1 . Nast Stores - Consumer credit scoring model. Y = (a x EMPLOYMENT) + (b x HOMEOWNER) + (c x CARDS) where: a= 0.2 b= 0.4 c= 0.3 EMPLOYMENT = 1 if full-time, 0.5 part-time, 0 if unemployed HOMEOWNER = 1 if homeowner, 0 otherwise CARDS = 1 if presently have 1-5 credit cards, 0 otherwise Minimum score = 0.7 a. ) Consumer credit scoring model. Value of Janice's variables: EMPLOYMENT= HOMEOWNER = CARDS = Y= b. ) 0.5 0.50 1.00 0.00 : reject credit application Consumer credit scoring model. Value of Janice's variables EMPLOYMENT= HOMEOWNER = CARDS = Y= 0.9 1.00 1.00 1.00 : accept credit application because she now meets the minimum cutoff score c.) Adding a new variable to a consumer credit scoring model. 0 stands for less than one year, 0.5 stands for 1-2 years, 1 stands for > 2 years. d. ) Suggesting other variables for a consumer credit scoring model. - How long employed in current job 0 for < one year, 0.5 for 1-5 years, 1 for > than 5 years. - Dollar amount annual income 0 < than $20,000, 0.5 for $20-$50,000, 1 > than $50,000. - Phone number 0 for no phone number, 1 for phone number. 2 . Certainty NPV and Uncertainty NPV for Credit Decision. a. ) The certainty case. ASSUMPTIONS: Credit terms, CP Opportunity cost of funds, k Daily rate Dollar amount of invoice, S 45 12.00% 0.0329% $30,000 Variable costs, VCR 65.00% Credit administration and collection 1.00% days APR of sales of sales costs, EXP ILLUSTRATION OF CASHFLOW TIMELINE Day 0 Day 45 ---|----------------------------------------|-------------------> 0.65 x $30,000 = $19,500.00 PV of variable costs $30,000 invoice ($300) EXP $29,700 x 1 / (1 + (0.12 / 365) x 45)) $29,267.01 PV of collections = -(VCR x S) + S / (1 + iCP)) (EXP x S) / (1+ iCP) = NPV of credit extension under certainty. Karen should approve the order since NPV > 0. $29,267.01 - $19,500 = $9,767.01 b. ) The uncertainty case. Payment Timing < 45 days 45-60 days 60-90 days Probabilit y 0.50 0.30 0.15 > 90 days 0.05 1.00 Collection agency charge Collection agency collects Addditional time agency takes After 45 and before 90 additional cost of invoice of 65% invoice 30 days 30% $125 every 15 days The impact here is that the firm will spend the variable costs associated with the sale upfront, but will only receive the expected value of the invoice over time. So we need to find the expected present value of the invoice. Expecte d Additional Collect- Payment Collect- Payment ion Prob- ion Costs Date Period ability (> $300) (1) (2) (3) (4) < 45 22.5 0.50 $0 45-60 52.5 0.30 $125 60-90 75 0.15 $250 > 90 120 * 0.05 $9,250 ** Net Collect ion Flow =S(EXP*S) -(4) (5) $29,70 0 $29,57 5 $29,45 0 $9,950 *** *Note: 22.5 is 1/2 of 45, 52.5 is 1/2 of the 45-60 day range, 75 is 1/2 of the 60-90 day range, and the 120 is the best point estimate for the over 90 day range. **Note: There are no collection costs for payment in 45 days or less; for 52.5 days, however, the additional collection costs (beyond the 1% * $30,000) are $125; for 75 days the additional collection costs (beyond the $300) double to $250; after 90 days, the additional collection costs cumulate to the $250 plus the 30% of the referred amount of $30,000 (= $9,000) for a total of $9,250 in additional charges beyond the original $300 ! ***Note: the $9,950 = 0.65 * $30,000 (the percent of the referred amount collected by the agency = $19,500) less the agency's charge of 30% (=$9,000 !), less the $250 accrued additional collection costs, less the 1% EXP * S of $300. Net NPV of Collection Flow PV Credit Sale Expecte d Present Value = S - (EXP*S) (4) Factor =(5) * (6) - S * VCR = (7) * (3) (8) $4,991 $2,872 $1,386 ($496.38 ) (5) $29,700 $29,575 $29,450 (6) 0.9927 0.9830 0.9759 (7) $9,982 $9,573 $9,241 $9,950 0.9620 ($9,928) Total NPV = $8,753 While not as large as the NPV for the certainty case $9,767 , the NPV of $8,752.73 from the credit sale from the risk analysis is positive, and so credit should be extended. 3 . Collection float including invoicing float and the cash consequences. Order & Invoice Preparation: Order Entry and Shipping Invoice Preparation & Sending ("Invoicing Float") Credit Period: Credit Terms Added Delay (customers payables) Payment Preparation Payment Collection & Application: Mail, Processing, Availability Delays Cash Application 5 3 30 2 1 6 0 Total Delay from Purchase Communication to Cash Application: a. ) Calculate the total delay from purchase communication to cash application. Total delay = 5 + 3 + 30 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 0 = b. ) 47 ===== days What part of the total delay represents cash tied up from the seller's perspective? 100% 47 days b. ) Why should the seller be concerned about the order and invoice preparation delays? Because, as we saw in part b, order and invoice preparation delays slow incoming cash from sales. It is also directly controllable by the seller. c.) What fraction of the total delay in your answer to (a) is made up of the credit terms? Based on your answer, comment on the importance of managing all parts of the cash flow timeline. Credit Terms = Total Delay = 30 47 days days Therefore, 64% of the total delay is made up of credit terms. This leaves 36% of the delay to be managed, some of which is directly under the control of the seller.