All University Responsibility for Assessment (AURA), California State University, Chico Assessment of Student Learning: Do the Right Thing Right Assessment of student learning is an essential process in ensuring that CSU, Chico continues to create and maintain high quality learning environments. This document outlines the essential elements of a systematic assessment program to help programs develop and/or report meaningful and sustainable assessment plans that measure and use student learning outcomes to improve program quality. The real purpose of the Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes is, simply put, to improve student learning. To improve student learning, faculty must measure what students know, what attitudes they have developed, and what they can accomplish as a direct result of completing a given program. The results from this assessment process should be collected, evaluated and then used to guide program improvement. This feedback occurs informally every day in the classroom, and more formally through whatever measures are used to evaluate student grades. Individual course grades, however, do not always connect directly with the overarching goals for a given program. More formally, assessment of student learning outcomes is a course of action that ties student learning to program improvement through a systematic process that involves faculty, students, employers and other program stakeholders. The essential elements of the program assessment process are illustrated in Figure 1. Program Mission and Goals Student Learning Outcomes (measurable) Curriculum Recommendations for Program Improvement Assessment of Student Learning Figure 1 – Essential Elements of Program Level Assessment Page 1 last update 3/21/05 All University Responsibility for Assessment (AURA), California State University, Chico Most programs have carefully affirmed goals and a clearly defined mission stated in various forms for different audiences. These goals should be the guiding principles for constructing a meaningful curriculum. It is clearly the faculty’s responsibility to develop a comprehensive curriculum that will help students achieve these stated goals. The expected outcomes for graduates from a given program should be stated as Student Learning Outcomes Statements – statements that describe the knowledge, skills, and values/attitudes that program graduates should possess by the time they graduate. Further, these statements should be expressed in clear, concise language that all students and stakeholders can understand and embrace. As a first step in developing a formal program assessment plan, faculty should develop a clear, agreed-upon set of Program Goals and a clear set of Student Learning Outcomes. Student Learning Outcomes evolve from the more broadly stated Program Goals and focus on specific, measurable “outcomes” that reflect the goals. As an example, the Business Information Systems Program at CSU, Chico has a clearly defined Mission Statement, a set of eight distinct Program Goals, and a corresponding set of Student Learning Outcomes. The BIS Program Mission Statement is: We offer an innovative, technologically-focused business program providing students with a foundation for life-long learning that leads to professional success. Our program is built on applied learning aligned with leading industry standards. We affirm the importance of ethical conduct, stakeholder participation, scholarship and public service. One of the eight stated Program Goals is for each student graduating with a BIS degree to be able to “understand and evaluate ethical issues and situations.” The corresponding set of Student Learning Outcomes are that each student: Is aware of their ethical responsibilities to society. Is aware of their ethical responsibility to their profession. Can identify ethical situations in the BIS environment. Can ethically respond to BIS issues. It is up to the faculty, collectively, to decide how best to measure each of these Student Learning Outcomes. While a discussion of the measurements used for these outcomes will come later, it is helpful to each program to develop a set of clearly stated Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes that encompass the values and expectations of the faculty. The All University Responsibility for Assessment (AURA) Committee’s overall purpose is to help individual programs at CSU, Chico develop meaningful and sustainable Program Assessment processes. AURA’s immediate objective is to help individual programs develop clear and concise Student Learning Outcomes. As a Page 2 last update 3/21/05 All University Responsibility for Assessment (AURA), California State University, Chico first step, AURA will collect and provide constructive feedback on Program Goal and Student Learning Outcomes Statements for each baccalaureate program at CSU, Chico. A workshop is being offered on March 25, 2005 for department chairs and faculty responsible for developing program level assessment plans. The workshop will help motivate the need for program level assessment and will help further the development of program level assessment plans. To facilitate the collection of the Student Learning Outcome statements, a template for recording Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes is included as the last page to this document. An example is provided for the B.S. in Business Information Systems. A glossary is also included to help develop a campus-wide vocabulary to facilitate the discussion. Page 3 last update 3/21/05 All University Responsibility for Assessment (AURA), California State University, Chico Glossary: Assessment Template Definitions Definitions taken from “Assuring Improvement in Student Learning”, September 10-12, 2004, WASC/AAHE Workshop held in Glendale, CA. Mission Statement: A holistic vision of the values and philosophy of the program. The program mission needs to be consistent with campus and/or college mission. The overall question that the mission statement should answer is: What is the overall unique purpose of this program? Program Goals: Program Goals are statements that fundamentally answer the question: What do we expect graduates from this program to be able to do, know or value? In other words, what are the exit skills, knowledge and values/attitudes that we want from this program’s graduates. Program Goals are general statements about knowledge, skills, attitudes and values expected in graduates. Example: Knowledge: Students know basic biological principles and concepts. Skill: Students can use appropriate technology tools. Value: Students respect the professional code of ethics for business practice. Student Learning Outcome Statements: Student Learning Outcome (SLO) Statements take the goals and focus on how students can demonstrate that the goals are being met. In other words, SLOs answer the question: how can graduates from this program demonstrate they have the needed/stated knowledge, skills, and/or values/attitudes. SLOs are clear, concise statements that describe how students can demonstrate their mastery of program goals. Each student learning outcome statement must be measurable. Measures will be applied to student work and may include: student assignments, work samples, tests, etc. measuring student ability/skill, knowledge, or attitude/value. Criteria for Development The following criteria can be used to develop and evaluate student learning outcome statements: Student Perspective: statement focus on what students learn not on what the course covers Clarity: statement is concise and understandable by all interested groups including students, parents, faculty and others specific to the program. Potentially observable and/or measurable: statement describes how students can demonstrate that they have the knowledge, skills and/or attitudes/values specified in the goals. Page 4 last update 3/21/05 All University Responsibility for Assessment (AURA), California State University, Chico Examples: Knowledge: Students can distinguish between science and pseudo-science. Skill: Graduates can locate appropriate sources by searching electronic and traditional databases. Value: Graduates appreciate the need to vary counseling services to people who are different from themselves with respect to gender, age, culture, sexual orientation and other significant characteristics. Page 5 last update 3/21/05 All University Responsibility for Assessment (AURA), California State University, Chico Assessment of Learning Example: Business Information Systems College: _Business___________________________________ Department: ____Accounting and MIS___________________ Program Name: ___Business Information Systems__________ Mission Statement: We offer an innovative, technologically-focused business program providing students with a foundation for life-long learning that leads to professional success. Our program is built on applied learning aligned with leading industry standards. We affirm the importance of ethical conduct, stakeholder participation, scholarship and public service. Program Goals: Student Learning Outcome Statements: Each student graduating with a BIS degree is able to: 1. Effectively present information orally and in writing. 1.1 Effectively present business information orally. (S) 1.2 Effectively present business information in writing.(S) 2. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of information technology. 2.1 Demonstrate proficiency in the use of current information technology.(S) 3. Critically evaluate, analyze and interpret information to solve problems. 3.1 Critically evaluate, analyze and interpret information (S) 3.2 Apply the information to solve a specific problem.(S) 4. Demonstrate an understanding of a diverse world. 4.1 Demonstrate an understanding of a diverse business environment.(K) 4.2 Understand group dynamics (K) 4.3 Work effectively in multi-cultural teams.(S) 4.4 Appreciate the value of contributing to the university and community at large.(A) 5. Understand and evaluate ethical issues and situations. 5.1 Is aware of their ethical responsibilities to society. (K) 5.2 Is aware of their ethical responsibility to their profession. (K) 5.3 Can identify ethical situations in the BIS environment (S) 5.4 Can ethically respond to BIS issues. (S) 6. Analyze business problems and construct IT solutions when appropriate. 6.1 Conduct an analysis of a business problem requiring an IT solution K/S) 6.2 Use the analysis to decide when an IT solution is appropriate.(S) 6.3 Construct an economically feasible IT solution when appropriate.(S) 7. Make effective business decisions. Page 6 last update 3/21/05 All University Responsibility for Assessment (AURA), California State University, Chico 7.1 Have sufficient knowledge in their field of specialization to succeed in business and/or graduate school.(K) 7.2 Make effective business decisions related to Business Information Systems issues and situations.(S) 8. Be equipped within the area of specialization to work with “day one productivity” at a job or to succeed in graduate school. 8.1 Demonstrate sufficient skill in their field of specialization to succeed in business and/or graduate school.(S) Page 7 last update 3/21/05 All University Responsibility for Assessment (AURA), California State University, Chico Assessment of Learning Template for Recording Goals and Outcomes College: ___________________________________________ Department: ________________________________________ Program Name: _____________________________________ Mission Statement: Program Goals: Student Learning Outcome Statements: (Next to each statement identify it as K for knowledge, S for Skill or A for attitude or value) 1. Goal 1 SLO 1 (K,S,A) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Page 8 last update 3/21/05