Publications for Lenore Lyons Publications for Lenore Lyons New York: Routledge. 2016 Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2012). Defending the Nation: Malay Men's Experience of National Service in Singapore. In Michele Ford and Lenore Lyons (Eds.), Men and Masculinities in Southeast Asia, (pp. 139-158). London and New York: Routledge. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2016). Working for a Day Off: Advocating for the Rights of Migrant Women in Southeast Asia. In D. Caouette and D. Kapoor (Eds.), Beyond Colonialism, Development and Globalization: Social Movements and Critical Perspectives, (pp. 145-164). London: Zed Books Ltd. 2014 Lyons, L. (2014). Localised Voices of Feminism: Singapore's Association of Women for Action and Research. Intersections: gender and sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, September 2014(36). Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2014). Trafficking Versus Smuggling: Malaysia's Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act. In Sallie Yea (Eds.), Human Trafficking in Asia: Forcing Issues, (pp. 35-48). London and New York: Routledge. 2013 Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2013). Outsourcing Border Security: NGO Involvement in the Monitoring, Processing and Assistance of Indonesian Nationals Returning Illegally by Sea. Contemporary Southeast Asia, 35(2), 215-234. <a href="">[More Information]</a> Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2013). The Chinese of Karimun: Citizenship and Belonging at Indonesia's Margins. In Siew-Min Sai, Chang-Yau Hoon (Eds.), Chinese Indonesians Reassessed: History, Religion and Belonging, (pp. 121-137). London and New York: Routledge. Lyons, L. (2013). The Christian Right and the Singaporean Feminist Movement. In Michele Ford (Eds.), Social Activism in Southeast Asia, (pp. 187-203). London and New York: Routledge. 2012 Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2012). Becoming Respectable Again? Marriage Choices Amongst Migrant Sex Workers In The Riau Islands. In Devleena Ghosh (Eds.), Shadowlines: Women and Borders in Contemporary Asia, (pp. 145-168). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2012). Counter-Trafficking And Migrant Labour Activism In Indonesia's Periphery. In Willem van Schendel, Lenore Lyons, Michele Ford (Eds.), Labour Migration and Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia: Critical Perspectives, (pp. 75-94). London and Choi, S., Lyons, L. (2012). Gender, Citizenship, and Women's 'Unskilled' Labour: The Experience of Filipino Migrant Nurses in Singapore. Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, 24(1), 1-26. <a href=""> [More Information]</a> Williams, S., Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2012). Homosociality and Desire: Charting Chinese Singaporean Sex Tourists' Online Conversations. In Michele Ford and Lenore Lyons (Eds.), Men and Masculinities in Southeast Asia, (pp. 68-85). London and New York: Routledge. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2012). Introduction. In Michele Ford and Lenore Lyons (Eds.), Men and Masculinities in Southeast Asia, (pp. 1-19). London and New York: Routledge. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2012). Labor Migration, Trafficking and Border Controls. In Thomas M. Wilson, Hastings Donnan (Eds.), A Companion to Border Studies, (pp. 438-454). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Ford, M., Lyons, L., van Schendel, W. (2012). Labour Migration and Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia: Critical Perspectives. London and New York: Routledge. Ford, M., Lyons, L., van Schendel, W. (2012). Labour Migration and Human Trafficking: An Introduction. In Willem van Schendel, Lenore Lyons, Michele Ford (Eds.), Labour Migration and Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia: Critical Perspectives, (pp. 1-22). London and New York: Routledge. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2012). Men and Masculinities in Southeast Asia. London and New York: Routledge. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2012). Smuggling Cultures in the Indonesia-Singapore Borderlands. In Barak Kalir and Malini Sur (Eds.), Transnational Flows and Permissive Polities: Ethnographies of Human Mobilities in Asia, (pp. 91-108). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 2011 Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2011). Introduction: Men and Masculinities in Southeast Asia. In Michele Ford and Lenore Lyons (Eds.), Men and Masculinities in Southeast Asia. London and New York: Routledge. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2011). Narratives of Publications for Lenore Lyons Agency: Sex Work in Indonesia's Borderlands. In Kathleen M. Adams, Kathleen A. Gillogly (Eds.), Everyday Life in Southeast Asia, (pp. 295-303). Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2011). State power at the margins: thinking about Sovereignty and jurisdiction in Indonesia's borderlands. Continuity and Change: (Re)conceptualising Power in South-east Asia 2009, Cambridge, United Kingdom: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2011). Travelling the Aspal Route: Grey Labour Migration through an Indonesian Border Town. In Edward Aspinall and Gerry van Klinken (Eds.), The State and Illegality in Indonesia, (pp. 107-122). Leiden: KITLV Press. 2010 Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2010). 'Where are Your Victims?': How Sexual Health Advocacy came to be Counter-Trafficking in Indonesia's Riau Islands. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 12(2), 255-264. <a href=" 5318">[More Information]</a> Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2010). Anti-Trafficking Programs and Their Impact on Temporary Labour Migrants in Malaysia. Conference on Forcing Issues: Rethinking and Rescaling Human Trafficking in the Asia-Pacific Region 2010, Singapore: National University of Singapore. Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2010). Anti-Trafficking Programs and their Impact on Temporary Labour Migrants in Malaysia. 10th International Women in Asia Conference WIA 2010, Australia: Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA). Lyons, L. (2010). Critiquing Feminist Scholarship in Asia. 2nd Congress of the Asian Association of Women's Studies CAAWS 2010, Malaysia: Asian Association of Women's Studies. Lyons, L. (2010). Framing Transnational Feminism: Examining Migrant Worker Organizing in Singapore. In Pascale Dufour, Dominique Masson, Dominique Caouette (Eds.), Solidarities Beyond Borders: Transnationalizing Women's Movements, (pp. 89-107). Canada: University of British Columbia Press. Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2010). Lavoro del sesso e soggettività: storie dalle isole Riau (Indonesia). In Silvia Vignato (Eds.), Soggetti al lavoro: Unetnografia della vita attiva nel mondo globalizzato, (pp. 111-129). Turin, Italy: UTET Universita. Lyons, L., Ford, M., Williams, S. (2010). Legal Issues Associated with the Study of Sexual Content on the Internet. Studying "Spaces of Non-Existence": Methodological Concerns 2010, Australia: Australia-Netherlands Research Collaboration. Lyons, L., Williams, S., Ford, M. (2010). Legal Issues Associated with the Study of Sexual Content on the Internet in Australia. Australian Feminist Law Journal, 33, 143-159. Lyons, L. (2010). Love Conquers All Borders?: A Critical Review of Scholarship on Marriage Migration. Transacted Intimacy: Political Economy of International Marriages in Asia 2010, Singapore: National University of Singapore. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2010). Reflections on Research into Illegal Cross-Border Practices in Indonesia's Riau Islands. Studying "Spaces of Non-Existence": Methodological Concerns 2010, Australia: Australia-Netherlands Research Collaboration. Lyons, L. (2010). Transcending the Border: Transnational Imperatives in Singapore's Migrant Worker Rights Movement. In Nicole Constable (Eds.), Migrant Workers in Asia: Distant Divides, Intimate Connections, (pp. 87-104). United Kingdom: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. Lyons, L. (2010). Transnational Networks and Localized Campaigns: The Women's Movement in Singapore. In Mina Roces, Louise Edwards (Eds.), Women's Movements in Asia: Feminisms and Transnational Activism, (pp. 75-89). United Kingdom: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. 2009 Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2009). Anti-Trafficking Programs and their Gendered Implications for Temporary Labour Migrants in Malaysia and Singapore. Labour Migration and Trafficking: Policy Making at the Border 2009, Australia: Australia-Netherlands Research Collaboration. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2009). Fluid Boundaries: Modernity, Nation and Identity in the Riau Islands. In Robert Cribb, Michele Ford (Eds.), Indonesia Beyond the Water's Edge: Managing an Archipelagic State, (pp. 221-237). Singapore: ISEAS Publishing (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies). Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2009). Singaporean First: Challenging the Concept of Transnational Malay Masculinity. In Derek Heng, Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied (Eds.), Reframing Singapore: Memory - Identity Trans-Regionalism, (pp. 175-193). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Publications for Lenore Lyons Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2009). Smuggling cultures in the Indonesia-Singapore borderlands. 5th Indonesia Council Open Conference ICOC 2009, Australia: Indonesia Council. Society. In Michael Barr and Carl Trocki (Eds.), Paths Not Taken: Political Pluralism in Post-War Singapore, (pp. 248-263). Singapore: NUS (National University of Singapore) Press. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2009). Sovereignty, Territory and Jurisdiction in Indonesia's Maritime Borderlands. 20th Anniversary Conference of the International Boundaries Research Unit 2009, England: International Boundaries Research Unit, Durham University. Williams, S., Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2008). It's about Bang for Your Buck, Bro: Singaporean Men's Online Conversations about Sex in Batam, Indonesia. Asian Studies Review, 32(1), 77-97. <a href=" 0767">[More Information]</a> Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2009). State Power at the Margins: Thinking about Sovereignty and Jurisdiction in Indonesia's Borderlands. Continuity and Change: (Re)conceptualising Power in South-east Asia 2009, Cambridge, United Kingdom: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge. Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2009). The Gendered Effects of Anti-Trafficking Discourse for Temporary Labour Migrants in Southeast Asia. GAATW Alliance News: The Changing Context of Trafficking and Migration in Asia, Issue 32: 39-43. Lyons, L. (2009). Transcending the Border: Transnational Imperatives in Singapore's Migrant Worker Rights Movement. Critical Asian Studies, 41(1), 89-112. <a href=" 1178">[More Information]</a> 2008 Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2008). Anti-Trafficking Programs and their Gendered Implications for Temporary Labour Migrants. Roundtable on Gender-Migration-Labour-Trafficking: Exploring conceptual linkages & moving forward 2008, Thailand: Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2008). Beyond sex trafficking: the anti-trafficking discourse and its (gendered) implications for temporary labour migration. Re-public: re-imaging democracy, (Gendering border crossings). Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2008). Beyond Sex Trafficking: The Anti-Trafficking Discourse and its (Gendered) Implications for Temporary Labour Migration. Re-public: Re-imaging Democracy. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2008). Eroding Collectivity: Pragmatism, the Anti-trafficking Discourse and Migrant Labour Rights. International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology ISA 2008, Spain: International Sociological Association. Lyons, L. (2008). Internalized Boundaries: AWARE's Place in Singapore Emerging Civil Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2008). Living Like Kings: Working-class Singaporeans Travel to Indonesia’s Riau Islands in Search of a Fantasy Built around Sex. Inside Indonesia, 91, 1-5. Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2008). Love, Sex and the Space In-Between: Kepri Wives and Their Cross-Border Husbands. Citizenship Studies, 12(1), 55-72. <a href=" 4182">[More Information]</a> Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2008). Making the Best of What You've Got: Sex Work and Class Mobility in the Riau Islands. In Michele Ford and Lyn Parker (Eds.), Women and Work in Indonesia, (pp. 173-194). London and New York: Routledge. Lyons, L. (2008). Singapore's Women's Movement. 9th International Women in Asia Conference WIA 2008, Australia: Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA). Lyons, L. (2008). The Challenges of Working across Borders: Transnational Migrant Worker Activism in Southeast Asia. Conference on Inter-Asian Connections 2008, United States: Social Science Research Council. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2008). Travelling the Aspal Route: State-Sponsored 'Grey' Labour Migration through Indonesia's Transit Provinces. The State and Illegality in Indonesia 2008, Australia: Australia-Netherlands Research Collaboration. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2008). Where are your Victims? Or how Sex Work and Labour Migration came to be Trafficking in the Riau Islands. 8th ASEAN Inter-University Conference on Social Development 2008, Singapore: National University of Singapore. 2007 Lyons, L. (2007). A Curious Space 'in-between': The Public/Private Divide and Gender-based Activism in Singapore. Gender, Technology and Development, 11(1), 27-51. <a href=" 00102">[More Information]</a> Lyons, L. (2007). Action and Research. In Mandakini Arora, Association of Women for Publications for Lenore Lyons Action and Research (Eds.), Small Steps, Giant Leaps: A History of AWARE and the Women's Movement in Singapore, (pp. 118-149). United States: Association of Women for Action and Research. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2007). Collaboration or Cooptation? Transnational Activism around Sex Work and Labour Migration in the Riau Islands. 5th European Association for South East Asian Studies Conference EuroSEAS 2007, Italy: European Association for South East Asian Studies. Lyons, L. (2007). Dignity Overdue: Women's Rights Activism in Support of Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore. Women's Studies Quarterly, 35(3-4), 106-122. Lyons, L. (2007). Fighting for a common cause? Women's rights activism and the plight of female labour migrants in Singapore. 5th European Association for South East Asian Studies Conference EuroSEAS 2007, Italy: European Association for South East Asian Studies. Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2007). Gender in the Border Zone: Constructing Singapore's Feminized Other. Crossing Borders Borneo Conference 2007, Australia: Curtin Univeristy of Technology. Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2007). In the Shadow of Singapore: The Limits of Transnationalism in the Riau Borderlands. 5th European Association for South East Asian Studies Conference EuroSEAS 2007, Italy: European Association for South East Asian Studies. Lyons, L. (2007). L'organisation au service des droits des travailleurs migrants : le militantisme transnational a Singapour et en Malaisie. Lien Social et Politiques - RIAC, 58, 51-17. Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2007). Living Apart Together: Cross-border Marriage, Riau Islands Style. IIAS Newsletter, pp.1-4. Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2007). Masculinities Across Borders: Singaporean Malay Men in the Riau Islands. 5th International Convention of Asia Scholars ICAS 2007, The Netherlands: International Convention of Asia Scholars. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2007). Sex Work And Class Mobility In The Riau Islands. 4th Indonesia Council Open Conference ICOC 2007, Australia: Indonesia Council. Lyons, L. (2007). The Birth of AWARE. In Mandakini Arora, Association of Women for Action and Research (Eds.), Small Steps, Giant Leaps: A History of AWARE and the Women's Movement in Singapore, (pp. 84-117). United States: Association of Women for Action and Research. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2007). Where Internal and International Migration Intersect: Mobility and the Formation of Multi-Ethnic Communities in the Riau Islands Transit Zone. International Journal on Multicultural Societies, 9(2), 236-263. Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2007). Where Internal and International Migration Intersect: Mobility and the Formation of Multi-Ethnic Communities in the Riau Islands Transit Zone. International Journal on Multicultural Societies, 9(2), 236-263. 2006 Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2006). 'Been Bored in Bintan': Singaporean tourists and the compromise between convenience and pleasure. 16th Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) 2006, Canberra: Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA). Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2006). Certified Product of Bintan: Disjunctures between the Virtual and Lived Realities of the Riau Islands. 7th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers AoIR 2006, Unites States: Association of Internet Researchers. Lyons, L. (2006). Love, Sex and the Spaces In-between: Bintan Wives and their Singaporean Husbands. Conference on International Marriage, Rights and the State in Southeast and East Asia 2006, Singapore: National University of Singapore. Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2006). Marital Relations Across Borders: The Singapore-Riau Experience. 7th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Inter-University Seminars on Social Development 2006, Singapore: National University of Singapore. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2006). The Borders Within: Mobility and Enclosure in the Riau Islands. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 47(2), 257-271. <a href=" 6.00312.x">[More Information]</a> 2005 Lyons, L. (2005). 'But we don't talk about that': Foundational narratives in the history of AWARE. Paths Not Taken: Political Pluralism in Postwar Singapore Symposium 2005, Singapore: National University of Singapore. Lyons, L. (2005). A Politics of Accommodation: Women and the People's Action Party in Singapore. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 7(2), 233-257. <a href=" 5139">[More Information]</a> Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2005). Bali without Bombs: The Singaporean Tourist Experience in the Publications for Lenore Lyons Bintan Resort Zone. 3rd Indonesia Council Open Conference ICOC 2005, Australia: Indonesia Council. Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2005). Border Integrity and Economic Expansion in the Riau Islands: Implications of Singapore's Security Concerns for Regionalism and Citizenship. 4th International Convention of Asia Scholars ICAS 2005, The Netherlands: International Convention of Asia Scholars. Lyons, L. (2005). Embodying transnationalism: The making of the Indonesian maid. In Edyta Lorek-JeziÅ„ska, Katarzyna WiÈ©ckowska (Eds.), Corporeal Inscriptions: Representations of the Body in Cultural and Literary Texts and Practices, (pp. 171-185). Poland: Uniwesytetu Mikołaja Korpenika. Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2005). Feminising the Indonesian nation: prostitutes and maids in Singapore. 8th Women in Asia Conference WIA 2005, Australia: Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA). Lyons, L., Gomez, J. (2005). Moving Beyond the OB Markers: Rethinking the Space of Civil Society in Singapore. Sojourn, 20(2), 119-131. Lyons, L. (2005). Organizing for domestic worker rights in Singapore: The Limits of Transnationalism. Women's Worlds 2005: 9th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women (WW05), Korea: Ewha Womans University, Asian Center for Womens Studies. Chong, T., Gomez, J., Lyons, L. (2005). Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia Volume 20, Issue 2. Sojourn, 20(2). Ford, M., Lyons, L. (2005). The Bright Lights of Singapore: Making Meaning of the IMS-GT in the Riau Islands. Centennial Conference 2005: Asian Horizons: Cities, States and Societies, Singapore: National University of Singapore. Lyons, L. (2005). The limits of transnational activism: Organizing for migrant worker rights in Malaysia and Singapore. 4th International Convention of Asia Scholars ICAS 2005, The Netherlands: International Convention of Asia Scholars. Lyons, L. (2005). Transient Workers Count Too? The Intersection of Citizenship and Gender in Singapore's Civil Society. Sojourn, 20(2), 208-248. Lyons, L., Ford, M. (2005). Transnationalism and (im)mobility: the gendered processes of boundary construction in the Riau Islands. 4th International Symposium of the Journal Antropologi Indonesia 2005, Indonesia: University of Indonesia. 2004 Lyons, L. (2004). A State of Ambivalence: The Feminist Movement in Singapore - Social Sciences in Asia Volume 2. The Netherlands: Brill.