Departmental Annual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Self Study 2015 Instructions: Thank you for taking the time to reflect and develop on diversity and inclusion efforts within your department. From faculty to students to staff, the benefits of diversity come in many forms. You are encouraged to have a dialogue with your faculty about progress and challenges over the last year in meeting the objectives and mission of your department. For resources and ideas on how to discuss various topics, see the supportive feedback documents available here. Evaluation and Use of the Department Head/Chair Self Study Data: Each department head/chair annual review self-study and indicators will be reviewed by the Dean, the Provost, the Standing Committee on “Assessment” from the President’s Commission on the Status of University Women, ADVANCE Project TRACS Director, as well as serve as possible training and information for MSU Equity Advocates. Deans use these data to make recommendations and identify resources for departments that may benefit from additional support in pursuing their goals as well as to recognize exemplary and creative efforts to bring inclusion and equity to departments for faculty, students, and staff wherever possible. Name of Department: Department Head/Chair: Today’s Date: Annual Review for 2015 Does your department’s mission statement include language regarding equity, diversity, and inclusiveness for faculty, students and staff? If not, what is feasible for your department to do in communicating its commitment to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusivity? What have you accomplished this year toward accomplishing last year’s short-term plans for fostering departmental equity, diversity, and inclusiveness? Please identify your short-term plans for fostering departmental equity, diversity, and inclusiveness in the next year? What have you accomplished this year toward accomplishing last year's long-term plans for fostering departmental equity, diversity, and inclusiveness? Please identify your long-term plans for providing a supportive climate for promoting equity, diversity, and inclusiveness? What are the department's greatest strengths and successes in broadening equity, diversity and inclusiveness? What does the department see as the biggest challenge in promoting equity, diversity, and inclusiveness within the department? Campus-wide? For 2016, how will the department head/chair work to create a supportive climate for underrepresented faculty and students in the unit? What resources, if any, are needed to accomplish these goals? Are there any structural issues preventing culture change? Instructions: Because data are sometimes unreliable or lagging behind, we ask you to complete the following for your tenure track faculty. Such departmental indicators are also useful to illuminate successes and challenges. Please report data that best reflects your TT faculty data on December 31, 2015 Number of Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty by Gender and Rank TT Men - # Full Associate TT Women - # Assistant Total Full Associate Assistant Total # Faculty Total 2015 Department/University Leadership Roles by Gender (please list position title) Men (Names and number of obligations) Women (Names and number of obligations) 2015 TT Faculty Department/University Service by Gender in 2015 Men (Names and number of obligations) Women (Names and number of obligations) P&T Review Search Committee College/University Committee Other (please specify) Change in TT Faculty by Gender and Rank in 2015 TT Men - # Full TT Women - # Associate Assistant Full Associate Assistant New Hires Attrition Retirement Received Tenure Promotion (please specify transition) Leave of TT Faculty by Gender in 2015 One Semester Requested One Year TT Women - # TT Men - # Approved Requested Approved TT Men - # Requested TT Women - # Approved Requested Approved Sabbatical FMLA Modified Duties Other (please specify) TT Faculty Awards by Gender (please list names of awards) Men - # Nominated Women - # Awarded Nominated Awarded 2015 In what ways, if at all, have you, your faculty, and/or department been involved with ADVANCE Project TRACS and/or the Presidents Commission on the Status of University Women and/or the Diversity Awareness Office or other similar programs on campus?