IPM: A conceptual and practical overview Paul Jepson IPPC Oregon State University OSU Integrated Plant Protection Center http://ipmnet.org/ Describing IPM on your farm • Prevention • Prevent introduction to the farm, pest reservoirs, spread between fields • Avoidance • Avoid pest susceptible crops or practices that increase pest losses • Monitoring • Monitor and identify pests, manage sites of high pest risk and use decision support tools • Suppression • Cultural, physical, biological and chemical methods of suppressing pests IT ALWAYS PAYS TO COMBINE THESE TACTICS TO MINIMIZE PEST RISKS ON YOUR FARM Balsam twig aphid, Giant conifer aphid Effectiveness $$ Monitor for populations or signs of honeydew from early spring; determine if populations are increasing, and how widespread they are No economic thresholds, yet * Beauvaria basiana (Mycotrol) Predator and parasite conservation with insectary plantings (selective pesticides) Natural enemy release (lacewings) *? ** ** Tactic Method Prevention Unknown (how do they enter fields/ natural hosts are widespread, derelict plantations?) Avoidance Unknown (variation in impact by tree species, site history, nutrition, management?) Monitoring & decision support Suppression (biological) Suppression (chemical) Note restrictions for aerial application, and SLN labels for some products Broad spectrum (toxic to beneficials): chlorpyrifos (Lorsban), oxydemeton-methyl (MSR), imidacloprid (Admire, Provado) Narrow spectrum, selective: pymetrozine (Endeavor), spirotetramat (Ultor, Movento) (may be toxic to predatory mites), soaps (Mpede) ? Not tried, but very effective in perennial crops **Worked in 2/3 of fields MI ** ** (but can promote outbreaks) *-** **, but some new AI’s ** Christmas tree aphids: pesticide toxicity to natural enemies Pesticide Admire, Provado Para adult Para larva >75% Pred bugs Pred mites ? ? 50-75% Endeavor Lorsban M-pede ?0-10% ? MSR M-Pede risks are low, but you would have to check that this works with your trees and sprayers, and probably use it early, or in low infestations Try not to use only one chemical type, and try to use a different mode-ofaction to chemicals used against other pests Resistance management seen as an issue Douglas fir needle midge (Contarinia spp.) Tactic Method Prevention Unknown: plenty of sources! Avoidance Late budding cultivars avoid damage Monitoring & decision support Traps used to detect adult emergence: very important in avoiding serious damage Suppression Shearing in low infestations. Parasitoids: and larval predation in soil possible (mechanical, biological) Suppression (chemical) Broad spectrum (toxic to beneficials): Acephate (Orthene, Lorsban etc) Narrow spectrum, selective: none available Effectiveness ** ** No economic $$ * * threshold, but a regulatory pest ** ? ** ** (may cause *-** outbreaks of other pests) Contarinia spp pesticide toxicity to natural enemies Pesticide Orthene Para adult Para larva Pred bugs Pred mites >75% Lorsban 50-75% 1) Only spray when necessary, but, of course: protect your trees 2) Encourage natural enemy populations on your farm, so that they can reinvade after treatment, and reduce the need for treatment in the long term. 3) May increase the likelihood of an aphid outbreak, if natural enemies are killed 4) Early sprays may not interfere with later emerging parasitoids – research needed, late sprays may limit next year’s populations Fam, Platygastridae; Genus Platygaster Fam, Pteromalidae; Genus Gastrancistrus IPPC Degree-Day Models including Douglas-Fir Needle Midge (Contarinia spp.) Len Coop, IPPC, OSU Corvallis Phenology Models – developed by field data using lowest error methods Need at least 3-4 years data from a variety of locations Doug fir needle midge – mostly from 1 trap/field, more than 20-47 fields 2009-2011 (provided by D. Silen) Plus data from OSU Extension 1990 Method is to vary the lower threshold and start date and use the value that provides lowest error Phenology Models – developed by field data using lowest error methods Here is how version 1 of the model looks w/2012 data: New interface to DD Models – Douglas-fir needle midge http://uspest.org/cgi-bin/ddmodel.us?spp=dnm Google maps for location selection Nothing else to do but click “Calc” Comparing output for N. Keizer and Aurora, 3rd June, 2013 Note different timings of critical events What the model is telling us: timing can vary by 5 weeks or more in cool vs. warm years Pest Management: Monitoring plays a major role especially since populations are cyclical (due to natural enemies perhaps?) 2012: 22 traps in 22 fields, 44 flies total 2011: 23 traps in 22 fields, 206 flies total 2010: 21 traps in 20 fields, 2 flies total 2009: 47 traps in 47 fields, >500 flies total Box trap Sticky trap Parasitic wasps of many pest species require nectar for energy Pests and natural enemies in Christmas trees Pest Natural enemy Aphids Ladybug, hoverfly, parasitoid, lacewing, ground beetles, spiders Midge Parasitoid Root weevils Nematodes Enhanced by pollen and nectar sources Planting opportunities Caneberry row ends Caneberry in-row Blueberry riparian habitat Blueberry in-row More farm walks in 2011 Blueberries PLANTS THAT BENEFIT POLLINATORS AND PARASITOIDS Early blooming Early Native Shrubs/Trees * Willows * Cherries: Prunus * Red Elderberry: Sambucus racemosa * Ceonothus Early Native Forbs * Lupine: Lupinus polyphyllus * Sulfur Buckwheat: Erigonum umbellatum Late blooming Late Native Shrubs * Coyote Bush: Baccharis * Ceonothus * Douglas Spirea Late Native Forbs * Pacific Aster: Aster chiliensis * Goldenrod: Solidago * Common Yarrow: Achillea millefolium * Scarlet Gilia: Ipomopsis aggregate * Common Gaillardia: Gaillardia aristata * Evening Primrose: Oenothera All species shown in the literature to support parasitic Hymenoptera Arthropod pesticide resistance database includes >500 species http://www.pesticideresistance.org/ RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT • Minimize selection for resistance by one ‘type’ of insecticide • Sequences or rotation of ‘Mode of Action’ (MoA) groups • Apply each MoA group during one stage of crop growth or pest development • Avoid treating successive generations of pests with same MoA group • Avoid spraying where possible; use IPM • Predators and parasites do not select for resistance: they represent a non-specific MoA group Aphid/midge pesticide mode-of-action for rotation Chemical class Pesticide Nitroguanidine nicotinoid Provado, Admire Pyridine azomethine Endeavor Soaps M-Pede Teramic acid Movento, Ultor Phosphoramidothioate Aliphatic organothiophosphate Pyridine organothiophosphate Orthene MSR Lorsban Orthene and Lorsban are both in the same mode of action group Lorsban is approved for both aphids and midges If you spray early against a midge infestation, consider a chemical from one of the other mode-of-action groups against aphids to avoid resistance selection, and also avoid a double hit to natural enemies. Pest Management: other considerations for needle midge -Work on larval exit timing in the fall to see if any remain in needles after harvest - Economic thresholds are lacking for Christmas tree pests in general, would be especially helpful for DFNM - More work should be conducted to distinguish the ID, biology, phenology, and parasitism of the three or more Contarinia species Maximizing Pesticide Application Efficiency Drift happens: waste, risky losses and reduced efficacy PRINTABLE FACT SHEET AVAILABLE AT IPMNET.ORG ENGLISH AND SPANISH VERSIONS AVAILABLE Seasonal drift risk table construction There is a high risk of drift occurring when: 1. Wind drift: Wind speeds > 9mph 2. Thermal drift: Temperatures > 70oF, RH <40% 3. Inversion drift: Stable air, following cool, cloudless nights in spring and fall THESE TABLES ARE BASED ON LONG-TERM AVERAGES AND ARE FOR GUIDANCE ONLY, TO ASSIST DISCUSSIONS ON HOW YOU SHOULD PLAN YOUR APPLICATION AND DRIFT MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN THE SEASON AHEAD Calendar of LOW risk, CAUTION and HAZARD for wind, thermal and inversion drift, Salem J F M A Mean wind speed 8 8 8 8 Low wind drift risk (% <7 mph) M J J A S O N D 7 7 7 8 8 7 7 7 38 38 39 42 45 45 44 46 46 44 36 39 Caution (7-11 mph) 22 25 27 29 30 31 32 27 24 20 25 24 Hazard (11 mph) 22 21 21 15 10 9 9 Mean max temp 47 51 56 61 67 73 80 80 75 64 52 46 RH 10am 84 81 75 70 65 62 57 58 64 76 85 85 RH 4pm 75 68 60 57 53 49 40 40 75 59 77 80 Proportion calm 18 16 14 14 14 14 14 18 21 24 17 17 8 9 10 22 20 IPM with reduced impacts on water quality SOURCE-REDUCTION PESTICIDE MITIGATION • substitute alternatives for pesticides • least-risk pesticides - biocontrol cultural physical & mechanical host-plant resistance • minimize amounts of pesticides applied - sampling & forecasting - economic thresholds - site:pesticide leaching & runoff potential - low hazard to aquatic organisms • eliminate off-target pesticide movement - formulation - application technology - buffers Addressing high surface water loadings: Hood River, OR Cultural Practices Mixing & Loading Maintenance & Calibration Spray Application Education in risks and their management, BMP’s and their implementation OSU-MCAREC OSU/DEQ Pesticide Stewardship Partnership: EDUCATION PROGRAM COMING TO CLACKAMAS WATERSHED FALL 2013 Early Spring Chlorpyrifos - Lower Neal Creek Average Acute WQS Chronic WQS Frequency T Maximum 1.0 0.350 0.8 0.300 0.250 0.6 0.200 0.4 0.150 0.100 0.2 0.050 0.000 0.0 2000 2001 - Not Sampled 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 Frequency Average (ug/l) 0.400 Clackamas PSP 2012 Spring and Fall Detection Frequency 90 80 * 70 60 50 40 over benchmark 50-100% of benchmark 30 10-50% of benchmark less than 10% of benchmark 20 * No benchmark # missing fall data 10 0