Discovery Elementary Grade Three 2015-2016 Reading Curriculum Map First Quarter

Discovery Elementary Grade Three 2015-2016
Reading Curriculum Map
First Quarter
Second Quarter
Third Quarter
Fourth Quarter
Building a Reading Life
and Following
Characters into Meaning
3.3a Use regular and
irregular vowel patterns
3.3b Decode multisyllabic
3.4d Use context Clues
Nonfiction Reading:
Expository Texts
3.3a Use regular and
irregular vowel patterns
3.3b Decode multisyllabic
3.4c Apply meaning
clues, language structure,
& phonetic strategies
3.4e Discuss meanings of
words to develop vocab
Informational Reading:
Reading, Research, and
3.3a Use regular and
irregular vowel patterns
3.3b Decode multisyllabic
3.4a Homophones
3.4b roots, affixes,
synonyms, and antonyms
3.4f Use vocab from other
content areas
3.4g use glossary,
dictionary, and thesaurus
Teacher Choice: Poetry,
3.3a Use regular and
irregular vowel patterns
3.3b Multisyllabic words
3.4b roots, affixes,
synonyms, and antonyms
3.4g use glossary,
dictionary, and thesaurus
3.5a set a purpose for
3.5b Make connections
3.5k Monitor
3.5l differentiate fiction
and nonfiction
3.5m read fiction fluently
and accurately
3.6b Use background for
new learning
3.6k Identify new
3.6l Read nonfiction
fluently and accurately
3.5c make, confirm, revise
3.5h Identify problem and
3.5i Identify main idea
3.5j identify supporting
3.5k Monitor
3.5m read fiction fluently
and accurately
3.6c preview text features
3.6d Ask and answer
questions from text
3.6e Draw conclusions
3.6h identify supporting
3.6l Read nonfiction
fluently and accurately
3.7b Use table of contents,
indices and charts
3.5d compare and
contrast setting,
characters, and events
3.5e Identify author’s
3.5f Ask and answer
questions from text
3.5g Draw conclusions
3.5k Monitor
3.5m read fiction fluently
and accurately
3.6a Identify Author’s
3.6d Ask and answer
questions from text
3.6e Draw conclusions
3.6g Identify Main Idea
3.6l Read nonfiction
fluently and accurately
3.7a Use encyclopedias
and other references
books as well as online
3.5d compare and
contrast setting,
characters, and events
3.5e Identify author’s
3.5g Draw conclusions
3.5k Monitor
3.5m read fiction fluently
and accurately
3.6a Identify Author’s
3.6e Draw conclusions
3.6f Summarize major
3.6i compare/contrast
biographies and
3.6j Use reading
strategies to monitor
3.6l Read nonfiction
fluently and accurately
3.7a Use encyclopedias
and other references
books as well as online
3.7b Use table of contents,
indices and charts
Discovery Elementary Grade Three 2015-2016
Writing Curriculum Map
First Quarter
Second Quarter
Third Quarter
Fourth Quarter
Launching the Writing
Workshop and Crafting
True Stories
3.9a Identify audience
3.9b Prewriting strategies
3.10a Use complete
3.10h Use apostrophes
3.10i Use articles a, an,
3.10j Correctly spell sight
words, including
irregular plurals
Informational Writing:
Expert Pieces
3.9a Identify audience
3.9b Use a variety of
prewriting strategies
3.9g Revise writing for
clarity of content
3.10b Transition words
3.10d Past/present tense
3.10f Commas in a series
3.10g Abbreviations
3.10j Correctly spell sight
words, including
irregular plurals
Research Based
3.8 Write legibly in
3.9a Identify audience
3.9b Use a variety of
prewriting strategies
3.9c Clear topic sentence
3.9d One topic paragraph
3.9f details to elaborate
3.9g Revise writing for
3.10j Correctly spell sight
words and irregular
3.11a Construct questions
about the topics
3.11b Identify appropriate
3.11c Collect and organize
3.11d Understand
plagiarism vs. own words
Persuasive Writing
3.9a Identify audience
3.9b Use a variety of
prewriting strategies
3.9c Clear topic sentence
3.9d One topic paragraph
3.9e Use strategies for
organization of
information and
elaboration according to
the type of writing
3.9f details to elaborate
3.9g Revise writing for
3.10c Use I in compound
3.10e Use singular
3.10j Correctly spell sight
words, including
irregular plurals
Discovery Elementary Grade Three 2015-2016
Oral Language Curriculum Map
3.1a Ask and respond to
questions from teachers
and group members
3.1d Use language
appropriate for context
3.1b Explain what has
been learned
3.1e Increase listening
and speaking
3.1a Listen attentively
3.2a speak clearly
3.2b Use appropriate
volume and pitch
3.2c Speak at an
understandable rate
3.2d Organize ideas
sequentially or around
major points of
3.2e Use context
appropriate language and
specific vocabulary to
communicate ideas.
Discovery Elementary Grade Three 2015-2016
Math Curriculum Map
First Quarter
Second Quarter
Third Quarter
Fourth Quarter
Place Value
3.1a Read and write six
digit numerals, identify
place value of each digit
3.1b Round whole
numbers 9,999 or less to
the nearest 10, 100, &
3.1c Compare 2 whole
numbers between 0 and
9,999 using symbols
(<,>,=) and words
(greater than, less than,
or equal to)
Computation: Division
and Multiplication
3.5 Recall multiplication
and division facts to 12
3.6 represent
multiplication and
division using area, set,
and number lines to
create and solve
problems involving
multiplying a factor 99
or less and 5 or less.
3.20 investigate and
identify examples of the
identity and
commutative properties
of multiplication
Fractions and
3.3 name, write fractions
and mixed numbers
represented by a model
3.18 investigate and
describe probability as
chance and list possible
Measuring Our World:
length, weight, volume,
area and perimeter.
3.9 Estimate and use US
Customary and metric
units to measure:
a length to the nearest ½
inch, foot, yard,
centimeter, and meter
b liquid volume in cups,
pints, quarts, gallons,
and liters
c weight/mass in
ounces, pounds, grams,
and kilograms
d area and perimeter
Computation: Addition
and Subtraction
3.2 Use inverse
relationships between
addition and subtraction
3.4 Estimate, 9,999 or
less, to solve single and
multi-step problems
3.20 Investigate and
identify Identity and
commutative property
for addition.
3.8 Determine, by
counting, the value of a
collection of bills and
coins whose total value
is $5.00 or less, compare
the value of bills and
coins, and make change
Patterns and Data
3.17a collect and
organize data using
measurements, surveys,
or experiments
3.17b construct a line
plot, a picture graph, or
bar graph
3.17c read and interpret
data represented in line
plots, bar graphs, and
picture graphs and write
a sentence analyzing the
3.19 recognize and
extend patterns formed
using numbers, tables,
and pictures
3.14 identify, describe,
compare and contrast
characteristics of plane
and solid geometric by
characteristics including
the number of angles,
vertices, edges, as well
as the number and
shape of faces
3.15 identify and draw
points, line segments,
lines, rays, and angles
3.16 Identify and
describe congruent and
noncongruent shapes
Measuring length,
Area, and Perimeter
3.9a Estimate and use
US Customary and
metric units to measure
length to the nearest ½
inch, foot, yard,
centimeter, and meter
3.9d Estimate and use
area and perimeter
Computation: Add and
Subtract with Fraction
3.7 Add, subtract proper
fractions having like
denominators of 12 or
Elapsed Time and
3.11a Tell time to the
nearest minute using
analog and digital clocks
3.11b determine elapsed
time in one hour
increments over a 12
hour period
3.12 Identify equivalent
periods of time,
including relationships
among days, months,
and years as well as
minutes and hours
3.13 read temperature to
the nearest degree from
a Celsius and Fahrenheit
Discovery Elementary Grade Three 2015-2016
Science Curriculum Map
First Quarter
Second Quarter
Third Quarter
Fourth Quarter
Scientific Investigation
(Taught throughout year)
Scientific Investigation
(Taught throughout year)
Scientific Investigation
(Taught throughout year)
Scientific Investigation
(Taught throughout year)
3.3a Objects are made of
one or more materials
3.33b Physical
properties remain the
same as the material in
visible size
3.3c Visible physical
changes are identified
Energy Resources
Animal Adaptations
3.4a Behavioral
adaptations animals do
to satisfy their life’s
3.4b Physical
adaptations animal have
to satisfy their life’s
3.7a Soil provides
support and nutrients
for plant growth
3.7b Topsoil is a natural
product of subsoil and
3.7c Rock, clay, silt,
sand, and humus are the
components of soil
3.7d Soil is a natural
resources that should be
Water Cycle
3.9a There are many
sources of water on
3.9b The energy from
the sun drives the water
3.9c The water cycle
involved several
3.9d Water is essential
for living things
3.9e Water on Earth is
limited and needs to be
Natural Cycles:
3.8a Understand the
basic principles and
patterns of the
day/night, season,
moon, tide cycles
Simple and Compound
3.2a Purpose and
function of simple
3.2b Types of simple
3.2c Compound machine
3.2d examples of simple
and compound
machines found in the
school, home, and work
Land and Water
3.6a Aquatic ecosystems
3.6b Terrestrial
3.6c Populations and
3.6d The human role in
conserving limited
Food Chains
3.5a Producer,
consumer, decomposer
3.5b Herbivore,
carnivore, omnivore
3.5c Predator and prey
Natural Cycles: Animal
3.8b Understand the
basic principles and
patterns of the animal
life cycle
Natural Cycles: Plant
3.8c Understand the
basic principles and
patterns of the plant life
Survival of Organisms
3.10a The
interdependency of
plants and animals
3.10b The effects of
human activity on the
quality of air, water, and
3.10c The effects of fire,
flood, disease, and
erosion on organisms
3.10d Conservation and
resource renewal
Discovery Elementary Grade Three 2015-2016
Social Studies Curriculum Map
Social Studies
First Quarter
Second Quarter
Third Quarter
Fourth Quarter
Government: Why do
we have it?
3.10a Explain the
purpose of rules, laws
3.10b Government’s
basic purposes are to
make laws, carry out
laws, and decide if laws
have been broken
3.10c Explain that
government protects the
rights and property of
Mechanics of
3.5b Develop map skills
by using the equator
and prime meridian to
identify the four
Geography’s Effects:
Resources of Mali,
3.2 Describe Mali’s oral
tradition (storytelling),
government (kings), and
economic development
3.4b Describe the
physical and human
characteristics of West
3.4c Explain how people
of West Africa adapted
to their environment to
meet their needs
3.7 Explain how
producers in Mali used
natural, human, and
capital resources in the
production of goods and
Impact of History:
3.1 Explain how the
contributions of ancient
Greece ad Rome have
influenced the present
world in terms of
government (direct and
indirect democracy),
and sports
Government: How does
our Republic protect
rights and promote
3.11a Explain the
importance of the basic
principles of
government by
describing individual
rights to life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness;
and equality under the
3.12 Recognize that
Americans are a people
who unite by the basic
principles of a republic
form of government and
respect for individual
rights and freedoms
Government: How can
and how have people
3.11b Identify
contributions of George
Washington, Thomas
Jefferson, Abraham
Lincoln, Rosa Parks,
Thurgood Marshall,
Martin Luther King Jr.,
and Cesar Chavez
3.11c Recognize that
Veteran’s Day and
Memorial Day honor
people who have served
to protect the country’s
3.11d Describe how
people can serve the
community, state, nation
Mechanics of
3.5a Position and label
the seven continents and
five oceans
Mechanics of
Geography: Read and
construct maps, charts,
and graphs
3.6 Read and construct
maps, tables, graphs,
and charts
Mechanics of
Geography: Location
3.4 Locate Greece, Rome,
and West Africa
3.5c Locate Spain,
England, and France
3.5e Locate specific
places using a simple
letter-number grid
Geography’s Effects:
Resources of Greece
3.4b Same as above, but
for ancient Greece
3.4c Same as above, but
for ancient Greece
3.7 Same as above, but
for ancient Greece
Geography’s Effects:
Resources of Rome
3.4b Same as above, but
for ancient Rome
3.4c Same as above, but
for ancient Rome
3.7 Same as above, but
for ancient Rome
Economy: How people
in certain places meet
their needs
3.8 Recognize that
because people and
regions cannot produce
everything they want,
they specialize in what
they do best and trade
for the rest
3.9 Identify examples of
making economic
choices and explain the
idea of opportunity cost
(what’s given up)
Impact of History:
Mixed Effects
3.3a Describe the
accomplishments of
Christopher Columbus,
Juan Ponce de Leon,
Jacques Cartier, and
Christopher Newport
3.3b Identify the reasons
for exploring, the
information gained, the
results of the travels,
and the impact of the
travels on American
3.5d Locate the regions
in the Americas
explored by Christopher
Columbus (San Salvador
in the Bahamas), Juan
Ponce de Leon (near St.
Augustine, Florida),
Jacques Cartier (near
Quebec, Canada), and
Christopher Newport
(Jamestown, Virginia)