Lab Activity on Minerals B–43 B–44 Lab Activity on Minerals Overall Color ay Gr to Mica te Whi ink or P and er e l th bo phi e (a no al ) m A xen i ner o Pyr la ck m b Olivine ck Bl a Gabbro Granite Quartz Basalt Rhyolite Dark Gray to Black Mafic (Low in Si) Minerals in The rocks Names of Rocks Volcanic Rocks that contain no Minerals (They are made of disordered atoms, i.e. glass) Obsidian: black, gray or red-brown; glassy. Contains no crystals. Usually has felsic composition. Pumice: gray, full of holes, very lightweight, spun glass. Usually has felsic composition. Special Textures of Some Volcanic Rocks (terms used as adjectives for the above rock names) Porphyritic: a mixture of microscopic crystals and crystals large enough to see. Vesicular: containing large rounded holes (frozen gas bubbles). 0% 25% 50% 75% Intermediate Feldspar Cream, Pink and/or Light Gray Composition Most grains Microscopic All grains large enough to see 100% Felsic (High in Si) Minerals in Igneous Rocks Lab Activity on Minerals B–45 B–46 Lab Activity on Minerals