Document 17571305

Physical Education Curriculum Framework
Strand: Skilled Movement
Grade Level 3
Apply Locomotor, Non-Manipulative, And Manipulative Skills In Activity
Standard: 3.1
The student will apply locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills in increasingly complex movement activities.
a. Demonstrate most of the critical elements (small, isolated parts of the whole skill or movement) for manipulative skills (e.g.,
throw and catch a variety of objects, kick to stationary and moving partners/objects, dribble with dominant hand/foot, pass a
ball to a moving partner).
b. Use manipulative skills in movement combinations (e.g., perform manipulative tasks while dodging and moving in different
pathways; catch a rolled ball while moving, and throw it back to a partner).
Essential Knowledge and Skills
The student will be able to:
Demonstrate critical elements
associated with locomotor, nonmanipulative skills and
manipulative skills.
Demonstrate combinations of
locomotor, non-manipulative, and
manipulative skills (walking while
tossing and catching).
Demonstrate variations of
locomotor, non-manipulative, and
manipulative skills repetitively
while moving to a rhythm.
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
The student will demonstrate fundamental
manipulative skills and patterns.
The student will demonstrate consistency in striking
objects with the correct striking pattern using different
parts of the body, short-handled implements, and longhandled implements.
The student will perform movement skills in general
space that require the ability to see the open spaces,
move without bumping into others, and traveling in a
controlled manner to stop or start on a signal.
The student will explain that performing manipulative
skills requires breaking the skill down into steps,
learning how to do each step correctly, practicing each
step, combining all the steps, and practicing the whole
The student will use manipulative skills in movement
The student will demonstrate the ability to incorporate
manipulative skills while fleeing and dodging in
different directions.
Assessments: performance rubrics for skill elements
(rubrics may be used for self, peer, and summative
assessments), cognitive/knowledge assessment to
assess knowledge and concepts
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The intent of this standard is to continue progress toward
competency in demonstrating fundamental
motor/movement skills including locomotor, nonmanipulative, and manipulative skills. Another emphasis
of this standard is to begin to combine and refine
manipulative skills with locomotor and non- manipulative
skills while participating in educational games,
gymnastics, and dance. Students should begin to
acquire the ability to manage numerous tasks (variations
of movement skills and spatial awareness) at the same
time and implement these skills during game situations.
Locomotor skills may include walk, jog, run, gallop, skip,
slide, jump, hop, leap
Non-manipulative / nonlocomotor skills involve the ability
of the body to balance and transfer weight from one body
part to another and may include movements of rotation,
transferring weight, and stationary balancing.
Nonlocomotor skills may include twisting, bending,
swaying, stretching, turning, swinging
Manipulative skills may include throwing a variety of
objects, kicking to stationary and moving
partners/objects, dribbling with dominant hand/foot, and
passing a ball to a moving partner
Physical Education Grade 3
Demonstrate Movement Sequences in Rhythmic Activity
Standard: 3.1
The student will refine movement skills and demonstrate the ability to combine them in increasingly complex movement activities.
c. Demonstrate moving to a rhythm (e.g., perform a variety of educational dances with different international and regional
American formations; create educational dances with apparent beginning, middle, and end, combining shapes, levels,
pathways, and locomotor patterns).
Essential Knowledge and Skills
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The student will be able to:
Demonstrate moving to a rhythm by
performing teacher selected rhythmic
Create a simple dance / rhythmic
The student will perform basic dance/rhythm
sequences combining locomotor, non-locomotor,
and manipulative movements.
The student will demonstrate moving to a rhythm
during dance activities that require changes in
tempo; varied movement patterns, balances, and
The student will perform folk, square, and creative
dance activities that demonstrate different
pathways, shapes, levels, force, and speed.
The student will perform a variety of educational
dances with different international and regional
American styles that include different pathways,
shapes, levels, force, and speed, such as:
Folk dance
Square dance
Contemporary dance
Line dance
Social dance
International dance
The intent of this standard is to continue progress
toward competency in demonstrating
fundamental motor/movement skills including;
locomotor, non-manipulative, and manipulative
skills. Another emphasis of this standard is to
begin to combine and refine manipulative skills
with locomotor and non- manipulative skills while
participating in educational games, gymnastics,
and dance. Students should begin to acquire the
ability to manage numerous tasks (variations of
movement skills and spatial awareness) at the
same time and implement these skills during
game situations.
Dance/rhythmic sequences are usually
performed in counts of 8.
Music for student performances should be preapproved for appropriate lyrics.
Dance/rhythmic sequences created by students
may be done in small groups, partners, or by
The student will create a simple dance sequence.
Assessments: skill performance rubric, dance
performance rubric, rubric to evaluate student created
dance routine
Physical Education Grade 3
Demonstrate Proficiency In Skilled Movement
Standard: 3.1
The student will apply locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills in increasingly complex movement activities.
d. Refine individual gymnastics skills, and perform educational gymnastic sequences with balance, transfer of weight, travel,
and change of direction.
Essential Knowledge and Skills
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The student will be able to:
Perform tumbling skills and
The student will perform smooth sequences that
combine four or more movements.
The student will demonstrate smooth sequences
that incorporate the following movements:
Weight transfer
Direction changes
The student will perform educational gymnastics
sequences with a combination of manipulative
skills using objects such as, wands, streamers, or
The intent of this standard is to continue progress
toward competency in demonstrating fundamental
motor/movement skills including; locomotor, nonmanipulative, and manipulative skills. Another
emphasis of this standard is to begin to combine
and refine manipulative skills with locomotor and
non- manipulative skills while participating in
educational games, gymnastics, and dance.
Students should begin to acquire the ability to
manage numerous tasks (variations of movement
skills and spatial awareness) at the same time and
implement these skills during game situations.
Assessments: skill performance rubric; rubric to
evaluate student created tumbling/gymnastics
Physical Education Grade 3
Physical Education Curriculum Framework
Strand: Movement Principles and Concepts
Grade Level 3
Apply Movement Principles In Complex Movement Activities
Standard: 3.2 The student will apply movement principles in increasingly complex movement activities.
a. Apply the concept of relationships while moving in space and using non-locomotor and manipulative skills.
b. Apply the principles of relationships when working with a partner while moving (e.g., passing a ball in front of a moving partner).
Essential Knowledge and Skills
The student will be able to:
Apply movement concepts by moving
through space using non-manipulative
skills, manipulative skills, and partner
activities while moving (offensive,
defensive, and lead-up games).
Indicators for Success / Opportunities for
The student will apply relationship awareness concepts
in lead-up games and activities such as moving in
relation to objects, to self, and to others.
The student will apply movement principles, such as
force and speed, to improve performance of movement
The student will identify movement that integrates
angles and directions in non-locomotor skills such as,
stretching, bending, twisting, and turning.
The student will adapt and apply movement concepts
while moving through space using manipulative and
non-manipulative skill combinations.
The student will describe how feedback can improve
movement skill performance to help a partner identify
characteristics of quality performance, identify areas of
performance needing improvement, and provide positive
reinforcement of effort.
Assessments: performance application rubrics, cognitive
assessment for concepts, self and peer performance
assessments with recommendations for improvement
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The intent of the standard is to transfer previously
learned principles of relationship to more
complex movement activities. The student will
apply movement in dynamic and cooperative
Skill-related fitness concepts may include agility,
balance, coordination, power, reaction, speed
Movement concepts may include:
Body awareness - in skill-related
Spatial awareness - personal and general
Relationship - to movement
Effort - heavy or light, hard or soft
Environment - boundaries, obstacles,
Non-manipulative skills may include moving to
receive a thrown ball, moving to trap a kicked
ball, moving to receive a bounced pass,
fleeing/chasing and dodging
Manipulative skills may include kicking, striking
with implements, volleying, catching, passing,
dribbling, punting
Physical Education Grade 3
Physical Education
Curriculum Framework
Strand: Personal Fitness
Grade Level 3
Describe The Benefits Of Engaging In Regular Physical Activity
Standard: 3.3 The student will engage in a variety of moderate and vigorous physical activities and describe how and why the body
responds to the activities (e.g., physiological changes such as sweating, increased heart rate, increased respiration).
Essential Knowledge and Skills
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
The student will be able to:
The student will identify the differences between
moderate and vigorous physical activities.
Identify the differences between
moderate and vigorous physical
The student will define aerobic and engage in a
variety of aerobic activities that require different
levels of intensity such as aerobic dance, jogging,
speed walking, and rope jumping.
Explain why the body begins to sweat
during moderate and vigorous
physical activities.
The student will identify and participate in fitness
activities that align with the components of fitness
and the Virginia Wellness Fitness test protocol.
Explain why heart rate increases
during moderate and vigorous
physical activities.
The student will explain basic physiological
changes that occur during moderate and vigorous
physical activities to include changes in respiration,
perspiration, and heart rate.
Explain why respiration increases
during moderate and vigorous
physical activities.
The student will define pulse and demonstrate how
to take a pulse to determine resting, target and
maximum heart rate.
The student will explain that warm-up activities
prepare the body for physical activity by slowly
raising heart rate and warming the muscles.
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The student will engage in a variety of moderate
and vigorous physical activities and describe how
and why the body responds to the activities (e.g.,
physiological changes, such as sweating,
increased heart rate, increased respiration).
Health-related components of fitness include
cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength
and endurance, flexibility, and body composition
Pulse may be defined as the beating of the heart
as it pumps blood through the body
Aerobic may be defined as activities that require
an increased use of oxygen for a long period of
time causing the heart to work harder at a steady
pace and makes the heart stronger.
Assessments: cognitive assessments for knowledge and
Physical Education Grade 3
Physical Education Curriculum Framework
Strand: Responsible Behaviors
Grade Level 3
Demonstrate Positive Interactions With Others During Activities
Standard: 3.4
The student will demonstrate an understanding of the purpose for rules, procedures, etiquette, and respectful behaviors while in
various physical activity settings.
a. Demonstrate independence and good use of time while engaging in physical activity.
b. Provide input into establishing rules and guidelines for behavior in physical activity settings.
c. Work cooperatively with peers.
Essential Knowledge and Skills
The student will be able to:
Work cooperatively with peers in small
and large group activities.
Participate in group discussions
related to rules, procedures and
Follow directions and understand the
activities that are planned.
Exhibit discipline/motivation to
practice physical activity skills
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
The student will demonstrate ability to work
independently, without prompting from the
teacher, during practice of skills and/or during
physical activity.
The student will demonstrate efficient use of time in
physical education class by following established
rules and procedures, maintaining consistent ontask behavior, practicing assigned skills or activity,
and making choices that support the teacher’s
instructions student learning.
The student will establish rules and guidelines for
class participation for both indoor and outdoor
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The intent of the standard is to apply knowledge
of rules, procedures and etiquette and to work
cooperatively with others during physical
activity. Students need to demonstrate the selfdiscipline and motivation necessary to stay on
task and make responsible decisions.
Cooperative skills set:
Taking turns
Active listening
Ask clarifying questions
Consider all opinions
Everyone participates
The student will demonstrate the ability to work
cooperatively with peers in small and large group
Assessments: performance rubric for application of
skills; cognitive assessment for skills and
Physical Education Grade 3
Physical Education Curriculum Framework
Strand: Physically Active Lifestyle
Grade Level 3
Identify/Participate In Physical Activities Based On Personal Interest
Standard: 3.5 The student will identify and participate regularly in physical activities to improve skills and personal health.
a. Select and participate in physical activities during unscheduled times at home, at school, or in the community.
b. Identify one physical activity that he/she participates in regularly for fitness, enjoyment, and/or social interaction.
Essential Knowledge and Skills
The student will be able to:
Compare the differences between
skill-related fitness and health-related
Identify the benefits of regular physical
activity as it relates to skill
Identify the benefits of regular physical
activity as it relates to personal health.
Establish a plan for participation in
regular physical activities at home,
school or in the community.
Identify the fitness activity that he/she
enjoys participating in on a regular
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
The student will create a plan for participation in
regular physical activity in school, at home, or in
the community.
The student will identify the benefits of regular
physical activity as it relates to skill improvement in
activities such as dribbling, striking, throwing
/catching, volleying, passing/receiving, and
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The intent of the standard is to identify the
physical and social benefits of regular physical
activity. Emphasis is placed on personal
selection and participation in enjoyable and
rewarding activities that might occur during the
school day, at home, or in the community.
The student will identify the personal health
benefits of regular physical activity related to the
components of fitness: increased personal fitness,
enhanced ability to perform activity specific skills,
and opportunity to socialize with others.
The student will compare the differences between
health-related fitness and skill-related fitness.
The student will identify one physical activity to
participate in on a regular basis for fitness and
social interaction.
Assessments: cognitive assessment for skills and
knowledge, rubric to evaluate regular physical
activity plan
Physical Education Grade 3