in on the class.
The word auditors is a noun.
People who check bank account
Eric’s mom was dating an auditor or a person who
checks accounting books for banks or companies.
People who take courses and listen in
on the classes.
This word means avoiding or dodging something
using trickery.
The word evading is a verb.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Sarah was
_______or dodging a confrontation with her dad by
pretending she was comatose and could not
This word means to mar the appearance or beauty of
something or to deform or deface it.
Dodging the situation
The word disfigure is a verb.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Sarah’s face
was deformed or _______ when her father smashed
her face into the stove and burned her.
to mar or deform
This word describes something that is worthy of
imitating or something that is a commendable
The word exemplary is an adjective.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Mark
Brittain seemed to have commendable or ________
Lead by Example
This word describes the behavior of someone who
refuses to change their attitude or opinion or is
unyielding in their attitude or opinion or refusing.
The word adamant is an adjective.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Eric was
unyielding in his attitude or _________ about keeping
Sarah safe from her dangerous father.
This donkey is unyielding or _______
about NOT moving.
Vocabulary List 2 (15-22)
This word means forming, filling, or writing large or
great volumes. A voluminous edition of the
The word voluminous is an adjective.
a voluminous book
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Sarah’s
private notebook was filled with her voluminous
This word describes the behavior of a person as they
plead or argue in favor of something.
The word advocates can be an adjective.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Mark
Brittain argues in favor or ________ abstaining from
sexual relations until one is married.
This word also means a supporter or a defender of a
topic or a person.
The word advocate can also be a noun.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Eric and
Dale Thorton are strong defenders or _______ for
Sarah Byrnes protecting her from her dad.
This word means to deceive, trick, or fool another
The word duped is a verb.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Sarah
duped or tricked her father by pretending to be
comatose while in the hospital.
This word describes things that are lying next to each
other or lying near or adjoining.
The word adjacent is an adjective.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Eric and
Mark swim in ________lanes or lanes lying next to
each other.
adjacent beds
adjacent angles
adjacent swimmers
This word describes a person with a reading disorder.
The word dyslexic is an adjective.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Dale
Thorton acts like he is a dyslexic reader because he
has reading disorder.
This word means a killer whale
describes a reading disorder where
letters are flipped
The word orca is a noun.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Eric was
compared to a killer whale or an ______ because he
was a large fast swimmer.
This word describes any person who takes the law
into his or her own hands, as by avenging a crime.
The word vigilante is a noun.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Carver
Middleton the boyfriend of Moby’s mom, acts as a
_____ or a person who takes things into his own
hands when he gets into a fight with Virgil Byrnes to
avenge what Virgil Byrnes did to Sarah.
This is what you deserve!
This word means the quality of being lenient or
lightening a penalty or excusing from a penalty by
authorities, judges, parents, or teachers.
The word leniency is a noun.
In the book Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Eric asked
for leniency or a light punishment for his Cripsy Pork
Rinds newspaper articles.
This is a light penalty.