College of Arts and Humanities Nomination Form Outstanding Graduate Student Artistic Achievement Award 2015 This award is given annually to a CAH graduate student to recognize a single work or performance that represents significant artistic achievement and/or a salient potential on its field. Nominations may be submitted by faculty, students, and staff in the CAH. Individuals may not nominate themselves. To be eligible, the nomination materials must be received in the CAH Dean’s office by 5:00 p.m. on March 15th, 2016. Each recipient will receive an award and will be recognized, along with other honorees at the College of Arts and Humanities Year End Celebration on May 10, 2016. Name of nominee: ______________________________________________________________ Department: ___________________ Supervisor of nominated work: ______________________ Title of nominated work: _________________________________________________________ Nominator’s name: ______________________________ Phone: ____________ Email address: ____________ Department: ___________________ Date: ___________________ Provide a brief narrative argument for the importance and quality of the nominated work, explaining how it represents a significant achievement and/or a salient impact on its field. Your rationale will be a criterion used to evaluate the entry. Nominations are due in the CAH Dean’s office by Tuesday, March 15th, 2016. Attach a copy of the work that generated the nomination. Received: ______________________________