Student Council Service Workbook Name: ________________

Student Council
Service Workbook
Name: ________________
Service is helping others. We are a
community of people and it is important for us to
donate our time and ourselves to help others.
When people help and serve
others what might they be
When people help and serve others
what might they be thinking?
What are some other ways you can show your service
and help in your school and community?
Service Assignments
There are 25 service assignments on the pages that follow. It is expected that you
will complete at least one a month, although it is hoped you will do more. On
the calendar below, you can write the name of the assignments you did each month.
You are responsible for getting your class manager (CM) to sign off when you have
completed the assignment. DO NOT LOSE THIS WORKBOOK! Put it in a safe place
like a folder or your assignment book. It will not be replaced. If you lose it, you may
print a copy from the fifth grade page on the school website. In June, your books will
be collected and recognition will be given for exceptional service completion.
Adult Initials:
Adult Initials:
Adult Initials:
Adult Initials:
Adult Initials:
Adult Initials:
Adult Initials:
Adult Initials:
Adult Initials:
Say one nice thing to someone different each day for a week.
(Record: Who did you choose? What did you say? How did it go?)
Find a student who
seems to be alone at
recess or at lunch and
find a way to engage
them in a conversation.
How did it go?
How did they respond?
Write and send a thank you note to your parent. (Record: How did
it go? How did they respond? How did you feel?)
Write a thank you note to a teacher. (Record: How did it go? How
did they respond? How did you feel?)
Write a thank you note to an adult in the school. (Record: How did
it go? How did they respond? How did you feel?)
Send your grandparents, uncle or aunt, or another adult friend a
“thinking of you” card. (Record: How did it go? How did they
respond? How did you feel?)
Sort through toys/clothes – donate to your favorite charity or a sibling.
(Record: How did it go? How did they respond? How did you feel?)
Pick up trash around the school
– at recess, in the hallways, and
in the classroom every day for
one week. (Record: How did it
go? How did they respond?
How did you feel?)
Do yard work for your family or neighbor (with
permission). (Record: How did it go? How did they
respond? How did you feel?)
Buy at least one Smencil for someone that you
would not normally buy for (not a “friend”).
Bonus: Earn the money by doing chores.
(Record: How did it go? How did they respond?
How did you feel?)
Bring in donations for our collection.
(Record: How did it go? How did they
respond? How did you feel?)
Bring a sweet treat for your
teachers. (Record: How did
it go? How did they
respond? How did you feel?)
Choose a person who you admire. Why are they
a good role model and someone to look up to.
Poverty is a reality for many people both in the U.S. and around
the world. Many charities work to meet the basic needs of these
families. List at least five things that all children need that
these organizations should provide.
Find out about a culture different from your own. Complete the Venn Diagram. How
are they the same? Different?
Design a poster to promote tolerance and understanding of differences. Turn it into a Student
Council teacher.
Make "I Care" kits with
combs, toothbrushes,
shampoo, etc. for
homeless people. .
(Record: How did it go?
How did you feel?)
Collect old magazines and donate them
to day care centers. (Record: How did it
go? How did they respond? How did
you feel?)
Write letters to people in a nursing home, or if you can, go and visit.
(Record: How did it go? How did they respond? How did you feel?).
Practice the 3 R's in your house: Reduce, Recycle, Reuse.
What did
you reduce?
• 1.
• 2.
What did
you recycle?
• 1.
• 2.
What did
you reuse?
• 1.
• 2.
Submit a poster for the
Earth Day Poster Contest
During April’s meeting
we will have an
invention contest with
entries made out of
recycled goods. Bring
your entries to share.
You must let the
Student Council
teachers know if
you plan to do
this project by
March 15th.
Create your own service assignment.
What did you do?
How did it go?
How did they respond?
How did you feel?