Summer 2010 Explorer Award Proposals due April 5, 2010, 4 p.m. RESP @ 25 Main Street Program Information The goal of the program is to support faculty in the preparation of a high-quality proposal suitable for submission to an external funding agency or agencies. Those eligible to apply for Summer Explorer Awards are faculty in the R03 Bargaining Unit, including part-time, temporary, and non-tenure track. Faculty are eligible for an Explorer Award provided they have submitted all final reports for previous Internal Research Grants awards whose project periods have ended. An applicant is limited to submitting one proposal to the Explorer Award competition. Six $3,000 awards will be made for summer 2010. The resulting proposal to the external agency must request at least $30,000 and include indirect costs at the published RESP rate. A committee comprising the Provost, the Vice Provost for Research, two members of the Research and Sponsored Programs Committee, and a Development Specialist from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs will review the Explorer Award proposals and make recommendations for awards. If awarded Explorer funding, the full proposal for external funding must be submitted to RESP for review by August 17, 2010. Based on funder deadlines, it is expected that the proposal will be submitted to the funding agency no later than January 3, 2011. Funding Options Awards may be taken as Option 1–Full Award in a Lump Sum. Your award will be processed through the Research Foundation payroll and taxed according to your W4. W4’s claiming 8 or more exemptions must be reported to the IRS. Option 2–Award For Expenses Directly Related to Project. Receive reimbursement for expenses directly related to your project such as travel, supplies and student assistance, up to the full amount of your award. NOTE: When choosing Option 1 you will need to become a Research Foundation employee, which requires completing a New Hire Packet. Proposal Preparation Current application forms must be used for your proposal. Current forms are available on our web site at See the checklist and cover page for proposal formatting and assembly order. Budget Worksheet – The Budget Worksheet is required when requesting Funding Option #2. Provide main subcategories of operating expenses in the space provided or on an additional sheet. Justify budget items on a separate page following the budget worksheet or as part of your narrative. Narrative Section – When writing the narrative, assume that the reader is unfamiliar with your work or your field of expertise. In other words, intelligent lay reviewers should be able to understand the narrative. It is best to avoid jargon or technical terms and to spell out the full names of any acronyms. The narrative description of your project can be no longer than three (3) pages in length and must include the headings below. Proposals exceeding the three-page narrative limit will not be reviewed. Feb. 2010 A. Significance Describe the following clearly and precisely: The research topic and/or activities you will proposal to the external agency. A justification for your choice of external agency. Relevant background information. Explain how this project relates to larger contexts of research or scholarly or creative activity. The level of funding you will request from the external agency and why it is appropriate to the work of the project. How your endeavor will contribute to your successful application for external funding. List of previous proposals and their level of success. B. Proposed Activities and Timeline List the deadline of the external funding agency(ies) to which you plan to apply. C. Additional Benefits of externally-funded research project As appropriate, explain how your project, if funded by an external agency, will provide the following or other benefits: advancement of knowledge contribution to your professional development involvement of students in research specific benefits to students, colleagues, university, discipline(s), etc. enhancement of university reputation or services collaborative or interdisciplinary facets initiation, continuation or completion of work promise of additional resources to campus timing considerations: why both internal and external funding are important now or in the near future promising uses of the results potential for royalties, patents, copyrights and trademarks 5. Vita: Submit a current, abbreviated vita no longer than two pages. Questions? Application Questions & Problems Downloading Forms – Mary Wilby at x4045 or Proposal Questions – Diane Johnson at x6543 or Feb. 2010 Research Foundation Summer Explorer Award Cover Page Summer 2010 Project Title: Preparation of a proposal to [external funding agency(ies) name(s)] Project dates: Project Summary: (What would the dean and chair need to know without reading the entire proposal that will be sent to the external funding agency?) Include information on: Release Time? Who/When? Student Involvement? Space needed? Curriculum enhancement? Project Director: I meet the specific eligibility requirements pertaining to this application as outlined in the program guidelines. name department zip signature mm/dd/yy Chair: This project has been reviewed and approved and is compatible with the goals and programs in this department/school/unit. name signature mm/dd/yy Dean: This project is consistent with the educational and professional objectives of our college and will not conflict with university assignments. name signature mm/dd/yy Feb. 2010 Research Foundation Summer Explorer Award Checklist Project Director: College: email: Dept: College: Phone: Zip Zip: PhoneCollege: Project Title: Preparation of a proposal to [external funding agency(ies) name(s)] Please check each item when completed. Proposals with incomplete or unsigned checklists will not be reviewed. Your signature on the checklist is your verification that all checked items are included, accurate and complete. Research Foundation Summer Explorer Award Cover Page Original signatures obtained as required Proposal Assembly Order – (Use white paper, printed single-sided, 1 inch margins, 12 point font) Checklist – (include with original set only) Research Foundation Summer Explorer Award Cover Page Budget Worksheet – (required only for Funding Options 2) Narrative Section – maximum 3 pages, double-spaced, pages numbered (starting with page 1) Vita – maximum two (2) pages (may be single-spaced). Submit Four (4) Sets Plus One Electronic Copy of Proposal by 4 p.m. on the due date One (1) original set that includes Checklist, Cover Page, Budget, Narrative, Qualifications, Current and Pending Support Section & Attachments (if applicable). Three (3) copies that include all documents except the checklist. One (1) electronic copy of entire proposal (including attachments) emailed to Mary Wilby at Signatures Project Director __________________________________________Date:_______________________ Delivered by Date: Time: Checked In by Date: Time: Feb. 2010