The GDDS Project Phase 2

The GDDS Project Phase 2
Presented by William E. Alexander
Deputy Director
Statistics Department
International Monetary Fund
Southern African Development Community
Steering Committee Meeting
Durban, South Africa
July 14–16, 2006
The Predecessor (Phase 1):
“GDDS Project for Anglophone
Supported development of metadata, and
TA for capacity-building:
– Provided
• Macroeconomic and financial statistics by IMF
• Socio-demographic statistics by World Bank
 Well
over 200 TA missions to 14 countries
 Mid-2002 – mid-2006
The Successor Project
The IMF and World Bank jointly administer the
project, with macroeconomic and sociodemographic statistics components
“Modules for Strengthening Statistics”
To cover all Anglophone countries in Africa
(some 20)
Mid-2006 – mid-2009
US$8 million, funded by DFID
GDDS Project for Anglophone
Africa Funded by DFID
Phase 1 countries:
Botswana, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho,
Liberia, Malawi, Namibia,
Nigeria, Sierra Leone,
Sudan, Swaziland, Zambia,
and Zimbabwe
New Phase 2 countries:
The Gambia, Mauritius,
Mozambique, Seychelles,
South Africa, Tanzania, and
Key Features of the Modular
 Creation
of capacity-building blocks
 Structured activities
 Commitment to agreed results
 Self-help—small groups of countries
work together
 Enhanced interaction in the region
Proposed Success Criteria for the
Successor Project
Capacity-building through measurable
improvements in agreed areas (modules)
Countries make the development of their
statistical system part of their national
development strategy
Effective coordination nationally, regionally,
and with donors
GDDS continues to provide framework
What are modules?
Selected priority areas for TA
Well-planned activities
3–5 countries work together
Mutual commitment to agreed results
What are the advantages?
Focus on critical improvements
Assured results
Creating building blocks
Enhancing interaction in the region
Providing “hooks” for donor coordination
Examples for Modules (IMF)
Real Sector
– Better use of existing data for National Accounts, Advance to QNA
– Rebase the CPI, introduce the PPI
Financial/Fiscal Statistics
– Step-by-step improvements of national data standards
External Sector
– Improving the services account of the BOP
– BOP surveys
– Graduate to the SDDS
– Incorporate capacity-building for statistics into Poverty Reduction Strategies
Next Steps
Some 8 IMF and 8 World Bank modules to
choose from
Launch workshop in late September
Implementation to start with regional module
workshops for 3–5 countries
Each country to host some 3 expert visits
Initial set of modules to be completed in
18–30 months