TheFirstC h e e t a h C h a t Grade News… October will definitely be a super busy month in first grade!! Teachers are already preparing and planning for Animal Adventures where the students will rotate between rooms to learn lessons about the behavior of owls, frogs & toads, and bats during the fall months. This is just one of our exciting science themes for the month and we feel our students are going to love it! A quick reminder: yellow folders should be checked nightly. Toward the end of the month, the pink Impact Aid forms will come home. PLEASE watch for them, fill them out and send them back to us the very next day! They are very important! Conferences will begin soon. This is a time for you to ask questions and learn about your child’s progress and future academic growth. We enjoy taking the time to sit and chat with each of you. As the year continues, please remember you can always contact us with any questions you may have. Mrs. Miss Miss Miss Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. McInturff: Apwisch: Parnell: Cahill: Friedenberg: Valentine: Lockett: If possible, we would love some donations: Avery Mailing Labels White socks Black Dry Erase Markers Cottonballs Pumpkins – each teacher could use just 3. Please email your child’s teacher if you are able to donate a pumpkin. October 2015 Updated Sight Words!! Practice Makes Perfect! Curriculum Covered Reading: read to self/someone, making connections, setting a purpose for reading, visualizing Shared Reading: fluency, expression, chunks, quotation marks, commas, word endings like ed, -ing, -s & -es, question marks, etc. Writer’s Workshop: small moments: drawing pictures, labels, spacing, capital letters, punctuation, zooming in on one event, brainstorming ideas, write what you know! Math: Calendar, graphing, counting and writing numbers, growing and repeating patterns. Social Studies: PAWSitive Behaviors, Good citizenship, Patriotism, American symbols, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln. Upcoming Reading & Writing: Continuation of Above, Predicting, Retelling, Non-fiction Texts, Pattern Books Math: Skip counting, Place value, math facts (sums to 6) Science: Solar Changes and Patterns, Changes in Autumn, Scientific Investigations, Observations, Journaling ***Please remember when helping your child write sentences at home: 1. It is okay for “kid spelling” to be used 2. Sight words should always be spelled correctly *Check the attached list for the most current words 3. A capital letter and punctuation marks should always be used PLEASE help your child to learn to tie their own shoes!! October Events October 12 - Columbus Day, no school October 13 – PTO meeting in the library, 2:50pm October 30 - Citizenship Awards, 8:15am October 23 – Spooky Bingo, 6 – 8:30 October 20-November 6 – Parent-Teacher Conferences. Please contact your child’s teacher and sign up for a conference if you have not already done so. Conference reminders will be mailed home in mid October. November 2,3 – Conference Days, no school. Helpful Info is at