BABBLER INFO BABBLER is a computer program, which uses a keystroke stream "sliding window" as an echoic (short term) memory and stores overlapping replicas of the successive windows in an associative memory which is driven by a Markov chain to create a language acquisition-and-use system. The program, as currently configured, learns up to about a thousand words of conversational material (in any keyboard-compatible written language) from keyboard inputs and can carry on an interactive dialog, in its acquired language, with the computer operator via keyboard and screen. BABBLER's half of the dialog tends to be schizophrenic but creative. When left to itself, (after having acquired a bit of experience) it rambles along in a free association mode. BABBLER's associative memory is stored in RAM, in the string stack, and is limited to 32K. A disk memory version is available, but should be used only with a RAM disk or equivalent. ' (SCHEMA FOR BABBLER) ' ' ---------------------' 720 | 670 (1) | ------>-------------->| KEYBOARD INPUT |----------<----------| ^ | | | | | ---------------------| | ----------------| ^ | | 2800 MEM DUMP | | | | ----------------v | | ^ | | | | Y | -----------------| --------------------| 1880 (12) SHIFT | | / 800 MEM \ / 790 \ | TO KEYBOARD | | \ DUMP? /---<--| Y INPUT? N |--->--| SEARCH | | ----------\ / | -----------------| | N ----------| | | v v ^ | -----------------------------------------|----<---| | 840 (2) | | 1590 (8) SHIFT TO | ^ | |-<-| FILTER | | FORWARD SEARCH | | Y | | | KEYSTROKES | ----------------------- -----------| | -------------------| / 2060 \ | | | |------<----| N END OF | | | | v \ SENTENCE? / | ^ |------<--------------------------------------| | | | | 1630 (9) FORWARD | | | | v | | "BRANCHING" | | | | | ^ | SEARCH | ^ ^ | ---------------| ---------------------| | | | 1060 (3) | | | | | | | PRINT | -----------------------------------| | | AND | |2740 (19)| / 1840 \ |1930 (13)| | | | STORE NEW | | SYNAPSE | | PATTERN MATCH? Y |---->| SELECT | | ^ | MATERIAL | | LOOP | \ N / | & PRINT | ^ | | IN | | CONTROL | ---------------| OUTPUT | | | | MEMORY | ----------| ----------| | ---------------| --------------| | | | / 1870 \ | | | | | END SENTENCE N | ------>---------| v ^ \ Y / | | | --------------| | | | | ----------| v | / 1540 (7) \ | ------------------------<--| Y SYNAPSE N |-->--| | 2140 (15) SHIFT TO | ' \ FINISHED? / | | REVERSE SEARCH | ' ----------| ----------------------' ^ | ' | |---------<---------' | v | ' ------------------------------------| ' | 2690 | | 2340 (16) | | ' | SYNAPSE | | REVERSE CHAINING | | ' | PREP | | MEMORY SEARCH | ^ ' ------------------------------------| ' | | | ' -------------------------------| ' | 2670 SHIFT | / 2630 \ | ' | TO FWD |<--| Y BEGINNING OF N |---->--' | SEARCH | \ SENTENCE? / ' -------------------------------- ' ' ' ' For Attention Span N=8, characters 4 and 5 in the sliding window "E" ' are the address pointers. Alphabetical characters are converted to ' upper case. Spaces after periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation ' marks are deleted for memory storage. A space is inserted, during output, ' after each of these supressed characters. ' ' Keyboard input How_are_you?_I_AM_FINE. ' ' Successive contents of sliding window E and derived addresses ' Address Address Address Char ASCII - 32 ' positions Characters ASCII's addresses ' v v X Y ' . H O W _ A R E W _ 87 32 55 00 ' H O W _ A R E _ _ A 32 65 00 33 ' O W _ A R E _ Y A R 65 82 33 50 ' W _ A R E _ Y O R E 82 69 50 37 ' _ A R E _ Y O U E @ 69 64 37 32 ' A R E _ Y O U ? @ Y 64 89 32 57 ' R E _ Y O U ? I Y O 89 79 57 47 ' E _ Y O U ? I _ O U 79 85 47 53 ' _ Y O U ? I _ A U ? 85 63 53 31 ' Y O U ? I _ A M ? I 63 73 31 41 ' O U ? I _ A M _ I @ 73 64 41 32 ' U ? I _ A M _ F @ A 64 65 32 33 ' ? I _ A M _ F I A M 65 77 33 45 ' I _ A M _ F I N M _ 77 32 45 00 ' _ A M _ F I N E _ F 32 70 00 38 ' A M _ F I N E . F I 70 73 38 41 ' ' During keyboard input all N letters of E are compared to all N letters ' of storage units. ' ' In forward search the last N-1 letters of sliding window E are compared ' to the first N-1 letters of storage units. N-1 = Pattern Matching Length ' (Example below) ' ' X Y ' - - - - - - PML=7 Pattern Matching Length 'E---> B A R B E R _ S N=8 Attention Span ' ^ ^ NR=4, NS=5 X=ASC(B)-32 Y=ASC(E)-32 'Storage Unit 3 A R B E R _ S H SUL=9 Storage Unit Length - on shelf X,Y ' - - - - - - ' ^ ' | ' BWF The "3" is the value of the Branching Weighting Factor ' for the storage element with pattern "ARBER_SH". ' ' In reverse search the first N-1 letters of E are compared to the ' last N-1 letters of storage units. ' ' The Branching Weighting Factor BWF is used by the Markov chain to cause ' more "familiar" output stream generation branching options to be favored ' over less familiar options. Each BWF can have values from 1 to 255 and ' is represented by a single ASCII character. Each time a previusly entered ' pattern (of length N) is encountered in the keyboard input stream, the BWF ' for that pattern (in memory) is increased by 1. This models reinforcement. ' As the program runs individual BWF values througout the whole of memory ' are randomly selected and decreased by 1 to simulate forgetting. There is ' no "negative reinforcement" per se, but input patterns that are not ' reinforced by subsequent keyboard inputs will gradually become less and ' less likely to be branched to as compared to those which do receive ' positive reinforcement. ' ------BABBLER's source code is written in QuickBASIC. An .EXE version for IBM-PC's and clones (MSDOS) machines (256K minimum) is available for $34.00 from: Low-Tec P.O. Box 1327 Starkville, MS 39759 Source code is included with orders for the .EXE version. For further info, via e-mail, contact: Robert S. (Bob) Fritzius