World History II: 1500-Present World Religions

World History II: 1500-Present
Directions: Answer the following questions on the scantron. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST.
World Religions
1. Allah is the name for God in which religion?
a. Hinduism
c. Judaism
b. Islam
d. Shintoism
2. What is the holy book for Judaism?
a. Bible
c. Vedas
b. Torah
d. Koran (Qu’ran)
3. Muhammad is the Prophet of…
a. Judaism.
c. Buddhism.
b. Islam.
d. Islam.
4. Who aided in the founding of Hinduism?
a. Buddha
c. Muhammad
b. the Yamato clan
d. the Aryans
5. Siddhartha Guatama founded which religion?
a. Christianity
c. Islam
b. Shintoism
d. Buddhism
6. Which of the following religions is monotheistic?
a. Shintoism
b. Islam
c. Buddhism
d. Taoism
7. In which religion do the followers seek to reach nirvana?
a. Shintoism
c. Christianity
b. Buddhism
d. Islam
5 Pillars of the Faith
Middle East and Southeast Asia
8. The above chart refers to which religion?
a. Islam
c. Judaism
b. Christianity
d. Islam
Major Religions of the World Ranked by Number of Adherents
9. Based on the chart of above, the two largest religions in terms of number of adherents (followers)
a. Non-religious & Hinduism.
c. Buddhism and Chinese traditional.
b. Christianity & Islam.
d. Primal-Indigenous and Other.
10. The answer to question #11 are what type of religions?
a. Monotheistic
b. Polytheistic
All people suffer
People suffer because they desire
People can end suffering by eliminating desires
People can end desires by following the 8-fold path
11. The above passage is from…
a. Hindu Sanskrit.
b. Buddha’s Noble Truths.
c. the Ten Commandments.
d. the Muslim Hadith.
12. In which city did the Renaissance begin?
a. Florence, Italy
c. Paris, France
b. Berlin, Germany
d. London, England
13. Which of the following contributed to the birth of the Renaissance in Italy?
a. A new translation of the Bible
b. A wealthy and powerful merchant class
c. The development of oil painting
d. The rise of Protestantism
14. The “rebirth” of art, literature, and culture in Europe is called…
a. The Reformation.
c. The Renaissance.
b. The Age of Exploration.
d. The Scientific Revolution.
15. One of my greatest artistic accomplishments was painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Who am I?
a. Michelangelo
c. Leonardo da Vinci
b. Raphael
d. Jan Van Eyck
16. Who invented the printing press?
a. Jan Van Eyck
b. Thomas More
c. Johann Gutenburg
d. Desiderius Erasmus
17. I painted the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa. Who am I?
a. Michelangelo
c. Leonardo da Vinci
b. Raphael
d. Jan Van Eyck
18. “Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It
may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one
person, is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with.”
-The Prince
18. The above quote comes from which author?
a. Erasmus
c. Niccolo Machiavelli
b. William Shakespeare
d. Lorenzo de Medici
19. What did the study of humanism focus on?
a. An understanding of early Christianity
b. Roman law and government
c. Human potential and achievements
d. An understanding of ancient Muslim values
and easier
to make
spread of
learned to
read and
20. The main idea that would one could put at the center of the chart and that would encompass the
surrounding ideas would be…
a. the development of the Scientific Method. c. the impact of the Printing Press.
b. the impact of the Reformation.
d. the Rise of Humanism.
Humans are saved by faith alone.
All believers have equal access to God
and no other people in between are
The scriptures as the only source of true
doctrine -- studying and understanding the
Translating the Bible into common
languages and making it available to all is
Both faith and good works (acts of
devotion, charity, the sacraments, etc.) are
necessary for salvation.
Only priests can perform the sacraments
necessary for spiritual health and correctly
interpret the meaning of scripture
Only the priesthood of the church can
correctly interpret the meaning of the Bible
-- do not try this at home.
There are seven sacraments
21. What should the heading be for column B?
a. John Calvin’s Ideas
c. Roman Catholic Church's Ideas
b. Ignatius Loyola’s Ideas
d. Martin Luther's Ideas
22. What should the heading be for column A?
a. John Calvin’s Ideas
c. Roman Catholic Church's Ideas
b. Ignatius Loyola’s Ideas
d. Martin Luther's Ideas
Which religion? Match the description with the religion.
a. Anglicanism
b. Lutheranism
c. Calvinism
d. Catholicism
23. Believed in predestination
24. Rituals include seven sacraments
25. Founded by a German Catholic monk
26. The Pope is the ultimate source of authority
27. Combined church and state under authority of a King
28. Which of the following best defines the Counter-Reformation?
a. a new interest in the classics by the humanists
b. a split between England and the Catholic Church
c. a movement designed to eliminate the Catholic Church
d. a major revival effort within the Catholic Church
29. Who was the Catholic Reformer who founded the Jesuit order?
a. Katarina Zell
c. Ignatius of Loyola
b. Pope Paul III
d. John Calvin
30. The purpose of the Council of Trent was to…
a. reject the beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church.
b. to find ways to persecute Protestants.
c. to reaffirm traditional Catholic views.
d. to start a new Church.
31. What issue DID NOT directly challenged the authority of the Catholic Church?
a. Merchant wealth generated from usury.
b. German and English nobility disliked the Italian domination of the church.
c. Church stopped selling indulgences.
d. Church’s political power conflicted with the rise of monarchs.
32. Predestination was the main doctrine of…
a. theocracy.
c. Lutheranism.
b. Calvinism.
d. the Catholic Reformation.
33. Luther believed that people could only be saved through…
a. the Church.
c. faith.
b. buying indulgences.
d. participating in a crusade.
34. Why did Henry VIII break from the Catholic Church?
a. to please his subjects
c. to keep wealth in England
b. to annul his marriage
d. to become an Anabaptist
35. What was the source of Luther’s criticism of the Roman Catholic Church?
a. the elling of indulgences
c. preaching the Holy Trinity
b. translating the Bible into German
d. using the New Testament
And not to leave any occasion of trouble and difference among our Subjects, we have permitted and
do permit to those of the Reformed Religion, to live and dwell in all the Cities and places of this our
Kingdom and Countreys under our obedience, without being inquired after, vexed, molested, or
compelled to do any thing in Religion, contrary to their Conscience, nor by reason of the same be
searched after in houses or places where they live, they comporting themselves in other things
-Edict of Nantes
France, 1598
36. What was the main idea in the above reading?
a. France was declaring war on England.
b. Catholicism was the only religion permitted in France.
c. Protestants living in France were granted freedom of worship.
d. Only the nobility was allowed to practice a religion in France
37. The “reformed religion” mentioned in the excerpt is referring to what group of people?
a. Huguenots
c. Quakers
b. Anglicans
d. Calvinists
Age of Discovery
38. Which of the following was the main reason for the decline in the native populations in both North
and South American colonies?
a. Slave traders took them away from their homes.
b. Many died while fighting the European explorers.
c. They were not immune to European diseases.
d. Local agriculture collapsed and many died.
39. The Columbian exchange was…
a. a global transfer of people, goods, and ideas between the New World and the Old World.
b. Columbus purchasing slaves from African rulers for goods and food.
c. European explorers trading guns for fur in North America.
d. the Spanish and English trading along the Atlantic seaboard.
40. What was the economic theory in which a country’s power based on the acquisition of colonies for
the benefit of the mother country?
a. joint-stock theory
c. commercialism
b. capitalism
d. mercantilism
41. Silk and Porcelain were valuable trade products from which country?
a. Mughals
c. Ottoman
b. Spain
d. China
Use the map above to answer the following questions.
42. Which explorer sailed to location #1?
a. Pizzaro
b. Da Gama
c. Dias
d. Xavier
43. Which explorer conquered the people of location #2?
a. Drake
c. Pizzaro
b. Cortez
d. Hudson
44. Which explorer conquered the people of location #4?
a. Cabot
c. Cartier
b. Cortez
d. Pizzaro
One day, when we had a smooth sea, and a moderate wind, two of my wearied countrymen,
who were chained together (I was near them at the time), preferring death to such a life of
misery, somehow made through the nettings, and jumped into the sea: immediately another
quite dejected fellow, who, on account of his illness, was suffered to be out of irons, also
followed their example; and I believe many more would soon have done the same, if they had
not been prevented by the ship’s crew, who were instantly alarmed.
- Olaudah Equiano
45. Which trip is Olaudah Equiano describing in the above passage?
a. Magellan’s voyage around the world
b. the Columbian Exchange
c. the Middle Passage
d. Xavier’s travels to Asia
Absolute Monarchs
46. Which of the following was true about the rule of Peter the Great?
a. His rule was characterized with no wars
b. His rule was characterized by attempts to westernize his nation
c. His rule involved the creation of colonies in North America
d. His rule was in reality controlled by nobles
47. Who was responsible for the execution of Charles I during the English Civil War?
a. Cavaliers
c. Oliver Cromwell
b. William & Mary
d. Royalists
48. The quote, “I am the state” best reflected the ruling beliefs of…
a. Elizabeth I.
c. William Frederick.
b. Louis XIV.
d. Ferdinand and Isabella.
49. Which of the following best describes an absolute monarchy?
a. The king’s rule is temporary
b. The king is under the law
c. A king’s whose power is greatly centralized
d. The king consults with an elected representative body
50. One dominant feature of the rule of Frederick, during the Age of Monarchs, was…
a. he owned large amounts of land in Europe.
b. he created colonies on the East Coast of America.
c. he created a powerful military.
d. the controlled mostly by the Catholic Church.
51. William & Mary gained power after the Glorious Revolution. Why was the revolution considered
“glorious” and unlike any other revolution?
a. Protestantism would be practiced in England again
b. There was no bloodshed
c. The overthrow of James was so quick
d. Absolute monarchy ended in England
Palace of
Sun King
King at age
52. Which monarch would best fit in the center rectangle?
a. Phillip II
c. Peter the Great
b. Elizabeth
d. Louis XIV
The state of monarchy is the supremest thing upon earth ... Kings are justly
called Gods, for that they exercise a manner or resemblance
of divine power
upon earth.
- King James VI
53. What political concept is King James VI referring in the quote above?
a. Constitutional Monarchy
c. Direct Democracy
b. Divine Right
d. Limited Monarchy
World Empires in 1500
54. Porcelain was a valuable trade product originating from which empire?
a. Spain
c. Mali
b. Ottoman
d. China
55.What factor forced Europeans to consider an alternative route to Asia?
a. European ships were too large to fit through the Straits of Gibraltar
b. Current trade routes to Asia were controlled by Muslims
c. Weather patterns made it too dangerous to travel to Asia using conventional routes
d. The Chinese had blocked all existing routes to Asia
56. Which empire was credited with inventing the compass?
a. Mughal
c. Chinese
b. Ottoman
d. Japanese
57. Which architectural wonder became the cultural icon of the Mughal Empire?
a. Deccan Temple
c. Taj Mahal
b. Black Hole of Calcutta
d. Red Fort
58. The Ottoman and Mughal Empires shared which common feature?
a. Both cut themselves off from international trade
b. Both were Islamic empires
c. Both were operated by democratic governments
d. Both rejected using their military to promote expansion
Led by a Shogun
Samurai warrior class
59.What empire is being described in the above chart?
a. Ottoman
c. Japanese
b. Safavid
d. Ming China
60. Based on the map above, which letters represents major Islamic empires in 1500?
a. A and B
c. B and D
b. A and C
d. C and B
Original location
was Asia Minor
Changed name from
Constantinople, to
Traded coffee
and ceramics
Conquered the
Byzantine Empire
61. The name of what empire belongs in the center circle?
a. Ming China
c. Mughal
b. Safavid
d. Ottoman
62. What trade route facilitated trade between Asia and the Mediterranean World
a. Trans-Sahara
c. Silk Road
b. Indian Ocean
d. Middle Passage
All Christian missionaries must be expelled
Informers against Christians shall be rewarded
All foreign ships must report to Edo and watch over them
No subjects are permitted to travel abroad
Laws passed in 1635 and 1639
63. The laws identified above were most likely passed by which government:
a. Spanish
c. Indian
b. Russian
d. Japanese
Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution
64. Who believed that a separation of powers was the best way to protect people’s freedoms?
a. Montesquieu
c. Locke
b. Hobbes
d. Voltaire
65. Which US document shares John Locke’s belief that it is the government’s duty to protect \
people’s natural rights?
a. Mayflower Compact
c. Gettysburg Address
b. Articles of Confederation
d. Declaration of Independence
66. Which scientist discovered that the universe is heliocentric?
a. Johannes Kepler
c. Galileo Galilei
b. Nicolaus Copernicus
d. Isaac Newton
Scientific Revolution
67. What would best complete the flow chart?
a. Reformation
c. Renaissance
b. Enlightenment
d. Exploration
68. Newton’s theories involved the discovery of…
a. celestial bodies.
c. the flow of blood.
b. the force of gravity.
d. bacteria.
English scientist
Studied flow of blood
Pioneer in the field of anatomy and physiology
69. Which scientist best fits the above description?
a. Harvey
c. Bacon
b. Kepler
d. Vesailius
70. Galileo’s use of which instrument helped prove his theories?
a. compass
c. astrolabe
b. telescope
d. pendulum
71. Which of the following literary forms was first made popular by Miguel deCervantes?
a. magazine
c. novel
b. sonnet
d. newspaper
“I may disagree with what you have to say, but
I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it”
72. Based on his beliefs, which enlightenment philosopher is most likely the one who uttered the
quote written in the box above?
a. Hobbes
c. Montesquieu
b. Locke
d. Voltaire
French Revolution & Napoleon
73. France’s economy prior to 1789 was largely supported from the…
a. First Estate
c. king.
b. Third Estate.
d. nobles.
74. What was the purpose of the reign of terror?
a. to remove the king from power
b. to invite foreign invasion
c. to install Napoleon Bonaparte as King
d. to eliminate opponents of the French Revolution
75. How did the Napoleonic Code reflect Enlightenment principles?
a. It guaranteed women equal rights
b. It valued individual rights above all else.
c. It valued the security of the state over individual liberty
d. It guaranteed the equality of all citizens under the law.
76. Why did the representatives at the Congress of Vienna redraw the boundaries of some European
a. to surround France with strong countries
b. to create more countries
c. to distribute land more fairly
d. to promote the growth of nationalism
77. Which of the following was the chief goal of the Congress of Vienna?
a. to punish France
b. to create a united Europe
c. to create a lasting peace
d. to strengthen Germany
78. An immediate cause of the French Revolution was…
a. Oppressive taxes placed on the lowest classes.
b. the storming of the Bastille.
c. the French declaration of war against Austria.
d. Louis XIV’s becoming King of France.
79. Napoleon gained control of the French government by…
a. seizing power in a coup de etat.
b. being elected as first consul of the Director.
c. becoming head of the new legislature.
d. capitalizing on his military victories to become popularly elected.
80. The most ironic aspect of Napoleon’s rule was that…
a. It was just as autocratic as the monarchy of Louis XVI.
b. Napoleon never had an understanding of military power.
c. The ruling European monarchs welcomed the rule of Napoleon.
d. He created an alliance with Great Britain.