2014-15 United States History Part One: Course Syllabus Instructor: Mr. Zolnak Overview:

2014-15 United States History Part One: Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mr. Zolnak
Room: 113
Congratulations, you are one step away from the “Show” (the high school). It is my full desire to make
this class fun and informative. Remember, my classroom is an academic arena and not a zoo. This course is a
survey meaning that it will cover a large amount of information in a rather short amount of time. We will spend
a lot of time covering content; however, we will spend an equal amount of time working on skills to prepare
you for the high school and hopefully your successful passage of the Keystone Battery of Examinations.
This course will examine and discuss a variety of topics such as discrimination, inequity, manifest
destiny, rugged individualism, and American exceptionalism. It is important to approach each reading or
assignment with an open-mind. Additionally, it is important to be respectful of other’s opinions and think before
you speak. Lastly, and perhaps my most important piece of advice: I can’t help you if you don’t first help
yourself; read the directions, the material, and attempt to complete the assignment.
Students are expected to have the following items at the start of every class:
Writing utensil
In order to better prepare students for the battery of Keystone examinations, this class with focus on
building basic skills. There will be four main areas of focus that will reflect grade-level content.
1) Identify key ideas and details
2) Craft and structure informal and formal writings
3) Integration of knowledge and ideas into a variety of authentic summative and formative assessments
4) Evaluate a variety of primary and secondary sources
Follow the 5Ps: Prompt, Prepared, Productive, Polite, and Proud
Retake policy
It is possible for you to retake major exams and quizzes or revise a major writing assignment if the following
are true.
*You attend class regularly.
*You follow the 5 Ps on a regular basis.
* You completed all the work/assignments leading up to the assessment.
* You made a genuine effort to complete the assignment to the best of your ability.
This only applies if you scored below an 80 %. Your original score will be averaged with the new score. The
instructor reserves full discretion with regards to retakes.
This is an approximation of how the student’s grade will be distributed. Student’s grades are earned as a result
10% Participation: based on the 5Ps and classroom engagement
20% Warm-ups/homework: Can be checked at any point of the grading period, only one day notice
30% Small assessments: Formative assessment quizzes, and small group assignments.
40% Large assessment: Summative assessment i.e. Chapter / Unit Exams, Large writing assignments,
Large projects or group activities.
At the end of the grading period, each student will have earned a certain amount of points, which then will be
divided by the amount of points possible, thus giving the student his or her final grade.
400 points earned
______________ = 80%
500 points possible:
90% - 100% = A
80% - 89% = B
70% - 79% = C
60% - 69% = D
59% - 50% = F
After completing Unit 1, I can...
*identify and locate the 50 states that compromise the United States of America
*identify and locate the major geographic land features of the United States of America
* Examine the impact that European colonization had on the native population.
* Examine the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and discuss the introduction of Africans to North America
*compare and contrast the differences between a Monarchy, Oligarchy, Dictatorship, Democracy and Republic
*compare and contrast the differences between Socialism, Capitalism, and Communism
*identify why Europeans wanted to explore westward
*compare and contrast why Columbus sailed west instead of east
*identify why British citizens left England for the Americas
*identify the 3 regions of the 13 colonies
*compare and contrast the 3 regions of the colonies
*identify the cause and effect of the French and Indian War
*identify the causes of the Revolutionary War
*explain why the colonists were threatened by legal acts passed by Parliament during the 1760s
*make inferences and draw conclusions between conflicts over taxation in the colonies to the same issues in
present-day United States
*identify the differences between Loyalists and Patriots
*interpret why the American colonists were successful in defeating the British in the American Revolution
*write an effective essay that describes what motivates people to change their lives
Unit 2: Formation of the United States
After completing Unit 2, I can...
*explain the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
*analyze the reasons for developing the United States Constitution and its principles
*compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution
*explain the events of the Constitutional Convention
*identify the seven principles of the U.S. Constitution and explain their importance
*identify the goals listed in the Preamble
*identify the responsibilities granted to Congress in the United States Constitution and how they apply to our
lives (voting, following laws, supporting and defending the Constitution)
*identify and explain the roles and powers granted to each branch of the United States Government
*compare and contrast historic Supreme Court Cases
*identify and apply the rights granted to citizens in the Bill of Rights
*compare and contrast the 1st political parties---Federalists and Democratic-Republicans
*justify the drafting of the Constitution and its effects on the formation of the new nation
*write an effective essay that describes how America’s foundations influence our lives
Unit 3: Expansion
After completing Unit 3, I can...
*explain the importance of the Louisiana Purchase
*explain how the Lewis and Clark Expedition inspired the growth of America
*define the phrase “Manifest Destiny” and explain its importance in our lives today
*identify and explain the key inventions that impacted America to become more industrialized
*compare and contrast America’s agricultural and Industrial economies
*evaluate the inventions that led to the shift in America’s economy from an agricultural economy to an
industrial economy
*describe the impact of the Texas and Mexican War on westward expansion
*explain how westward expansion added to the preexisting tension between the “North and South”
*explain how the United States gaining the Oregon Territory led to fulfilling the goal of Manifest Destiny
*describe the importance of the Oregon Trail, Santa Fe Trail, Mormon Trail, and California Gold Rush to the
expansion of America westward
*write an effective essay that describes how change and innovation affect our lives
Unit 4: Civil War and Reconstruction
After completing Unit 4, I can...
*explain the important details of the Missouri Compromise
*make inferences and draw conclusions about how the Missouri Compromise could affect Congress
*compare and contrast Sectionalism and Nationalism
*identify the details of the Compromise of 1850 and explain their importance
*explain the importance of the Gold Rush and how it affected westward movement
*summarize the War with Mexico and its outcome
*define annexation and explain the importance of joining a territory into an existing country
*explain the conditions and consequences of the Fugitive Slave Act for both the North and South
*summarize the importance of the Underground Railroad and those who led it
*explain the purpose of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin
*summarize the provisions of the Kansas-Nebraska Act
*define popular sovereignty and explain its importance on the issue of slavery
*describe the events of Bleeding Kansas
*define abolitionists and explain their methods used to fight against slavery
*describe the importance of John Brown and his raid on Harper’s Ferry
* explain why the Union was able to win the Civil War
* explain the difficulties facing the country during the period known as “Reconstruction”