A.5.3b Diversity in Teaching

CSU Chico IR Addendum 1/8/15
A.5.3b Diversity in Teaching
(also in IR as 4.4.b.1 Curriculum components and experiences that address diversity proficiencies)
Components and experiences that address the unit’s diversity proficiencies are integrated throughout coursework. The following chart
shows examples of these experiences in initial and advanced programs.
Initial Programs
EDTE 302 Access and
Prerequisite to all
Cultural Autobiography Candidates engage in deep reflection about their identities
then write a paper that explores how their norms and
experiences impact their perspectives on teaching and
EDTE 302 Access and
Prerequisite to all
Ethnic Culture
Candidates become familiar with an ethnic culture
(interviews, reading, research), engage colleagues in a
presentation about that culture, and write a synthesis.
ENGL 471 English
Language Acquisition
Prerequisite to all
SPED 343 Introduction to
Special Education
Prerequisite to all
EDTE 255 Early Field
Experience or EDTE 569
Field Experience in
Special Education
EDTE 520/530
Fundamentals of Teaching
Practice, SPED 564
Management of Learning
EDTE 523A Curriculum
Theory and Practice:
Prerequisite to all
Language and Culture
Candidates observe an English learner and analyze his or
her language use, interview an English learner, and
interview a paraprofessional who provides support services
to English learners.
Disabilities/Educational Candidates conduct research on two disabilities and
educational services that would be appropriate in a general
education setting and a special education setting.
Candidates write reflections on diversity in the classroom,
including English learners and students with special needs.
Prerequisites to all
Lesson plan
assignments including
all learners
Candidates learn to write lesson plans that include
differentiated objectives, instructional methods, and
Multiple Subject
Family Math Night
Chico Unified School District math experts come to class
and demonstrate interactive instructional activities for K‐ 6
CSU Chico IR Addendum 1/8/15
EDTE 532/521/522/673
Literacy Development
Initial Programs
Literacy Case Study of
Struggling Reader or
English Learner
BLMC 672-01 Methods
and Strategies for Second
Language Acquisition and
Development (Soto)
SPED 637 Curriculum
and Instruction for
Students with
Unit using 7 ESL
Education Specialist
Service Learning
EDAD 609: Leadership
for Educational Access
and Equity
MA in Education,
EDAD 609: Leadership
for Educational Access
and Equity
MA in Education,
EDMA 600 Critical
Perspectives in Education
MA in Education
EDMA 600 Critical
Perspectives in Education
MA in Education
students. Candidates lead activities at Family Math Night at
an elementary school in the Chico Unified School District.
Candidates identify a student who is a struggling reader or
an English learner, conduct a series of assessments and
write a case study document that includes instructional
recommendations for that student.
Each candidate develops an interdisciplinary, content based lesson and evaluates it according to the 7 ESL
principles. They teach the lesson, engage in reflection, and
consider how they would change the lesson in the future.
Candidates evaluate the strengths of a student with
moderate to severe disabilities and use those strengths to
design a leadership opportunity for that student.
Advanced Programs
Equitable Practices to
Candidates design a teacher and a student questionnaire to
Support Successful
find out how equitable the student conduct practices at their
Student Conduct
sites. They design 1-hour professional development
sessions in which they share the results of the survey and
propose changes in school practice that you believe will
result in greater equity for students.
Response to
Candidates review research on tiered intervention models
Intervention Analysis
and compare it to the approach taken at their school sites.
They write a comparative analysis, recommending
improvements to their sites’ models.
Democracy Action Plan Candidates select a critical educational issue related to
democracy and education that is important to them, become
informed on this issue, and prepare a proposal for
constructive educational change.
Equity Study
Candidates complete a study of a school and community,
including demographics overview, equity survey, school
CSU Chico IR Addendum 1/8/15
AGED 610 Assessment in
Agricultural Education
MS in Agricultural
Assessment Project
AGED 608 Teaching
Diverse Learners in
Agricultural Education
MS in Agricultural
Chart of LearnerRelated Characteristics,
Needs, Curriculum
Consideration and
Modifications for
Agricultural Education
PSY 672 Cross-Cultural
Counseling and Research
MA in School
Psychology (PPS)
Counseling Practice
PSY 661 Assessment of
MA in School
Intelligence and Cognition Psychology (PPS)
CMSD 543 Autism
Spectrum Disorders and
Behavioral Management
KINE 520
Interdisciplinary Autism
Administration and
Autism Spectrum
Disorders Clinic
Observation and
Intervention Planning
handbook analysis, community map, interview with a
community based agency or organization. They then
synthesize this data and write a report that describes the
role of the school in the community.
In a project-based assignment, candidates learn how to
develop assessments and differentiate them to allow for all
students to express understanding.
Following the learner characteristics and accommodation
assignment sheet, identify at least 3 characteristics, needs
and curriculum considerations and identify appropriate
accommodations for the classroom, as well as three
examples of appropriate FFA and SAE activities for five
exceptionality areas. Additionally, identify curriculum/ best
practice standards (Council for Exceptional Children Best
Practice Standards OR your curriculum standards).
Small groups, (each with a different racial/ethnic/cultural
focus) research, select and present a healing practice that
the entire class participates in. Candidates research the
practice, seek guidance from individuals who use the
practice, and ensure respectful presentation.
Candidates administer assessments, analyze the results and
consider factors (cultural, ethnic, language, gender) that
might impact the results.
Candidates work on a collaborative team with the
educational staff and family of a student with autism, and
they learn how to guide the team through the process of
plan development, implementation, and monitoring.