Accommodation/Modification MIDDLE SCHOOL Hour/Activity Language arts Social studies Math Science Accommodation Modification *Reduced amount of required output *Note cards for oral presentations *Reduced content for spelling *Book club-give her a specific job during group work; Open-Ended Visual Strategies Closed Strategies Choice Strategies Yes/No Strategies *Group work with a defined job Open-Ended Visual Strategies Closed Strategies Choice Strategies Yes/No Strategies *Reduced amount of required output *Use of calculator *Peer grouping during experiments *Informational text reading highlighting of important points *Quadrant work for vocabulary Term Picture Defining Respond Open-Ended Visual Strategies Closed Strategies Choice Strategies Yes/No Strategies Open-Ended Visual Strategies Closed Strategies Choice Strategies Yes/No Strategies Open-Ended Visual Strategies Closed Strategies Choice Strategies Yes/No Strategies Other X X X X X X X Student enjoys fantasy. She will be Exposed to at least 3 of the 6 required genres Spelling will be modified by eliminating the Paragraph spelling format and requiring a spelling list format Research project: C. will be given a choice of how to present her finished product (ie ppt, poster, etc). All small projects will be centered around completing the final project. Avoid color coding During discussions, C. will be required to Make one “on topic” answer (when the question is posed by the teacher in either choice or closed strategy form)