Procurement & Contract Services Instructions for Completing the Purchase/Service Requisition Form

Procurement & Contract Services
Instructions for Completing the
Purchase/Service Requisition Form
NOTE: The Purchase/Service Requisition was developed in Excel. The “Extension” column and “Tax”
and “Total” cells are protected thus data cannot be entered in these areas. Excel will automatically
calculate the extensions, tax and total for your requisition.
Select the appropriate payment term box; to darken box, position cursor so 4 arrows display, then
click to select box; go to “Fill Color” icon (the paint bucket) and select black for the fill color
Insert vendor’s payment terms (e.g., 2%-20 days – this means University is eligible for a 2%
discount if the invoice is paid within 20 days)
Select appropriate freight term box (refer to  for instructions on how to fill in box); your options
DS - prices include all freight/shipping costs
SP - separate freight/shipping costs (these costs are to be noted in body of
PU - department will pick up goods from vendor
NA - not applicable (no shipping required; e.g., the requisition covers a service,
thus there is no shipping)
If your order requires special shipping instructions (e.g., overnight, express shipment) include this
information in the “Notes to Procurement & Contract Services” area, or include it as part of the
description for the item requested.
Enter number of days vendor has quoted for delivery of the goods
Enter any special processing instructions for Procurement & Contract Services’ staff; text entered in
this area will wrap
Enter the line number; every separate line item(s) requested must have a line number
Enter the category id (commodity code) for each line item; refer to “Alphabetical Listing – Category
ID’s”; should you be uncertain of the category code to use, proceed with entering the code you
think would fit the best and add a question mark next to it; Procurement & Contract Services’ staff
will ascertain if it is the appropriate code
Recycled Goods: If the item ordered is of recycled content and falls into one of the reportable
recycled categories (tires, compost, glass, paints, paper products, office printing paper,
petroleum/oil, plastic, rubber, solvents or steel), select the recycled category ID for the line item.
Recycled category IDs take precedence over any other categories if the item is made of recycled
content. The recycled category Ids are marked with an “X” in the second column of the
“Alphabetical Listing – Category ID’s”
Enter an asterisk in this column if the item IS NOT taxable (e.g., in most cases freight, installations,
handling, and other services are not taxable)
Enter next consecutive line number for the freight line if there is a separate freight charge for your
order; enter the freight cost in the “unit price” column (Excel will automatically calculate the
Refer to “Examples of Funding on Requisitions” document for instructions on completing the
chartfield area