Harmony PTA General Membership Meeting Minutes January 16, 2014 These minutes document the Harmony PTA Board meeting which was held on Thursday, January 16, 2014, beginning at 6:30 p.m. These minutes were prepared by the Secretary of the Board. The General Membership was provided with an agenda, a December 18, 2013 – January 16, 2014 Treasurer’s Report, MSAAC General Meeting Information and the December meeting minutes. President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Principal Board Participants Board Members and General Membership Kathy Reed Elizabeth Webber Jim Widzinski Cindy Hayden Mr. Eric Stewart Standing Committees Fundraising School Rewards Programs Events Committee Spirit Wear Communication (The Hornets’ Nest) Ginny Skrobialowski Ashby Snare Kim Trombly Kelly Ambler Carol Bailey Yes Jim Widzinski Jim Widzinski Jim Widzinski , Kathy Reed Susannah Ruttle Tracey Downing Kristen Thatcher, Anita Hurst Kristen Thatcher, Connie Klinkam Tracey Downing Yes Yes Yes Yes Title Special Committees and Coordinators School Store Website Constant Contact Volunteer Coordinator School Clubs Family Arts Night Committee 8th Grade Year-End Celebration Loudoun Education Alliance of Parents (LEAP) Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (MSAAC) Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Student Council Association (SCA) Liaison Student Council Association Representatives Present Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Brittany Baldwin Deana Czaban Henry Thomas General Members 1 Yes Jim Hepner Lori DeMark Adria Frie Yes Yes Yes Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Call to Order, Vice President Opening Ceremony Approval of Minutes, Secretary Report of the Treasurer Report of the Principal Reports of Standing Committees Reports of Special Committees and Coordinators Old Business a. Winter Party Plans (Jim Widzinski) 9. New Business a. Honor Student Lanyards (Adria Frie) b. Family Arts Night (Lori DeMark) c. 2014-2015 PTA Officer Election Process (Betty Webber and Jim W.) 10. Announcements 11. Adjournment, Vice President Minutes Call to Order The meeting was called to order by the PTA Vice President Betty Webber Approval of Minutes The December meeting minutes approved. Report of the Treasurer Jim Widzinski provided a copy of the Treasurer’s Report dated December 18, 2013 – January 16, 2014. Our balance on hand is $27,528.00. Total income for this reporting period was $969.90 with $929.90 coming from the school store and the Box Tops Rewards Program. Total expenses for this reporting period were $1,668.34. The PTA received $449.90 from the Box Tops Rewards Program; this income goes directly to the PTA to fund events for the rest of the year. Harmony PTA provided a $500 check to Woodgrove High School for the Graduation Night Celebration. The PTA also paid out another teacher grant in the amount of $680.62 to the Non-fiction Book Club. The books on the Fall Fundraiser have been officially closed. Report of the Principal The Name Game for the 6th and 7th grade has been completed with the staff doing very well. 99% of the 7th graders were named by the dean, AP, secretaries, bookkeeper and the school counselor. The 8th grade Name Game will take place Wednesday, January 29th. There is a fixed A/B day schedule this year. The only time this fixed schedule will change is during exam week. If there is a change a Connect Ed call or e-mail will go out to the student body. Budget meetings are ongoing check the LCPS web site for locations and times. 2 In December the Fire Marshal came and made an inspection at Harmony. During his visit he noted some areas of concern that needed to be fixed. The biggest area of concern was the lumber and sets in the back stage area of the theater. The Fire Marshal returned Thursday, January 16th and all areas of concerned had been fixed; Harmony passed with not problems. Thank you to a group of 8th graders who created a “platform” through their civics classes and presented to the administration that a five minute bell schedule would help with class transitions. The current transition time is 4 minutes. The change was approved and will take place at the beginning of the 2nd semester. There were some parent concerns about the condition of the dirt roads in our area during the snow days and late opening. These concerns have been forwarded to the Transportation Department for further review. Jim Hepner is working on Harmony’s School Improvement Plan and would like input from parents and the Harmony community. If you are interested in giving input to our School Improvement Plan, please contact Jim Hepner at jim.hepner@lcps.org. Report of Standing Committees Fundraising Fall Fundraiser is over. Ginny Skrobialowski is now looking forward to Teacher Appreciation week in May. Events Committee PTA will sponsor a Family Bingo Night Friday, March 7th. The event will start at 6:00 pm with dinner being served by the PTA and Bingo starting at 7:00pm. Alternative activities may be available such as a movie in the library. Kim Trombly to contact with Mr. Stewart to discuss possible prizes such as homework passes, lunch with the principle and other prizes that can be provided by the teachers. Jim Widzinski suggested Kim Chatfield as a good source of information and possible help with putting this event together. Reports of Special Committees and Coordinators School Store Conversation Hearts will be sold at the school store for the first two weeks of February to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (MSAAC) Brittney Baldwin provided the following from the January 15, 2014 MSAAC General Body Meeting: MSAAC members viewed a 7 minute presentation provided by TedTalks Podcast "Every Child Needs an Advocate". Ms. Rita Pierson, an educator, described what an ideal teacher should be, but there are circumstances which cause teachers to lose their motivation and passion to teach. She encouraged parents and teachers to establish and maintain cooperative relationships in which both parties understand the true value of education. Each child should be encouraged from any level of their learning ability, not condemned or overlooked. Last evening, Dr. Hatrick provided an insightful presentation and discussion regarding the positive progression of Loudoun County. He believes that Loudoun County Public Schools are learning the importance of diversity and individualized learning. He also touched on points about parents and LCPS continuing to focus on relationship building. He is hoping the next superintendent will attempt to create an environment in which parents are not intimidated by the school system. Parents should feel comfortable and welcome in LCPS at all times. Unfortunately, the LCPS budget situation is causing much concern because it will affect the quality oflearning for all LCPS students. He encouraged MSAAC and parents to attend the Board of Supervisors meetings and LCPS School Board Budget Work Session meetings to make sure LCPS' students are being represented. Academic Achievement Fair has been rescheduled. The plan is to provide this fair in early spring. 3 Gifted and Talented Information Nights: Sully Elem. 7-8pm Wed. Jan 22 Liberty Elem. 7-8pm Wed. Jan 29 Farmwell Station Middle 7-8pm Mon. Feb 10 Leesburg Elem. 9-10am Thurs. Feb 20th Harmony Middle 7-8pm Mon. Feb. 24th Creighton’s Corner Elem. 7-8pm Wed. Feb. 26th 1 st Loudoun Regional Math Tournament - March 22nd Presented by Dominion Trail Elementary March MSAAC Parent Delegate Meeting - "Building Educational support in Foster Care" PresenterChristine Carmouze, Foster Parent Trainer and Recruiter, Loudoun County Foster Care and Adoption Department of Family Services GPS Fair (Getting Prepared for Success) - March 26, 2014. Dominion High School 6:30pm-8:30pm GAP Year Fair – Feb. 16, 2014; 2-4pm Champe High School Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Deana Czaban reported that the next SEAC meeting will be held Tuesday, January 21st. The topic for the meeting will be “Building Relationships – How to Work with Your School”. Deana also reported that Jodi Folta, Vice Chair of SEAC will be a member of the New Superintendent Search Committee. Deana Czaban is the alternate if for some reason Jodi cannot participate. The whole SEAC community is excited to be able to provide input into the process. Old Business a. Winter Party Plans See Standing Committees/Events Committee New Business a. Honor Student Lanyards (Adria Frie) Adria Frie proposed purchasing Harmony lanyards for the students to purchase for their Honor Roll and Cornerstone pins. Mr. Stewart suggested that Harmony pennants might be an option as well. Ms. Frie also suggested pins for SOL achievements as well. Ms. Frie will get prices for purchasing lanyards and pennants and report back to the PTA at our next meeting. Lanyards and pennants would be sold at the award nights and through the school store 2nd Quarter award nights are scheduled as follows: 6th grade, February 11th 8th grade, February 18th 7th grade, February 19th b. Family Arts Night (Lori DeMark) Family Arts night will be Thursday, March 20th from 6pm – 8pm. Kristen Thatcher is the PTA Chair Person for this event. The event will consist of art activities in all three art rooms, used book sale and music in the Library, and Claymation videos in Music 1. There will be no Empty Bowl or Empty Plate this year. Ms. DeMark wanted to know if the PTA was interested in providing concessions possibly pizza, chips and drinks on one half of the cafeteria. The other half of the cafeteria would be used for the visiting artisans to display their work. Ms. DeMark needs PTA help with spreading the word, setting up the show and helping the night of the event. Kristen Thatcher’s budget from the PTA is $400. Brittany Baldwin is working on submitting a proposal for an Art Grant through Target for additional funding. 4 c. 2014-2015 PTA Officer Election Process (Betty Webber and Jim Widzinski Need to put in the Hornets’ Nest as soon as possible. Board Members and parents need to start putting feelers out now. Harmony PTA needs to reach out to the PTA at our feeder schools to start recruiting for next year’s board. PTA should have a table and paperwork available during course selection nights and maybe something in the course selection paperwork that is sent home with students. Search committee should be established at the February PTA meeting. d. School Box Express Tricia Smith has contacted Jim Widzinski to see if Harmony PTA will continue to sponsor School Box Express for school supply sales next school year. e. Loudoun UPtheARTS Cindy Hayden asked everyone to support Loudoun UptheARTS which is a parent-powered effort to gain advanced performing and visual arts programs in LCPS high schools. To see their proposal, 1 year, 3 year and 5 year plans you can go to: https://www.facebook.com/loudounupthearts Announcements NEXT PTA GENERAL MEETING – The next general meeting will be held on Thursday, February 13, 2014 at 6:30 pm in the Harmony library. Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm. 5