Woodland Hills Academy Parent Compact

Woodland Hills Academy
Parent Compact
The Woodland Hills Academy is part of the quilt that is the Woodland Hills School
District. The Academy is committed to providing a quality education for every child in a
unique 21st Century manner. Research shows that when schools and parents form strong
partnerships, the potential for student academic success improves exponentially. Thus,
parent involvement is required in order to enroll in the Academy.
The Woodland Hills Academy is dedicated to involving parents in the school procedures
and practices. Parents must agree to the following items in order to finalize their
student’s placement in the Academy.
It is understood that the Academy is an innovative school that pilots many unique
programs, uniforms, standards-based scheduling and reporting, etc. Academy
parents must be willing to learn about these innovative approaches, since
many of these 21st Century skills builders are different from past practices. The
Academy will provide information and, if needed, assistance to parents in
understanding state academic content and performance standards, state and local
assessments and how parents can assist in their child’s education.
It is understood that the family (defined as immediate members of the family,
including grandparents) of Academy students must attend at least two
designated meetings a year. The Woodland Hills School District will provide
technical assistance and support to its parents on the many pilot projects within
the Academy. At these meetings, Academy parents will have the opportunity for
input into the planning and implementation for effective parent involvement
It is understood that the Woodland Hills Code of Conduct applies to all
students and will be enforced rigorously and strictly at the Academy. The
Academy will work assiduously to assist all students meet their behavioral goals,
but it must be clearly stated that the Academy is not for every student. Thus,
students who do not comply with the Code of Conduct will not remain at the
Academy. The student will move to a school within the district that will provide
the best possible education for the student. The Academy will take every step
possible to assist students in meeting their behavioral goals.
It is understood that the family of Academy students will participate in a two
parent conferences a year in order to ensure that all students are meeting the
primary goal of learning to the highest possible levels of achievement.
It is understood that parents are expected and welcomed in the Academy - as
visitors, as volunteers, as participants, as students, and as the primary educators of
their student. The Academy values parents as equal partners. Listed below
are some of the parent involvement opportunities that exist at the Academy:
PIE(Parent Group) Volunteer
Assist homeroom teachers or grade level teams
Chaperone field trips (clearances must be on file with the district)
Serve on a committee i.e. library, vision
Attend School Board meetings
Be a guest speaker in a classroom
It is understood that Academy students wear the prescribed uniform at all
times. Shoes that are to be worn must be either dress shoes or presentable
It is understood that parents will adhere to the all practices and policies of
the Academy that are designed to ensure the well being of all students. These
are defined in the District and Academy publications.
Please sign and date on the appropriate lines below in order to complete your enrollment
in the Academy.
I understand and agree to the above parent involvement items. Please finalize the
enrollment into the Academy
Parent/Guardian Name(s) ___________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________________
Date ______________________________
Student Name(s) _______________________________ Grade Level (2015-16)_______
_______________________________ Grade Level (2015-16)_______
_______________________________ Grade Level (2015-16)_______
_______________________________ Grade Level (2015-16)_______
For Academy Use Only
Principal’s Signature ______________________________________________________
Date _______________________