Enterprise Systems Committee Minutes of November 23, 1998

Enterprise Systems Committee
Minutes of November 23, 1998
Present: Mike Biechler, Fred Ryan, Bob Sneed, Bob Hannigan, Bev Taylor, George
Johnson, John Miller, Debbie McElroberts
1. CMS Update
Sneed provided an update from the 11/12 CMS Board meeting. Eleven campuses
declared first wave. The hardware and software sub-committees are working on RFPs for
consultant(s)/implementation partner(s) and outsource provider for the 1st wave HR
implementation. Target release of the consultant RFP is 1/99; target release of the
outsource RFP is 4/99.
Ryan noted the selection of Oracle or DB2 as the RDBMS platform does have important
short term implications for Chico due to the 2/99 expiration window of opportunity to
subscribe to the CSU system-wide Oracle license. This is one of many contentious issues
with large cost implications for the campuses which will have to be ironed out soon.
There is on-going discussion by the CMS Board on the issue of information sharing with
and an input mechanism for non-1st wave campuses. Miller noted there will be an effort
to communicate, probably via the web, and give campuses the opportunity to react
through the campus designated board member. Sneed reports there has been some
discussion about developing a subject-expert pool that includes non-1st wave campuses,
with a note by Miller that participation in such an effort would require a commitment of
substantial resources.
Ryan noted the "working hypothesis" that given the number of cost and operational
uncertainties surrounding the CMS project, "the later the better" for Chico Peoplesoft
implementation. The ESC will have to come to conclusions on timing before 6/99, but
keeping as many options open as possible now will hopefully allow us to choose what
serves the campus best as the process becomes better defined.
Ryan noted the work we do between now and the formal 6/99 "declaration date", e.g.,
conclude the CMS readiness assessment is very important. Further, there is discussion by
campuses in addition to Chico regarding legacy systems and what we do in the 5-7 year
interim (Web, warehouse, etc.) to bridge the gap between current systems and stated
needs. Ryan also reported the reorganization in IRT with Ernst at the helm and Tom West
assuming a role focused on the network infrastructure buildout.
Sneed announced a TBA PeopleSoft presentation at Sonoma and solicited interest level
by Chico. McElroberts recommended attendance by Chico is important to re-familiarize
key Chico subject matter experts with PS functionality.
2. Position/Paper Communications
Ryan presented "The CMS Initiative" paper as the first of many CMS related
communication documents that will be made available to the campus community to keep
them informed of the project and issues. Also, a Chico CMS web page is in the design
stage now. Hannigan noted it is important for individuals within functional areas to
known when and how they will be engaged in the CMS process.
3. Readiness NEXT STEPS
McElroberts presented the draft Chico CMS Implementation Project Plan. Stated the
work deliverable from the analysis that will be performed over the next few months is a
CMS Strategy Recommendation that includes the articulation of values and outcomes of
a PS implementation, readiness findings to include required actions and remediation, a
discussion of interaction/integration of the PS implementation with other campus
initiatives, and recommendation for the timing (2nd wave, 3rd wave, etc.) of the
4. YEAR 2000
Taylor provided a brief report on Year 2000 Compliance team progress. Stated the team
has re-examined Y2K issues that face Chico and are recommending the campus proceed
with a more moderate strategy focusing on risk management and contingency planning
rather than complete compliance. Complete compliance is not feasible or reasonable. A
full report on this issue will be made at the next ESC meeting.
~ The next ESC meeting is tentatively scheduled for December 14 and will be
confirmed later.