Fairless El Sch 07/01/2014 - 06/30/2015 School Level Plan

Fairless El Sch
School Level Plan
07/01/2014 - 06/30/2015
School Profile
Fairless El Sch
531 Jones Ave
Braddock, PA 15104
Federal Accountability Designation: Focus
Title I Status: Yes
Principal: Jean Livingston
Superintendent: Al Johnson
Planning Committee
James Clawson
Rita Clary
Fran Shapera
Vanessa Jackson
Lisa Kristian
Jean Marie Livingston
Dina Miller
Lara Rizzi
Rachel Scholze
Heather Sutek
Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
Ed Specialist - School Counselor
Elementary School Teacher - Special Education
Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
Title I Schools
Title I Schools in Improvement, Corrective Action or Making Progress
All Title I Schools required to complete improvement plans must assure to the Pennsylvania
Department of Education the school's compliance with the following expectations by developing and
implementing an improvement plan or otherwise taking actions that meet the expectations
described by the Assurances listed below.
Assurances 1 through 20
No assurances have been identified
Assurance 21
No strategies have been identified
Title I Schoolwide program
The school has indicated the following response as to whether or not it intends to run a Title I
Schoolwide program for the first time:
A completed Title I Schoolwide program planning addendum is required if the school is running a
Title I Schoolwide program for the first time.
No file has been uploaded.
For Title I Schools in Corrective Action Only
Fairless El Sch is not in Corrective Action
Needs Assessment
School Accomplishments
Accomplishment #1:
According to PVAAS the "All student" group met or exceeded the standard for PA Academic growth
in reading and math.
Accomplishment #2:
The "All student" group met performance targets with the help of the Safe Harbor Special Provisions
in Math.
Accomplishment #3:
The target for test participation on the PSSA in math and reading was met for the "All Student"
group and subgroups.
Accomplishment #4:
The target for test attendance on the PSSA in math and reading was met for the "All Student" group
and subgroups.
School Concerns
Concern #1:
The "All student" group did not make AYP with the help of the Special Provision for both math and
reading. No tested grade levels met the performance target for reading or math.
Concern #2:
No relevant subgroup made the performance target in reading. The only subgroup to make the
performance target, in math, with special provisions is the economically disadvantaged subgroup.
Prioritized Systemic Challenges
Systemic Challenge #1 (System #1) Ensure that there is a system in the school and/or district that fully
ensures the principal is enabled to serve as a strong instructional leader who, in partnership with the
school community (students, staff, parents, community, etc.) leads achievement growth and continuous
improvement within the school.
Aligned Concerns:
The "All student" group did not make AYP with the help of the Special Provision for both
math and reading. No tested grade levels met the performance target for reading or math.
No relevant subgroup made the performance target in reading. The only subgroup to
make the performance target, in math, with special provisions is the economically
disadvantaged subgroup.
Systemic Challenge #2 (System #6) Ensure that there is a system within the school that fully
ensures a safe and supportive environment for all students.
School Level Plan
Action Plans
Goal #1: Establish a system within the school that fully ensures the consistent implementation of
effective instructional practices across all classrooms.
Indicators of Effectiveness:
Type: Interim
Data Source: EasyCBM given 3 times per year(September, January, May) during the
2013-2014 and 2014-2015 school years.
Specific Targets: Progressive growth in math proficiency in the Easy CBM by 15% for
each test at all grade levels for all students.
Type: Interim
Data Source: G-RADE given 3 times per year (September, January, May) during the
2013-2014 and 2014-2015 school years.
Specific Targets: Progressive growth in reading proficiency on the G-RADE by 10% for
each test at all grade levels for all students.
Type: Interim
Data Source: DIBELS Next given 3 times per year (September, January, May) during the
2013-2014 and 2014-2015 school years.
Specific Targets: Increase fluency rates and comprehension scores on DIBELS Next by
10% for each test at all grade levels for all students.
Type: Interim
Data Source: Teacher observations/walk-throughs using the Loti and/or OnHand
application(s). Administration will review data quarterly (Oct., Jan., Mar. and Jun.)
Specific Targets: Student engagement will increase by at least 10% for all students as
observed by administrators during observations and walk-throughs.
Implement Research-Based Strategies
The strategies the staff will implement will be research based and monitored for
effectiveness throughout the 2013-2014 and the 2014-2015, 2015-2016 school
years to ensure consistent implementation of effective instructional practices
across all classrooms. Professional development will ensure that teachers have the
appropriate foundation to consistently implement effective instrucional practices.
Monitoring through classroom observations and walk-throughs several times
throughout the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015, 2015-2016 school years will
also promote consistent implementation of effective instructional practices by
ensuring that teachers are implementing differentiated instruction, reflective of
challenging learning expectations for all students. A monitoring system and
detailed implementatio steps will be developed and recorded. The staff and
community will be involved with the development of these protocols.
SAS Alignment: Standards, Assessment, Instruction
Implementation Steps:
The school will provide professional development for staff on addressing
eligible content and Marzano's high yield strategies
The teachers will continue weekly professional development on the use of eligible
content and Marzano's high yield strategies; focusing on higher level questioning,
comparing/contrasting, summarizing and use of homework. This will be
monitored through use of weekly lesson plans, walk throughs and observations and
visibililty in daily objectives.
Start Date: 9/9/2013
End Date: 6/13/2016
Program Area(s):
Supported Strategies:
Implement Research-Based Strategies
H.E.A.T. Professional Development
Staff will participate in H.E.A.T. professional development modules beginning in the
fall of 2013. Evidence of implementation will include H.E.A.T. sign-in sheets, group
projects and administration participation/observation.
Start Date: 9/9/2013
End Date: 6/13/2016
Program Area(s): Professional Education
Supported Strategies:
Implement Research-Based Strategies
Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) will be formed by teachers in their
assigned area of professional development (HEAT modules or Marzano's
strategies) to discuss HEAT and Marzano implementation strategies, and to allow
teachers to develop strategies, share successes, and overcome difficulties
encountered during implementation. Evidence of implementation will include PLC
sheets, group projects, and adminstration participation/observation. PLC
documentation worksheets will be completed by each PLC at each meeting and
collected/reviewed by an administrator.
Start Date: 9/9/2013
End Date: 6/13/2016
Program Area(s): Professional Education
Supported Strategies:
Implement Research-Based Strategies
The staff will use differentiated instruction for both reading and math
Data will be used to create instructional groups. The groups will be flexible and the
work will be differentiated. Interventions will be provided. Monthly
grade level meetings will be used to analyze student data from the following
sources: G-RADE, DIBELS Next, EasyCBM, PVAAS, weekly Storytown assessments
and EveryDay Math tests and previous PSSA scores. Evidence of implementation
will be monitored through weekly lesson plans, administrative walk throughs,
observations and assessment results.
Start Date: 9/9/2013
End Date: 6/5/2015
Program Area(s):
Supported Strategies:
Implement Research-Based Strategies
Conduct On-Hand and Loti application observations and walk-throughs to
ensure consistent implementation of effective instructional practices
across all classrooms
Observation and walk-through data will be recorded. Staff performance should
improve with consistent feedback. HEAT observations are shared with the PDE.
Administrators will review data to identify teachers in need of more professional
development either in HEAT or Marzano. As needed, these teachers will have
conferences with an administrator, may be assigned to work with an instructional
coach or placed on an improvement plan. Evidence will include HEAT walkthrough reports, meeting minutes and professional improvement plan(s), when
Start Date: 9/9/2013
End Date: 6/13/2016
Program Area(s):
Supported Strategies:
Implement Research-Based Strategies
Goal #2: Ensure that there is a system in the school and/or district that fully ensures the principal is
enabled to serve as a strong instructional leader who, in partnership with the school community
(students, staff, parents, community, etc.) leads achievement growth and continuous improvement
within the school.
Indicators of Effectiveness:
Type: Annual
Data Source: Attendance at parent meetings, parent workshops, Open House, parent
Specific Targets: 60% of parent/guardians will attend school functions,
Type: Annual
Data Source: Update contact information: phone numbers, emergency contacts, to
ensure all parents are being reached
Specific Targets: Reassess school to parent, parent to school communication
Data Analysis Procedures, Data-Informed Instruction, Data Teams & Data
Description: Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision
Making provides a WWC reporting of various strategies related to the acquisition,
analysis, and application of student data. (Source:
http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/pdf/practice_guides/dddm_pg_092909.pdf )
SAS Alignment: Assessment, Instruction
Family Literacy Activities
Description: Family Literacy Activities include those activities where parent
involvement in literacy acquisition is narrowly defined to include parent-child
activities that focus on reading. A meta-analysis of 14 intervention studies indicates
that family literacy activities have a high effect size on reading skill acquisition in
grades K-3. (Source:http://lincs.ed.gov/publications/pdf/lit_interventions.pdf )
SAS Alignment: Instruction
Implementation Steps:
Survey staff to determine current level of parent involvement
A survey will be developed with the input of the staff to determine level of parent
The survey will be distributed at the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year
The survey will be given to all new registrants throughout the year
Start Date: 8/25/2014
End Date: 9/26/2014
Program Area(s): Student Services
Supported Strategies:
Data Analysis Procedures, Data-Informed Instruction, Data Teams & Data Warehousing
Results from survey will be gathered and data recorded
Teachers will submit received surveys to the office
The office will record results on a chart
The chart will be shared with staff
Start Date: 10/6/2014
End Date: 10/31/2014
Program Area(s): Student Services
Supported Strategies:
Data Analysis Procedures, Data-Informed Instruction, Data Teams & Data Warehousing
The staff will develop, with select parents and community members a
parent workshop event
The staff, parents, community will develop a parent workshop that will focus on
student achievement
A December date will be decided
Fliers, with RSVP indicator, will be developed and sent home
Start Date: 8/25/2014
End Date: 9/26/2014
Program Area(s): Student Services
Supported Strategies:
Family Literacy Activities
Robocall, fliers, website will be used to promote event
The RSVP responses will be recorded
The event will be promoted and reminders about the event will occur through
robocall, fliers, website
Start Date: 10/31/2014
End Date: 12/19/2014
Program Area(s): Student Services
Supported Strategies:
Data Analysis Procedures, Data-Informed Instruction, Data Teams & Data Warehousing
The parent workshop event will be held
The parent workshop event will be held in Mid-December 2014
The number of attendees will be compared to the number of RSVP returns
A survey will be provided for the parents to complete prior to the closure of the
Start Date: 12/19/2014
End Date: 1/12/2015
Program Area(s): Student Services
Supported Strategies:
Data Analysis Procedures, Data-Informed Instruction, Data Teams & Data Warehousing
Family Literacy Activities
The results of the attendance information and parent feedback will be
The team will meet and review the attendance information and parent feedback
and the results will be shared with entire staff
The information will be used to plan the next event
Start Date: 1/19/2015
End Date: 3/6/2015
Program Area(s): Student Services
Supported Strategies:
Data Analysis Procedures, Data-Informed Instruction, Data Teams & Data Warehousing
Staff, parents and community will meet to plan Spring event
The team will use the feedback and success of the previous event to plan a Spring
The team will develop new outreach ideas
Start Date: 3/16/2015
End Date: 4/13/2015
Program Area(s): Student Services
Supported Strategies:
Data Analysis Procedures, Data-Informed Instruction, Data Teams & Data Warehousing
Family Literacy Activities
The new outreach strategies will be utilized
The team will develop new outreach ideas in addition to the fliers, website and
Start Date: 3/16/2015
End Date: 4/13/2015
Program Area(s): Student Services
Supported Strategies:
Data Analysis Procedures, Data-Informed Instruction, Data Teams & Data Warehousing
Spring event will be held
The Spring event will be held and attendance data and parent feedback will be
The goal is to have an increase in attendance from previous event
Start Date: 5/4/2015
End Date: 6/15/2015
Program Area(s): Student Services
Supported Strategies:
Data Analysis Procedures, Data-Informed Instruction, Data Teams & Data Warehousing
Family Literacy Activities
The team will meet to review successes and plan for the upcoming year
The team will celebrate the successes of the event
The team will use the feedback to make adaptations for the upcoming year
Plan a Back to School event
Start Date: 5/18/2015
End Date: 6/15/2015
Program Area(s): Student Services
Supported Strategies:
Data Analysis Procedures, Data-Informed Instruction, Data Teams & Data Warehousing
Family Literacy Activities
Appendix: Professional Development Implementation
Step Details
No Professional Development Implementation Steps have been identified for Fairless El Sch.
Assurance of Quality and
We, the undersigned, hereby certify that the school level plan for Fairless El Sch in the Woodland
Hills SD has been duly reviewed by a Quality Review Team convened by the Superintendent of
Schools and formally approved by the district's Board of Education, per guidelines required by
the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
We hereby affirm and assure the Secretary of Education that the school level plan:
Addresses all the required components prescribed by the Pennsylvania Department of
Meets NCLB requirements for Title I schools
Reflects sound educational practice
Has a high probability of improving student achievement
Has sufficient District leadership and support to ensure successful implementation
With this Assurance of Quality & Accountability, we, therefore, request that the Secretary of
Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Education grant formal approval to implement the
school level plan submitted by Fairless El Sch in the Woodland Hills SD for the 2014-2015
No signature has been provided
Superintendent of Schools
No signature has been provided
Board President