College: Department: Program: ELEMENT 4a NCATE Element 4a Diversity Matrix PROGRAM INFORMATION COURSES - List classes that address diversityrelated goals and outcomes. Syllabi are available on the CTL/NCATE website 1. Candidate proficiencies related to diversity are articulated by the unit 2. Candidates understand diversity, including English language learners (ELL) & students with exceptionalities 3. Candidates develop & teach lessons that incorporate diversity. 4. Candidates connect instruction & services to students’ experiences & cultures FIELD EXPERIENCES MEASURES OF ASSESSMENT AGGREGATED DATA INTERPRETATION REPORT & IMPACT FOR PROGRAM CHANGE - Identify field experiences that are available in your program. If none, leave blank - Identify how elements are assessed (artifact, rubric, etc.) - Identify data available - Identify program changes made based on data Identify location of vision Statements, Goals, and Standards that specifically articulate diversity-related proficiencies and outcomes for all candidates at the initial and advanced levels Identify where in your program candidates are provided with multiple opportunities to understand, interact with, prepare for work with and reflect on work with diverse populations, including English language learners and students with exceptionalities at the initial and advanced levels Identify where in your program candidates are provide with opportunities to develop and teach lessons that incorporate diversity Identify where in your program candidates are provided with multiple opportunities to connect instruction & services to students’ experiences & cultures CTL Diversity Matrix: Page 1 of 3 College: Department: Program: ELEMENT 4a 5. Candidates demonstrate sensitivity to cultural & gender differences 6. Candidates incorporate multiple perspectives in their instruction (could be only student teaching) 7. Candidates develop classroom/school climates that value diversity (could be only student teaching) 8. Candidates understand teaching & learning styles & can adapt instruction. 9. Candidates demonstrate dispositions valuing fairness & learning by all (one assessment is the initial disposition inventory; at the advanced level, this does not need to be course based). NCATE Element 4a Diversity Matrix PROGRAM INFORMATION COURSES FIELD EXPERIENCES MEASURES OF ASSESSMENT AGGREGATED DATA INTERPRETATION REPORT & IMPACT FOR PROGRAM CHANGE Identify where in your program candidates are provided with numerous opportunities to demonstrate sensitivity to cultural & gender differences that are evidenced by respectful relationships, relevance, responsiveness Identify where in your program candidates are provided with various opportunities to incorporate multiple perspectives in their instruction. Identify where in your program candidates are provided with opportunities to observe, design and practice the development of inclusive classroom/school climates that value diversity. Identify where in your program candidates are provided multiple opportunities to understand teaching & learning styles & can adapt instruction. Identify where in your program candidates are provided multiple opportunities to demonstrate dispositions valuing fairness, equity, inclusion & learning by all. CTL Diversity Matrix: Page 2 of 3 College: Department: Program: ELEMENT 4a 10. Assessments provide data on candidate ability to help students from diverse populations learn (could be only student teaching). 11. Assessment data are used for feedback to candidates NCATE Element 4a Diversity Matrix PROGRAM INFORMATION COURSES FIELD EXPERIENCES MEASURES OF ASSESSMENT AGGREGATED DATA INTERPRETATION REPORT & IMPACT FOR PROGRAM CHANGE Identify where in your program assessment data are collected, aggregated, and used to ensure candidate ability to help students from diverse populations learn. Identify where in your program assessment data are collected, aggregated and used to ensure that all course and field-based assessments, are used for feedback to candidates NCATE definition of Diversity = Differences among groups of people and individuals based on ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, exceptionalities, language, religion, sexual orientation and geographical area. WA State definition of cultural competency (from EHB 2261 & ESSB 5973) = "cultural competency" includes knowledge of student cultural histories and contexts, as well as family norms and values in different cultures; knowledge and skills in accessing community resources and community and parent outreach; and skills in adapting instruction to students' experiences and identifying cultural contexts for individual students. CTL Diversity Matrix: Page 3 of 3