Target 2000 Technology Team Meeting Minutes of 03/20/96

Target 2000 Technology Team
Meeting Minutes of 03/20/96
Technology Committee
Notes of: March 20, 1996 Meeting
Present: Bill Post, Tom Welsh, Jeff Bell, Dan Toy, Frederica Shockley, Jim Mensching,
Larry Schmunk, Beverly Taylor, Debbie McElroberts, Keith Seppanen, and Carolyn
Staff: Susan Greco
1. WASC Visit
The WASC visiting team has been divided into four groups (The Learning Center
Campus Group, Information & Technology Group, Student Issues & Residentiality
Group, and Planning and Resources Group). Three of these groups want to meet with the
Technology Committee at 11:00, Tuesday, March 26th in Tehama 201. All members of
the committee are encouraged to attend.
2. Revision of Target 2000
Fred Ryan has arranged for an outside reviewer to go over our T2000 update before we
finalize the documents(s). The purpose and goal of the Target 2000 document is to set the
direction for the campus with regard to technology.
Academic Computing:
There is much confusion regarding the category of Academic Computing. Any input to
this category would be appreciated by the sub-committee. There was some discussion
about changing the title of this function to something like Centralized Computing.
Considerations need to be given to subscriptions that are purchased, labs, SPSS and other
such products. If Academic Computing goes, where has it gone? There was also
discussion about combining Academic Computing and Administrative Computing. It was
noted that there are very different applications within these two groups, however.
Another suggestion was to title it, Enterprise Computing. It was also suggested that EMail and the Web categories could fall within this combination.
Faculty Computing would stay by itself and perhaps become something like Discipline
Based, Curriculum, or Instruction.
Bill Post and Debbie McElrobert will work with the Academic Computing subcommittee.
Other possible combinations were also suggested, such as combining Faculty
Computing(2), Student Computing(3), Campus Network Infrastructure(6), Remote
Network Access(7), and Classroom Technology (10).
Categories such as Library Resources and Services(9) and Distance Education(11) would
be stand alones.
Faculty Computing
A handout describing the base (as of this date) machine configuration was distributed.
This is still open to changes and will be until the bid is awarded. The committee was
asked if they would prefer to change the PC version back to a 133 and increase memory
instead. All were in favor of this plan.
Refer to document for specifics.
3. Student Computing
Emphasis will be on the referendum for a tech fee, need direction by end of next month.
We will focus on guaranteed access for students. The goal for the referendum will be by
the end of September ?96. Student survey reflected 69% own computers, 63% would
approve a fee. In order to get a student tech fee, faculty have to have and be using
computers in their curriculum. Refer to document for specifics.
4. Administrative Computing
Performance on IBM platform requires fine tuning. Chico has not had the staffing to
complete this task and has, therefore, contracted with the Chancellor s Office Strategic
Initiatives Consulting Group to accomplish this.
The MVS Version 3, which will no longer be supported by IBM effective March 97. In
the IBM world, when you upgrade it s big dollars and because we're on an old box it s
even higher. MVS V5 on our machine would cost about $400,000 plus monthly license
fees and additional hardware. Major decision needs to be made. The CO group is also
helping with this. Some of the items on this platform are SIS+, FAS, SIR planning data
for campus, SPSS, HR (home grown product), etc.
Refer to document for specifics.
5. E-Mail
The position paper regarding a direction for a new e-mail solution for the campus should
be out soon, probably next week. With regard to the Siemon client, review is in order to
test, need to have all pieces loaded on a server, trying to locate a server. Refer to
document for specifics.
6. Campus Network Infrastructure
Refer to document for specifics.
7. Remote Network Access
Refer to document for specifics.
8. Web
Would like to see everything on the Web so a lot of areas are included. Need to have
faculty more involved with producing content on the Web or through a Web interface.
We need to start now revolutionizing the way education is to be taught.
Refer to document for specifics.
9. Library Resources
Follow on Web conversation charts will show the growth of electronic resources.
Assumption is that everything will be provided through the Web.
10. Distance Learning
Nothing submitted, no representative available
11. Classroom Technology
What about a network connection in each classroom? Refer to document for specifics.
In addition to the above, Physical Plant and Plant Operations function in the overall plan
were also discussed. It is clear that in order to accomplish the tasks of the Technology
Committee that either Plant Operations needs to be a part of the team or permission to use
outside vendors needs to be approved when physical plant changes are required.
Committee members are to review all documents and polish for next round. If copies of
handouts are needed please contact Susan Greco via e-mail.
~ Next meeting: Wednesday, April 3rd, 3:30, MLIB 455