Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS) Piecing Together Home and School

Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports
Piecing Together Home and School
Courteous, Caring, Cooperative Comets
Dear Parents,
As part of Loudoun County’s PBIS program, all staff clearly define and teach expectations throughout the
school year. We are eager to partner with you to provide Horizon students with a safe, caring, learning
At Horizon we provide positive feedback and support through the following recognition opportunities:
Courageous Comet Stickers
Horizon staff will be recognizing individual students who are going above and beyond displaying courteous,
caring, cooperative (3 C’s) behavior. Students will be given a Courageous Comet Sticker and will be told why
they are receiving the sticker. Grade levels will be sending home information as to where stickers will be
displayed (take home folder, agenda, etc). If you see a sticker, be sure to ask your child why they received it!
Spin It to Win It!
At the end of the month, one randomly selected student from each class who has received a Courageous
Comet Sticker will earn a special reward. This reward will be determined by a randomly chosen student in
their grade level who will spin the “Spin It to Win It”! wheel on HTV which will determine the special reward.
Courageous Comet Café Corner
Each quarter, classroom teachers will nominate one boy and one girl from their classroom who consistently
show the 3 C’s. The grade level teams then randomly choose a boy and a girl from their grade level who will
participate in a morning social. These students will be able to invite a special person to this event. A picture
will be taken of this student and their special person at the café corner and this picture will be displayed on a
bulletin board. More information to come!
Support and Interventions
We will be addressing inappropriate choices that disrupt the learning environment as opportunities for re-teaching and
providing additional support and interventions. The following is the procedure Horizon will be implementing this year:
1. When a student exhibits a minor inappropriate choice that disrupts the learning environment the staff member
will issue a warning and reteach the expectation.
2. If that student exhibits an additional inappropriate choice the teacher will complete an incident report (see
below) and reteach the expectation. To keep lines of communication open between school and home, we will
send home a copy of this report. We encourage you to have a conversation at home to reinforce school
3. When a student receives their fourth incident report they will be referred to the office.
For all major incidents, students will be referred directly to the office and parents will be notified by an administrator.
Communication between home and school is essential to student success. By sending minor incident reports home, we
hope to work with you to provide any additional interventions and extra support your child may need.
Incident #: 1st 2nd 3rd
Horizon Elementary School Incident Report
Student: ______________________________Grade: _______ Staff: _________________________ Date: _________ Time: __________
Location: ___ Classroom
___ Hallway
___ Playground
___ Bathroom
___ Cafeteria
Classroom Managed
___ Bus
Office Managed
____ Preparedness
____ Classroom Disruption
____ Refusal to Follow Directions
____ Inappropriate Comments
____ Violation of Class Rules
____ Electronic Devices
____ Dress Code
____ Cheating
____ Destruction of Personal Property
____ Other
____ Weapons
____ Fighting or Aggressive Contact
____ Direct Threats
____ Harassment of Student/Teacher
____ Violation of Drug/Alcohol Policy
____ Vandalism
____ Theft
____ Aggressive Language
____ Destruction of Other’s Property
____ Third documented Incident Report for minor offenses
____ Other
Description of Incident:
Staff Signature
Administrative Signature______________________________
Administrative/Staff Response: ____ Parent Call ____Temporary Removal from Class
____In school restriction ____Out of school suspension ____Other
____Conference with parent/student
Administrative Signature: ______________________________
Piecing Together Home and School
PPTS (Principal, Parent, Teacher, Student) Pledge
Please sign and return to classroom teacher