Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Skilled Movement Grade Level 9 Apply Movement Skills to a Variety of Activities Standard: 9.1 The student will perform all basic movement skills and demonstrate competence in at least two self-selected, lifelong, skill-related physical activities from individual, dual, or team game/sport, dance, and recreational pursuit categories. a. Apply competencies in all locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills to appropriate game/sport, dance, and recreational activities. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Apply competencies in movement skills to appropriate game, sport, dance, rhythm, and recreational activities. Perform basic and advanced motor skills in at least two different types of complex movement forms (individual game, team game, sport, dance, rhythmic, or recreational activity). Explain and apply appropriate strategies in a given sport or activity Explain and apply appropriate rules in a given sport or activity Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will identify essential locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills and common critical elements across a variety of activities. The student will use motor cues and feedback to correct performance problems The student will explain and apply offensive and defensive strategies, game situational strategies, and strategies for effectively working with team members. Explain and apply safety protocols and rules, proper conduct and etiquette, relevant markings/lines for the field of play and common penalties and violations Assessments: performance rubrics for skill elements (rubrics may be used for self, peer, and summative assessments), cognitive/knowledge assessment to assess ability to explain strategies and rules Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is for students to participate in and apply movement skills and concepts in a variety of complex physical activities – games, sports, rhythmic activities/dance, and recreational pursuits. Based on experience, students will develop plans to improve skill performance. Apply Movement Skills to a Variety of Activities Standard 9.1 The student will perform all basic movement skills and demonstrate competence in at least two self-selected, lifelong, skill-related physical activities from individual, dual, or team game/sport, dance, and recreational pursuit categories. b. Design, implement, evaluate, and modify a plan for at least two self-selected, lifelong, skill-related physical activities. Key concepts include analysis of performance, application of principles of movement and training, and focus on goal setting and improvement of personal skills. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Design and implement a personal physical activity plan. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will create a personal physical activity plan for at least two activities. The student will analyze skill performance and utilize feedback to improve skills. The student will engage in physical activities that contribute to acquiring competency in movement forms. Assessments:, pre- and post-rubric for skill performance; cognitive assessment for skill analysis, rubric to evaluate improvement plan, self/peer assessment of skill Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is for students to participate in and apply movement skills and concepts in a variety of complex physical activities – games, sports, rhythmic activities/dance, and recreational pursuits. Based on experience, students will develop plans to improve skill performance. Plan elements may include pre- and postskill assessment, skill analysis, identifying areas for improvement, goal setting, developing and implementing strategies for improvement, skill practice and development, and personal reflection Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Movement Principles and Concepts Grade Level 9 Apply Movement Principles and Concepts to Specific Skill Performances Standard 9.2 The student will apply movement principles and concepts to specific sport, dance, and recreational skill performance. a. Explain and apply selected scientific principles (e.g., physiological [warm-up, cool down, overload, specificity, and progression], biomechanical [levers, types of muscle contractions, and force]) that aid in the improvement of movement skills. Essential Knowledge and Skills Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will be able to: Explain and apply physiological principles that aid in the improvement of movement skills. The student will explain the importance of warm-ups and cool-downs, and describe the physiological responses to various warm-ups and cool-downs. Explain and apply biomechanical principles that aid in the improvement of movement skills. The student will explain and apply the principles of specificity, overload, and progression (SOP) in relation to frequency, intensity, time (duration) and type of exercise (FITT). The student will explain the characteristics of safe and appropriate muscular stretching, muscular strengthening, and cardiorespiratory exercise programs to improve the healthrelated components of fitness. The student will explain the movement concepts of balance, energy, force, and motion. Assessments: performance application rubrics; cognitive assessment for concepts Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is to provide students with specialized knowledge to evaluate personal skill-related performance by applying scientific principles related to exercise and training. Students will use this knowledge to improve their own movement effectiveness and performance of others by applying principles of exercise physiology and biomechanics. Use Movement Principles and Concepts to Improve Performance Standard: 9.2 The student will apply movement principles and concepts to specific sport, dance, and recreational skill performance. b. Use movement principles and concepts to improve the movement performance of self and others. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Apply movement principles and concepts to improve the movement performance of self and others. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will apply appropriate skill technique to enhance performance. The student will apply the biomechanical principles of force, motion, balance, and energy to enhance performance. The student will analyze movement performance and utilize feedback to learn or improve the movement skills of self and others. The student will apply the motor learning process of practice, assess, correct, practice at a higher level, and reassess. The student will analyze the relationships of skills, rules, and strategies in the performance of activities and sports. Assessments: performance application rubrics; cognitive assessment for concepts Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is to provide students with specialized knowledge to evaluate personal skill-related performance by applying scientific principles related to exercise and training. Students will use this knowledge to improve their own movement effectiveness and performance of others by applying principles of exercise physiology and biomechanics. Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Personal Fitness Grade Level 9 Personal Fitness Planning Standard: 9.3 The student will demonstrate achievement and maintenance of a health-enhancing level of personal fitness by designing, implementing, self-assessing, and modifying a personal fitness program. a. Demonstrate program-planning skills by setting goals, devising strategies, and making timelines for a personal physical activity plan. b. Apply the FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type) principle and other principles of training such as overload, specificity, and progression, in accordance with personal goals. d. Use a variety of resources, including available technology, to assess, design, and evaluate a personal fitness plan. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding Develop a personal physical fitness plan that includes setting goals, a variety of activities; ongoing fitness assessment, evaluation, and analysis; exercise planning, conducting fitness activities both in and outside of the classroom setting, and reflection and future planning. The intent of the standard is to evaluate personal fitness levels and create an appropriate plan with timelines that will maintain and improve level of physical fitness. Assess and analyze personal fitness levels to include VA Wellness testing, proper fitness testing protocol and technique, selfevaluation of personal fitness levels, Describe and apply appropriate exercise recommendations and guidelines regarding and set SMART goals. Develop a personal fitness plan that addresses each area of the healthrelated fitness components and applies FITT and SOP. Use resources and technology to develop personal fitness plan. FITT and/or SOP to each of the health-related components of physical fitness. Calculate and explain target heart rate and training zones in relation to exercise intensity. Demonstrate the use of and explain the impact of pedometers/heart rate monitors on fitness planning. Assessments: cognitive assessments for knowledge and skills (goal setting), rubric to evaluate personal fitness plan It is inappropriate to grade students on the results of fitness testing. Fitness scores are only to be used to identify personal strengths and weaknesses; not as a means of comparison to others. It is inappropriate to communicate individual student names and scores for the purposes of comparing students. Virginia Wellness testing is required. Other tests are optional and are not to supplant the VA Wellness testing. Plan elements may include pre- and post- skill assessment, skill analysis, identifying areas for improvement, goal setting, developing and implementing strategies for improvement, skill practice and development, and personal reflection Personal Fitness Planning Standard: 9.3 The student will demonstrate achievement and maintenance of a health-enhancing level of personal fitness by designing, implementing, self-assessing, and modifying a personal fitness program. c. Include scientific principles and concepts (e.g., methods of stretching, types of muscular contractions) as strategies for improvement of personal fitness. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Describe and apply scientific principles and concepts as strategies for improving personal fitness. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will describe the health benefits associated with each of the health-related components of fitness. Identify and apply methods for increasing flexibility. Define terms associated with muscular strength and endurance that may include progressive resistance exercise, core exercise, isometric, isokinetic, hypertrophy, repetition, set, fast-twitch muscle fiber, slowtwitch muscle fiber Identify basic muscular anatomy and muscle actions. Explain common myths associated with weight training and improving muscle strength and endurance. Explain body composition, body mass index, and healthy body weight. Assessments: cognitive assessment for knowledge, rubric for personal fitness plan elements may include application of knowledge, strategies, and concepts Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of the standard is to evaluate personal fitness levels and create an appropriate plan with timelines that will maintain and improve level of physical fitness. Health-related components of fitness include cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Flexibility activities may include fitness yoga, Pilates, and dynamic stretching. Personal Fitness Planning Standard: 9.3 The student will demonstrate achievement and maintenance of a health-enhancing level of personal fitness by designing, implementing, self-assessing, and modifying a personal fitness program. e. Identify consumer issues related to selection, purchase, care, and maintenance of personal fitness equipment. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Identify consumer issues related to selection, purchase, care, and maintenance of personal fitness equipment. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will identify criteria for selecting personal fitness equipment. The student will identify and evaluate strategies for the selection, purchase, care, and maintenance of personal fitness equipment, that may include avoidance of fitness gimmicks, information from articles and media, and information from reliable consumer agencies and organizations The student will demonstrate appropriate care and use of physical education equipment. Assessments: project rubric to select a commercial product (fitness program, fitness equipment) and evaluate based on consumer strategies Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of the standard is to evaluate personal fitness levels and create an appropriate plan with timelines that will maintain and improve level of physical fitness. Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Responsible Behaviors Grade Level 9 Demonstrate Essential Life Skills In Physical Activity Settings Standard: 9.4 The student will demonstrate appropriate behaviors in all physical activity settings. a. Act independently, and resist negative peer influences in physical activity settings. b. Exhibit respect for the unique characteristics and abilities of peers. c. Act responsibly to avoid conflict. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Demonstrate the skills for and ability to act independently, and resist negative peer influences in physical activity settings. Exhibit respect for the unique characteristics and abilities of peers. Demonstrate the ability to act responsibly to avoid conflict. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will demonstrate respect for individual differences and abilities by promoting inclusion and safety of others when participating in physical activities. The student will describe cultural influences on various sports and activities. The student will utilize appropriate social interactions and decision-making skills including working effectively with peers in various group, partner, and team activities. The student will describe and demonstrate conflict resolution skills. The student will identify and demonstrate characteristics of fair play and sportsmanship when participating in physical activities. The student will analyze the importance of various rules and safety procedures to avoid conflict. Assessments: performance rubric for application of skills; cognitive assessment for skills and knowledge Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is to have students be independent thinkers who respect peers, yet resist negative peer influences and act responsibly to avoid conflict. This standard is to be explicitly instructed and assessed as skills; not limited to being used as behavioral expectations. Conflict resolution skill set may include discuss problem without blame, active listening, identify and clarify issues and needs, brainstorm solutions, choose and apply solution, evaluate solution Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Physically Active Lifestyle Grade Level 9 Participate In School And Community Physical Activities Standard: 9.5 The student will participate in school and community physical activities that are challenging and health-enhancing and that provide opportunities for social interaction. a. Maintain a record of daily participation in physical activities. b. Develop and evaluate progress toward personal physical activity goals within and outside of physical education class. c. Analyze long-term physiological and psychological benefits that may result from regular participation in physical activity. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Participate and keep a record of physical activities completed daily to evaluate progress in achieving personal goals. Analyze and compare physiological and psychological benefits derived from various physical activities. Identify ways in which physical activity can provide opportunities for positive social interaction and enjoyment. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will maintain a record of daily participation in physical activities. The student will evaluate the impact of daily physical activity on progress toward personal physical activity goals. The student will analyze short- and long-term physiological and psychological benefits that may result from regular participation in physical activity. The student will analyze and compare physiological and psychological benefits derived from various physical activities. The student will describe how physical activities can provide opportunities for positive social interaction and enjoyment. Assessments: informal assessment of activity log (check local division policy on homework); student plan for physical activity participation outside of school; community assessment for places and programs to engage in physical activity Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of the standard is to have students analyze the benefits of healthenhancing physical activities done in and outside of school, and evaluate progress made toward personal physical activity goals. Psychological benefits may include decreased stress and anxiety, decreased depression, increased self-esteem, increased mental alertness, and improved mood