Investigation of Voice Traffic in WiFi Environment Jukka Kantanen, 24.7.2016 Topics 2 IEEE 802.11b WLAN Some Basics of Voice Traffic What is VoIP? Parameters Affecting VoIP Quality Measurement Setup Results Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 IEEE 802.11b WLAN 3 Operating in the ISM band at 2.4 GHz Uses CSMA/CA for channel sharing Also RTS/CTS can be used for that Manufacturers have Wi-Fi compatibility if the products are tested Max. data rate 11 Mbit/s Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 IEEE 802.11b WLAN PHY layer headers transmitted at 1 Mbit/s Hidden node problem IEEE 802.11b AP 4 Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Some Basics of Voice Traffic 5 Voice (speech) is processed in frames using voice codecs => small bit rate G.711 64 kbit/s, G.723.1 6.3 or 5.3 kbit/s, G.729 8 kbit/s. G.711 provides toll quality Speech tolerates more packet errors than data traffic Delay bounds exist for conversational speech Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Some Basics of Voice Traffic 6 The effect of overheads is significant Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 What is VoIP? 7 Transmission of voice traffic using an IP network => more overheads VoIP connections are established using signaling protocols, e.g. SIP an H.323 Encoded voice RTP UDP IP LLC Ethernet / WLAN Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Parameters Affecting VoIP Quality 8 Delay due to buffers and channel access methods Packet losses due to collisions, bad radio channel and buffer overflow Delay variation - even 1 ms counts Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Parameters Affecting VoIP Quality Delays greater than 150 ms begin to decrease the quality Packet loss rate 1 % mostly acceptable. Depends on the codec used Delay variations must me compensated using buffers (static or adaptive) frames 9 buffer Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Measurement Setup 10 The goal was to measure the delay, packet losses and delay variation of IEEE 802.11b network of a G.711 VoIP call The end user devices were not considered Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Measurement Setup Indoor office environment Hidden node situation and max. interference RTS/CTS on/off One/two interfering STAs B2 B1 B IEEE IEEE 802.11b 802.11b AP AP HUB HUB A A CC 11 Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Results 12 G.711 is a good choice for voice codec, because it is robust against packet losses One STA can’t model several interfering STAs Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Results – one interfering STA 13 One STA can’t interfere the VoIP call much Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Results – two interfering STAS 14 RTS/CTS could be more useful in VoIP if more contending STAs were used Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Results – two interfering STAs 15 Interference of 1 Mbit/s was enough Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Conclusions 16 ITU-T E-model was used for VoIP quality evaluation. VoIP call quality was fair when interference < 1 Mbit/s. These measurements describe only a specific situation (worst-case). The measurements should be done again in the actual environment Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 The End Thank You! Results – one interfering STA 18 Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Results – one interfering STA with RTS/CTS 19 Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Results – one interfering STA 20 Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Results – two interfering STAs with RTS/CTS 21 Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Additional information Measurements with one interferer Bit rates of STA B [Mbit/s] 0.1 22 Measurements with two interferers Bit rates of STA B1 [Mbit/s] 0.05 Bit rates of STA B2 [Mbit/s] 0.05 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.7 0.35 0.35 0.9 0.45 0.45 1 0.5 0.5 3 1.5 1.5 5 2.5 2.5 Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016 Additional information 23 Protocol Overhead in bytes RTP 12 UDP 8 IP 20 LLC 4 802.11b MAC MAC 34 802.11b PHY with short preamble 15 with long preamble 24 Investigation of Voice Traffic in Wi-Fi Environment 24.7.2016