Monroe Eagles are R.E.A.D.Y What is PBIS? PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports System. Positive Interventions put in place to head off negative behaviors (a proactive, rather than reactive approach to discipline). County-wide initiative. Use data as a foundation for making decisions to incentivize positive behavior. We are Monroe Monroe is a community comprised of many different programs with one goal: to be READY for the workforce. Monroe’s community standard is that students and staff are READY. Respect Educate Always Responsible Dedicated Your Safety Respect A respectful workplace is a safe workplace Classmates Teachers Staff Property Your community Educate Yourself Each other Your teachers Your SKILLS program Don't waste time learning the "tricks of the trade." Instead, learn the trade. ~Attributed to both James Charlton and H. Jackson Brown, Jr . Always Responsible To your program -Attendance -Your behavior To your community -Get involved -Responsible Behavior "We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.” — George Bernard Shaw Dedicate To your program Your work Working as a team Being a part of the Monroe community “Real leaders are ordinary people with extraordinary determination”-Unknown Your Safety Comes first Your equipment Behavior with equipment Safety of others Community safety, both physically and emotionally “We now have unshakable conviction that accident causes are man-made and that a man made problem can be solved by men and women.” ~W.H. Cameron READY Tickets At Monroe we recognize students for being READY Which letter were you representing? Which staff member/peer recognized you? Weekly prize drawings Like a workplace, at Monroe we recognize individuals for following community standards and adding value to our community. READY Tickets R.E.A.D.Y. Ticket Date:____________________ Congratulations ________________________________, (student name) You have been recognized by ______________________ (name) for demonstrating the following R.E.A.D.Y character trait: (CIRCLE ONE) * Respect *Educate *Dedicated *Always Responsible *Your Safety Please bring this ticket to the Main Office before 10 am on Friday and you could be chosen to spin the R.E.A.D.Y. wheel. Thank you for proving that you are R.E.A.D.Y! ~PBIS Team Help contribute to Monroe If you see a peer demonstrating a READY quality, ask your instructor for a READY ticket. Turn in your completed READY ticket to the box next to main office by 9am Friday to enter it into the drawing. A READY ticket will be selected each week to receive recognition. What happens if I am nominated? Your READY ticket will be entered into both the weekly drawing and the monthly drawing. Even if you are not chosen for the weekly drawing prize, you will still be entered into the monthly grand prize drawing. What happens if I win? Each Friday, a drawing will be held for a READY ticket winner. The winner will have the chance to choose from a selection of $5 prizes. The winner of the week will also be entered into the monthly grand prize drawing for the chance to win a $25 prize! We are Monroe We are R.E.AD.Y.