Sorokacs Physics Final Presentation

Final Presentation
In lieu of a final exam in this class, the last task here will be a final presentation
on a topic/subject we did not have time to cover in class. You will work in a group to
choose one subject and present a brief lesson to the rest of the class.
You may use your book as your primary source, but I encourage you to find at
least three other sources to include for your lesson. You can use the internet, but wikis
are strictly forbidden! You can use, for example, the sites cited on Wikipedia
pertaining to your topic, but Wikipedia itself does not count as a source.
You should work with your group to create an outline of your presentation/lesson.
It should be well organized and clearly indicate how your presentation will flow. It can
be either hand-written or typed, but make sure it is neat and legible.
Your final presentation can be in the form of a PowerPoint, but make sure you
save it to a flash drive and I can display it on my laptop. Your lesson should be at least
seven minutes long. Posters are an acceptable visual aide as well. Don’t assign any
homework; I just want the facts and theories.
Your choices of topics are as follows:
Fluid Mechanics
Heat & Thermodynamics
Vibrations & Waves
Light & Reflection/Refraction
Electric Forces & Fields
Final Presentation
When other groups are presenting their topic, you are expected to be silent and
respectful during their lesson. Additionally, I encourage you to ask questions during
and after the presentation, but they must be on-topic and not shouted out at random.
Observe the schedule below for due dates:
May 6rd: Pick your groups and subjects
May 20th: Submit outline
June 3rd: Presentations begin
I have scheduled the following dates for us to use the computer lab in Room 133
May 10, Day B: Periods 1, 4, 5B, and 7
May 16, Day B: Periods 1, 3, 5B, and 7
May 24, Day A: Periods 1, 4, 5B, and 8
May 31, Day A: Periods 2, 4, 5B, and 8
I advise you to make the most out of the lab time I give you, because failure to
stay on-task for any reason in the lab will result in points being lost!
We will continue our lessons as normal throughout the next month, so this will be
a sort of background assignment during this time. However, please do not procrastinate
on this project! I have heard time and again how many of you have procrastinated on
your junior research project; I implore you not to make the same mistake here!
Lastly, have fun with it! It’s not often the student gets to take control of the class
like this, so make your lesson as creative as possible!
Final Presentation
Student Names___________________________________________________________
Student is able to
accurately answer
almost all questions
posed by classmates
about the topic.
Student is able to
accurately answer most
questions posed by
classmates about the topic.
Student is able to
accurately answer a few
questions posed by
classmates about the topic.
Student is unable to
accurately answer
questions posed by
classmates about
the topic.
Shows a full
understanding of the
Shows a good
understanding of the topic.
Shows a good
understanding of parts of
the topic. (50%)
Does not seem to
understand the topic
very well.
with Peers
Almost always listens
to, shares with, and
supports the efforts of
others in the group.
Tries to keep people
working well together.
Usually listens to, shares
with, and supports the
efforts of others in the
group. Does not cause
"waves" in the group.
Often listens to, shares
with, and supports the
efforts of others in the
group but sometimes is not
a good team member.
Rarely listens to,
shares with, and
supports the efforts
of others in the
group. Often is not a
good team member.
Presentation is 7-8
minutes long.
Presentation is 6 minutes
Presentation is 5 minutes
Presentation is less
than 5 minutes OR
more than 12
Uses Complete
Always (99-100% of
time) speaks in
complete sentences.
Mostly (80-98%) speaks in
complete sentences.
Sometimes (70-80%)
speaks in complete
Rarely speaks in
complete sentences.
Uses vocabulary
appropriate for the
audience. Extends
audience vocabulary
by defining words that
might be new to most
of the audience.
Uses vocabulary
appropriate for the
audience. Includes 1-2
words that might be new
to most of the audience,
but does not define them.
Uses vocabulary
appropriate for the
audience. Does not include
any vocabulary that might
be new to the audience.
Uses several (5 or
more) words or
phrases that are not
understood by the
Student is completely
prepared and has
obviously rehearsed.
Student seems pretty
prepared but might have
needed a couple more
The student is somewhat
prepared, but it is clear that
rehearsal was lacking.
Student does not
seem at all prepared
to present.
Stays on Topic
Stays on topic all
(100%) of the time.
Stays on topic most (9990%) of the time.
Stays on topic some (89%75%) of the time.
It was hard to tell
what the topic was.
Outline is clear, legible
and shows the flow of
the presentation
Outline is mostly clear and
legible, the presentation
flows well
Outline is barely legible,
there is no flow in the
No outline
Three sources besides
the book were used
and cited
Two sources were used
One source was used
No sources